mafia princess 3.2

It's been fifteen years since Mia's exit from her daughter and husband's lives and she misses them every single day but with her son, Justin and her good friend Bryan's support, she lives through the pain.

Mia owns a thriving fast food restaurant in Everlyfalls so they are living pretty comfortable lives and provide Justin with everything he needed.

Bryan on the other hand is into business and has played his part of a loving father excellently. Mia and Bryan have Justin convinced that Bryan is his real father. Up till this day he knows nothing about Ophie, Miles, Lauren or Mia's past in general and they plan on keeping it that way. Mia feels that it's best if Justin stays away from her past because he deserves a better life and childhood than she got.

"Justin!" Mia yells. It's Friday morning and that meant school.