mafia princess 3.42

Justin got home that evening with his heart paloptating to the fullest. Checking their driveway, he could only see Bryan's car parked so he knew his mother wasn't home. On a norm this would be a win for him as Bryan let him drive without telling on him. Even though he had failed Bryan once when he exposed him to Mia, Bryan still covered for him. To Justin Bryan was the best father in the world. But then, today was different.

As soon as he parked the car properly, he got out of it, and rushed into the house. Then he slammed the front door so loud, that Bryan got alarmed. Bryan who was sipping a glass of wine at the sitting room area, quickly reached for his gun which was at his side pocket.

In order not to scare Justin, he restrained himself from pulling it out. Then he stood up from the couch, and walked towards the front door where Justin had his back against the door while trying to catch his breath.

"Is everything okay?" He asked him, raising a brow.