mafia princess 3.41

Seeing Justin in flesh, blood and in the same space as she made Ophie uneasy. She suddenly stopped paying attention to her friend Tracy. All through the time they spent at the counter she had her eyes on Justin and Naomi. They were on another date, but Ophie doesn't know who she is.

"Who are you looking at?" Tracy asked, tilting a bit to block Ophie's view.

Then Ophie faked a short laugh while gently pushing Tracy away. She needed someone to share her problems with, but then she didn't know if it was the right time to let Tracey know about her family's ugly past, and how she had been trying to connect with her mother. 

There was a possibility Tracy would know Justin because Everly Falls was really a small town, one that every neighbour was bound to know the next. But then she thought it too risky to expose her family to someone she had barely met. Even though Tracy seemed like a nice girl, she still had to tread cautiously around her.