A Night Out (Ch.19)

It was at this point Kaylani realized for the first time that this estate she had chosen to live in was far too isolated

Most of the home owners were business moguls or had one busy job or the other and were hardly ever home.

Kaylani herself was rarely home, had it not been for the weekends and the few times she took the week off.

If something were to happen, the estate security personnel's would be too far away to come to their aid,

And although Kaylani was confident in her self defense skills, if everything those mythological books told of vampires were true, then of what use were self defense techniques?

'No...I need to figure out a way, I need to be prepared for anything.' Kaylani told herself, as she shot up to a sitting position in her bed.

Kaylani wondered if there were any articles that told of how to escape a vampire's clutches, or how to kill one even...

'Kill? Hell no! I save lives! What's this about killing?!' Kaylani stopped her train of thought in horror.

Kaylani could not believe she had actually just considered taking a life out of the blue.

'What am I even thinking? All I have to do is stay as far away from it...him as possible. No one is killing anyone Lani!' Kaylani mentally reprimanded herself sternly.

"Aiya!" Kaylani exclaimed as she dropped back down into her bed, rolling over from left to right on her bed whilst holding her head in frustration as she tried to get the horrifying thoughts out of her mind.

All the while, Summer watched her best friend's strange behavior in amazement and at some point, she was completely fed up.

"No! This won't work! I can't waste my Saturday like this!...You! Get Up!" Summer ordered Kaylani as she stormed over to her and pulled off the covers forcefully.

"Urrrggh! Leave me alone Summer!" Kaylani groaned, kicking her legs against the bed and shaking her head brattily.

Kaylani turned over on her bed and pulled her pillow over her head, all she wanted at this moment was to wallow in peace and quiet till she regained calm, but obviously, Summer had other plans.

"No! I finally got a day off on Saturday and I left all other options to come here to my best friend and what?! No way! You're getting up right this minute, you're getting into that shower and getting yourself ready for a night out." Summer insisted,

Kaylani sighed at Summer's attempts to guilt trip her as she rolled over to face upwards, truly Summer didn't get a lot of Saturdays off and she felt slightly bad to be ruining it for her with her moodiness.

Kaylani felt perhaps a night out would also be a good distraction for her as she truly needed to get her mind off of this budding paranoia.

"Fine." Kaylani murmured as she got up to her feet, ignoring Summer's excited squeal, she headed into her washroom and quickly washed up before she got out again.

Kaylani quirked a brow as she got out to find Summer rummaging through her closet, most likely searching for the right dress to force Kaylani into.

Kaylani rolled her eyes as she pulled her bathrobe tighter around herself.

"How long is this going to take?" Kaylani asked, although she could already guess the answer.

"A while, go sit." Summer ordered,

Kaylani sighed but flopped down on her bed, grabbing a cookie from the tray Summer must have brought up while she was in the bathroom.

Kaylani munched on the cookie while leaning against her head rest and watching Summer toss her clothes everywhere.

Kaylani winced at the sight, thinking of just how long it would take her to get her closet back into order after Summer was done.

However Kaylani knew better than to say anything, after hours of just sitting and watching Kaylani mope, the party crazy Summer was finally unleashed at the idea of 'A night out.'

This kind of Summer was not the one you wanted to dissuade or even interrupt.

As a photographer that worked with top magazines and models, Summer had a great fashion sense and Kaylani knew she would not stop searching till she found a dressed she deemed suitable.

Kaylani poured herself a glass of orange juice and watched patiently, not even surprised when an hour passed by and Summer was not anywhere close to making a decision.

It took the better part of another hour before Summer finally displayed a satisfied grin as she lifted two dresses to Kaylani's sight.