mafia princess 3.15

"I just really like her" Justin says.

"Don't tell me you two have done it, have you?" Mia asks with furrowed brows.

"We've kissed a bunch of times but we've not had sex, mom" Justin says and Mia gasps.

"You've kissed?" Mia asks. You were just five the other day and now you're locking lips? Mia thinks.

"Yes" Justin says. Justin thinks that maybe he shouldn't have come to Mia's room tonight.

Mia shakes her head. "Who are you?" She asks. She surprised that she's excited but still a bit mad at Justin.

"Mom, relax" Justin says and Mia sighs. "I want her to be my girlfriend" Justin says.

"Okay Justin, this is too much information for one day, go to bed you have school tomorrow" Mia says.

Justin decides to listen. "Later then" Justin says.

Mia goes back to drinking her juice.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Justin asks.

"No, you're the one who has school tomorrow" Mia says.