mafia princess 3.43

"What the hell Bryan!" Mia yelled, hitting him roughly in his chest. 

Then she made to walk away when he held her back. 

"Mia, wait," Bryan said to her. Stopping for a while she looked at him, and then she forcefully pulled her hands away from him.

"Mia!" Bryan kept calling but she ignored him and kept walking towards the restaurant.

Standing outside for a moment, Bryan was stuck on what steps to take next. He had failed Mia by always allowing Justin to take the car out. She didn't know this yet and when she knew he would be in bigger trouble than he was at the moment.

Before he could take another step, Mia pushed open the doors and trudged towards her car without saying a word. She had instructed her most trusted worker to lock the restaurant when the last customer left. This was to enable her to go home and deal with her problems.

"Mia," Bryan called out, standing in her way.