Paranoia (Ch.18)

It had been hours since Kaylani returned from the home of the next door neighbor and she had spent the past half a day just laying on her bed, her covers pulled over herself.

All the paranoia and terror Kaylani had previously worked her way around and even forgotten with Summer's arrival returned in full fold and Kaylani felt sick to her stomach.

The mere thought that a blood sucking creature had been living right next door to her for who knows how long horrified her to no ends.

Kaylani could not understand why she of all people had to encounter such a horrifying situation, this was the last thing she needed on her week off.

All Kaylani had looked forward to was catching up on all the rest she had missed, but it seemed to her that that was no longer an option.

How could Kaylani get any rest knowing what existed a short distance from her mansion? Kaylani doubted she would ever be able to sleep a wink ever again with the unforgettable image of red blood eyes and sharp fangs dripping blood.

It was a horrifying reality that out of the millions of people living in Evercrest City, a vampire had chosen to move into the home next to hers.

She figured it was no wonder she had encountered him in the alleyway close to the estate, it was because he actually lived in the estate.

Perhaps he had woken up and decided to explore the neighborhood and suddenly, that poor, unfortunate man passed by looking delicious in his eyes and so he drank him dry.

That man was probably a husk of a corpse now, devoid of every ounce of blood and a murder investigation would be underway at the police department and they would most likely never find out the monster was right here,

Living like some normal human, right next door to Kaylani.

'There's a vampire next door... there's actually a fucking, real life vampire next door! Fuck! What am I going to do?!' Kaylani thought.

These were the thoughts that constantly replayed through her mind as she pulled her knees up closer to her chest, wrapping her hands around them,

Kaylani shuddered beneath the covers as her overactive mind conjured up scenarios that each ended up with her getting killed in one gruesome way or another.

"Urrrggh!" Kaylani groaned as she turned over in her bed, being in a constant state of apprehension and wariness was something she was not familiar with.

As a medical practitioner, she had long learnt to maintain a state of calm in all situations and it had been far too long she had experienced such intense emotions like terror.

The feeling was completely unpleasant and it was not something Kaylani hoped to experience frequently,

At this very moment, Kaylani wondered how she could get her mind off of this reality, distract her mind from it's fear but no matter how she thought of it, she could not come up with anything that could possibly work.

"Lani!" Summer exclaimed for the hundredth time from where she sat watching Kaylani in astonishment.

"Just what exactly is going on with you? You're buried under you covers and hugging it so tight as though it's your lifeline! You've spent hours in there and the day is almost over!" Summer continued in a displeased tone.

"Leave me alone Sums." Kaylani murmured as she hugged the covers closer to her chest.

Her present situation was one she could not explain to Summer even though she dearly wished she could talk about it to someone and figure out what to do.

How did she begin to explain that the mysterious hottie neighbor they had just met was infact a terrifying vampire she had caught draining the blood out of a helpless victim?

How could she explain they had just welcomed a creature of the night from mythologies into their neighborhood, even gifted him the cookies they had spent hours baking as a welcome gift.

How could she explain that they were now in danger of a certain neighbor finding their blood attractive at any moment and then just how could they escape certain death?

It was at this point Kaylani realized for the first time that this estate she had chosen to live in was far too isolated...