mafia princess 3.3

Mia picks Justin up and takes him home. She usually leaves work early on weekdays but on weekends she works long hours and Justin helps her out. Yeah, don't think he works for free because Mia pays him well for his service and that's part of the reason he's able to afford a restaurant like Terrence on his own, the other reason is because Bryan gives him serious doses of weekly allowance.

Justin knows two things. One, he's going to pay for his date from his savings and two, he needs a reason to be out of the house at 7pm and he needs a car. The first thing is easy, the second…also easy because when he tells Mia that he wants to attend a party she will let him but he also needs a car. He could borrow Max's but unfortunately it's in repair but Mia has an extra car that he can borrow.

Mia doesn't know this but Justin can drive a car. I mean there is no way Max would learn to drive and leave Justin out of it.