
Pain exploded in Lucas' side as he slammed into the brick wall of the fireplace. Fortunately, the embers had died down and he had just missed entering the fireplace.

Lucas was disorientated and his ears were ringing. It took him a moment to realize that an explosion had thrown him out of the chair he had fallen asleep in and a strange green smoke was quickly filling the room.

Even with his sharp eyesight he could not see all the way across the room to where Eva had been sleeping on the bed. He tried to take a deep breath to steady himself, but the smoke was filling the room so completely that he ended up coughing heavily.

Across the room he could make out a similar cough from the direction of the bed.

Eva is in trouble. That thought helped him wake up more and he quickly rose to his feet. His change in orientation made his head spin and a wave of nausea had him steadying himself against the wall.