At Least We Have An Inventory

After being pointed to the silver gear icon by his ghost companion, Horu gave a flustered laugh before clicking onto the icon. Just like the settings for an iPad, the system owner's acc name and details were shown in the top left corner of the holographic panel. Then right below the user id were the settings for system notifications, system sounds and system screen time etc.

Scrolling through the 30+ different settings, Horu finally stopped at the 'aA' icon before clicking on it to resize the texts of his apps. At the same time, he also unbold the texts to make it look neat and clean which Sion thought was unnecessary.

After exiting the settings, Horu's holographic panel shrunk down to a third of its original size, much like the size of a tablet now.

"Now, let's get started." Looking at the holographic panel in front of him, Horu stretched his fingers before beginning to inquire about the features of his Wasteland Wanderer System. Clicking on the backpack icon on the holographic panel, another holographic panel with 100 slots popped up to his side. The words, 'Inventory', could be seen written on the top left hand corner of the new holographic panel.

"Old ghost, please hand me something I can throw into the Inventory. I need to check whether I can keep or pull stuff out of my system's Inventory without difficulty."

Upon request, Sion handed Horu a pebble.

Throwing the pebble into his Inventory screen, the holographic panel buzzed for a moment before the image of a rock could be seen occupying the first slot of Horu's Inventory. Sadly, his Inventory screen did not display the name of the item thrown inside. " The word 'Pebble' was probably not invented when this system of mine was created. Oh well, at least I can tell that image is a rock."

After that, Horu proceeded to click on the rock image before swiping it out to the very left side of the inventory. The rock image disappeared from his Inventory screen before the same pebble that was previously thrown inside appeared in Horu's palm. "Alright, I have confirmed that my system's Inventory does work properly. Next up is....the quest panel!"

Closing his inventory by pressing the 'x' icon on the top right hand corner of the holographic panel, Horu clicked on an icon that showed a scroll. Following that, a small holographic scroll appeared before him before it unfurled itself to reveal a list of ancient and cryptic runes. When Horu tried pressing on one of these runes however, a new system message zapped his hand away before displaying a string two words in big, red, bold letters: [Function Unavailable].

Sion saw this and said, "Looks like the system's questing function is unusable now. But I do wonder, what kind of quest would this Wasteland Wanderer System give to improve their user? And what kind of reward would be given after completing the quest?"

"Maybe something like [New quest: Find an oasis.] and the reward would be a compass?" [Horu]

"Makes sense. Wait, that means the first few quests would be survival type quests and the rewards were either a bottle of water or a crude knife...Sounds fun." [Sion]

"Anyways, even if the questing function still works, I'm already a True God. The difficulty of the quests the system gives should not exceed SSS-rank and the rewards given would not exceed SSS-rank either. My current cultivation realm has long passed that which the system can assess anyways. The rewards would also be considered shit in my eyes." [Horu]

"I agree. Even when I was the administrator of my disciple's system, I couldn't give him quests that even I find it hard to complete lest he dies too quickly." [Sion]

"Wasn't your disciple a zombie?" [Horu]

"So what if he's a zombie? His soul was that of a Devil Lord. Just the tiniest amount of a priestess's magic is able to wipe his soul from existence. Haiz, it was tough to keep him alive while he hid his identity as an undead." [Sion]

"But he succeeded, didn't he? Your disciple succeeded in becoming a Celestial and had his name recorded into the annals of Celestial Demon Court. That's an achievement worth boasting about." [Horu]

Sion the ghost merely nodded back. In reality, Sion was indeed proud that his disciple succeeded in life. The ghost was even more happy when his friends brought up the legends and stories of his disciple.

Closing the holographic scroll with a swipe of his finger, Horu proceeded to lightly tap the sword icon once before a status screen appeared. But upon taking a closer look, Horu and Sion could only see question marks everywhere.


Name: Osoroshi Horu

Job: ???

Level: ???

Title: ???


Health: ???

Mana: ???


Str: ??? Int: ???

Vit: ??? Luck: ???

Agi: ???


Remaining points: ( - )


Looking at the status screen riddled with question marks everywhere, the two could only shake their heads and sigh helplessly.

"Great, even my system's status screen is busted. It seems like my True God realm has far exceeded the calculating capabilities of the system itself. That's a bummer." [Horu]

"Well, of all the functions the Wasteland Wanderer System possesses, at least we have an Inventory." [Sion]

"Wasteland Wanderer System...only the Inventory is usable." Horu sighed dejectedly.