mafia princess 3.21

Ophie stays silent the rest of the way and Chase lets her be.

Ophie likes Vanessa, Chase's mom but she wants to avoid her tonight and sneak out tomorrow morning. Miles knows Vanessa and if Vanessa finds out why Ophie's really at her house, she'll call Miles who will come over then Vanessa will talk Ophie into going home with her dad.

When Chase and Ophie walk in, they are approached by one of the house maids. Ophie knows this one.

"Miss Miller, it's been a minute, how are you?" Nina asks and Ophie gives her a small smile.

"I'm fine, thanks" Ophie says.

Always nice and polite. Chase thinks and smirks.

"Can I get you anything?" Nina asks and Ophie shakes her head.

I just need to get to a room. Ophie thinks.

"Water? A drink?" Nina asks.

"No, thanks" Ophie says. Ophie's plan to avoid Vanessa fails because Vanessa's coming down the stairs.

"Hey, mom" Chase says.