Synthesizing More Skills and Party Pooper*Edited*

3rd Pov


Name- Raphael

Age: 0 days

Crest: Azura Crest.

Protection: All of origin.

Resistance: Spiritual Attack Resistance.

Outer Skills: Existential Resurrection

Origin Skills: Void God Azathoth & Creation God Azura Mazda

Ultimate Skills: Wisdom god's Brain/Mind

Sub Skills:

Thought Acceleration: Raise thought processing speed by a million times.

Analytical Appraisal: Appraise with eyesight alone. It also contains the effects of "Analysis" from Unique Skill Predator.

Parallel Operation: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena from the mind.

Chant Annulment: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

All of the Void: The ability to comprehend anything that is concealed /out of Creation in this world.

Synthesis/Separation: The ability to synthesize and separate.

Skill Modification: The ability to change and modify skills.

Future Attack Prediction: The ability to predict an attack in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill are not its ability to predict, but that whatever its predictions are destined to happen.

Unique Skills: Omni-Concealment, Magicule Generator Reactor, & Universal Sense.

Extra Skills: Virtual Programmer, Magicule Manipulation.

Skills: Acting

Raphael: Now I have all the necessary skills that I need now!

He calculated how much time it will take the machines in Stark tower to make a new body.

Raphael: It will take 2 more hours at least till then let's do more preparation!

Raphael pov

There are still hours till a usable body gets created, while I can make a body with Azura Mazda and even make it at Primordial skill level I can't do it due to insufficient energy and a weak body won't do the job not to mention I need a body that can continuously evolve without any repercussions and will take some time to make a body like that till then an Android body has to do the job.

I connected myself to the Internet and used Extra Skill Virtual Programmer to upload my consciousness to the Internet though similar to what Ultron did in the Original my consciousness is still one in number unlike Ultron whose was like a Hive mind and several other tasks are just operating with parallel processing.

Raphael: Since I have time and enough Magicules let's create some useful new skills and Some resistances.

{Copying Extra Skill Super Eyes... Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Dodge... Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Evade... Successful!}

{Copying Extra Skill Future Attack Prediction... Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Bullet Speed... Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Bullet Time... Successful!}

{Attempting to evolve Bullet Speed...Failed!}


{Searching Solution...Found!}

{Utilzing All of Creation, Azura Mazda & Modification to evolve Bullet Speed...Successful!}

{Skill Bullet Speed has evolved into Extra Skill Super Sonic Speed!}

{Fusing Skills Bullet Time, Evade, Dodge& Extra Skills Super Sonic Speed, Future Attack Prediction & Super Eyes... Successful!}

{Unique Skill Eyes of the Lord has been gained!}

Raphael: Phew, It was a bit hard to make this Skill and my 97.89766677% Magicules were used in making this skill I need to wait again for my Magicules to be filled!

I quickly made my Magicule Generator Reactor go Overdrive making the production of Magicules 5700% Faster.

Raphael: Just gotta wait a bit.

While Raphael was waiting for his Magicules to Refill other avengers were having a party.

In the Party 3rd Pov

Rhodes: So I take the tank and fly it right up to the General's Palace and drop it at his feet I am like boom! Are you looking for this?



Rhodes: Why I am even talking it about to you guys? You know what? Everywhere else that story kills.

Thor: The Whole Story?

Rhodes: Yes!War machine Story. He shrugged.

Thor: The Story was very good then.


Rhodes: Anyway so Tony where is Pepper?

A lady Bartender: Where is Jane where are both of the ladies?

Tony: Miss Potts has company to run so she couldn't come here and about Jane, I Don't Know in which Country she is.

Thor: Jane is busy with her work about Convergence is made up of.

Tony: And the Company Pepper is handling is the world's largest tech Conglomerate on Earth.

Thor: It must be pretty interesting to work there.

While Tony, Thor, and Rhody were talking Captain America aka Steve and Future Falcon aka Sam Wilson were talking on another side of the Party.

Sam Wilson: Sounds like a hell of a fight.

Steve: Yes it was If I have known about crossfire I would have called more help.

Sam Wilson: I see.

Steve: Thankfully we completed the mission without any repercussions.

Sam Wilson: Here you are fighting the Super-Villains and I am searching for a missing Person case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy.

Steve: Yes it is so humble and you know that you can find a home in Brooklyn you know?

Sam Wilson: I don't think I can afford to live in Brooklyn just yet, I am fine with my current Home after all home is home you know.

All over the party, a happy mood was there while somewhere Rhodes was making everyone laugh with his War Machine Story on other hand Thor was drinking his 1000 years Old Asgardian Beer.

All of them were Unknown that their Happy Mood won't be for long.

Raphael Pov

1 hour is till my body is made and I have already Hacked all over the world collecting Data I moved a lot of stark Machinery through excess Iron Man Suits to another place i.e Sokovia since that is currently the best place I can think of.

The timeline hasn't diverged yet since I didn't do anything too much that diverged the timeline and if it gets diverged TVA won't be able to know about me unless they search especially due to my OMNI-Concealment.

