mafia princess 3.20

"How are you?" Bryan asks.

"What do you think?" Justin asks.

"Justin I am so sorry" Bryan says. Bryan knows that under normal circumstances, this apology is bullshit because he's literally with Molly right now but the circumstances haven't been normal in fifteen years and he can't just leave Justin hurt, he needs to fix this for Justin.

Justin hesitates for a few seconds.

"Why did you do it again after you promised?" Justin asks. His voice is low.

"Because I'm…crazy, Justin you need to know that I'm not the best dad or husband and sometimes I make the worst decisions but I swear I love you and your mom and I would never hurt either of you intentionally" Bryan says.

"Let me get this straight, you cheating on mom…twice wasn't your intention?" Justin asks.


"And don't forget you were so quick to defend this Molly girl, do you love her? Do you have kids with her or something?" Justin asks and Bryan frowns.