mafia princess 3.16

Ophie's been having the time of her life at the Charity event. Two-man tables were provided so she sat with Charlotte and watched. Her plan to talk to the high-ranking officers like the sergeants and lieutenants is apparently not possible today because the adults are busy so you don't get to talk to them that easily. You've got to be really important if you want their attention.

After the event in which Ophie donated fifty bucks-all she has at the moment-Charlotte takes her to meet her fellow cadets.

It's currently 5pm.

"Guys, I want y'all to meet someone" Charlotte says as they approach a group of three guys and two girls. The group stop conversing and focus their attention on Ophie and Charlotte.

"This is Ophie Miller, she's gonna be a freshman here this fall" Charlotte says. "Ophie this is Trent, Sean, Wes, Hope and Ron" Charlotte says.

They all take turns shaking hands with Ophie.