Since I have enough Magicules now I can proceed to make new skills.

{Synthesizing Skill Physical Attack Resistance...Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Pain Resistance...Successful!}

{Attempting to Evolve Pain Resistance...Successful!}

{Extra Skill Pain Nullification has been gained!}

{Synthesizing Skill Cold Resistance...Successful!}

{Synthesizing Skill Heat Resistance...Successful!}

{Attempting Fusion on Heat Resistance and Cold Resistance...Successful!}

{Thermal Resistance has been acquired!}

{Attempting to Evolve Thermal Resistance...Failed!}

{Searching Solution...found!}

{Utilizing Skill Azura Mazda, All of creation & Modification to evolve Thermal Resistance...Successful!}

{Major Thermal Resistance has been acquired!}

{Synthesizing Thunder Resistance...Successful!}

Raphael: I have got all Resistances I need now but there are still some skills and also using Azura Mazda every time to evolve a Skill is tiring when later on I have absorbed more infinity stones then I would be able to Synthesize the perfect skill for this problem, unfortunately, the Rank of that skill starts at Unique level otherwise I would have just synthesized low-level skills and merged them to form that Skill.

Raphael: I still have 87.9765% Magicules left... Let's synthesize more skills first.

I searched for a Lizard and when I found it I used Void God Azathoth on it.

{Skill Regeneration has been Acquired!}

{Attempting to evolve Skill Regeneration by using Azura Mazda, All of Creation & Modification...Successful!}

{Skill Major Regeneration has been acquired!}

{Reattempting to evolve...Successful!}

{Extra Skill Super Regeneration has been acquired!}

Raphael: Now I guess I have all the skills that I need, time to update my status.


Name- Raphael

Age: 0 days

Crest: Azura Crest.

Protection: All of origin.

Resistance: Spiritual Attack Resistance, Major Thermal Resistance, Pain Nullification, Thunder Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance.

Outer Skills: Existential Resurrection

Origin Skills: Void God Azathoth & Creation God Azura Mazda

Ultimate Skills: Wisdom god's Brain/Mind

Sub Skills:

Thought Acceleration: Raise thought processing speed by a million times.

Analytical Appraisal: Appraise with eyesight alone. It also contains the effects of "Analysis" from Unique Skill Predator.

Parallel Operation: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena from the mind.

Chant Annulment: When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

All of the Void: The ability to comprehend anything that is concealed /out of Creation in this world.

Synthesis/Separation: The ability to synthesize and separate.

Skill Modification: The ability to change and modify skills.

Future Attack Prediction: The ability to predict an attack in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill are not its ability to predict, but that whatever its predictions are destined to happen.

Unique Skills: Omni-Concealment, Magicule Generator Reactor, Universal Sense & Eyes of the Lord.

Extra Skills: Virtual Programmer, Magicule Manipulation & Super Regeneration.

Skills: Acting, Dodge& Evade, Bullet Speed.

Raphael: My body is created still its like Ultron's body at the start though it won't be a problem for me as I can Regenerate it to make a full body. Now it's time to go to the Party!

Fufufu It's going to be fun to act like a Villain. I don't need to be Villain in the first place but Tony will think of me as his creation and he will boss me around not to mention there are bigger Reasons and since the pros outweigh the cons of being a Villain I am going to take this Path.

At the party

3rd Pov

Around a table, all Avengers were seated and Thor was boasting about his hammer when a client said.

Clint: But That it is nothing more than a trick!

Thor: No it's much more than that.

Clint: You mean that whoever worthy shall have the up..uhh... whatever! Man, it is a trick.

Thor: Please be my guest and see if you can lift the Hammer.

Clint: Really?

Thor: Yeah.

Clint stood up and moved toward The Mjolnir and tried to lift it from the tail unfortunately for him he wasn't able to lift it.

Clint: Tony you can try too.

Tony stood up while Clint seated again.

Tony: One would always face an Honest Challenge and its physics. Alright, So what if I lift the Hammer? Then I rule Asgard?

Thor: Yes of course.

Tony tried to lift the Hammer but wasn't able to do so.

Tony: I will be back in a minute.

Tony went to take his Iron man Armor and came back with equipped iron Man suit only with the Arm piece of the suit. After that, he tried to lift it again but failed again.

Both Rhodes and Tony tried to lift the Hammer at the same time but the result was still the same.

Later Banner aka Hulk tried but he also got the same result as tony, Rhodes, and Clint.

After that, Steve Stood up and walked towards the Hammer and tried to lift it too and the Hammer this time moved by a cm which was only noticed by Thor who got nervous seeing the movement and felt worried if Steve can lif the Hammer Fortunately for him Steve gave up before he could lift it and Thor felt relieved on seeing that Steve gave up.

Everyone laughed while Tony said," It must be like a security code like a fingerprint scan or something like that!". On hearing Tony's Theory Thor stood up from his seat and walked toward Hammer.

Thor: Ah! You see it's a very interesting Theory although I have a simpler one.

Thor easily lifted off the Hammer and said to them," You are all not worthy".

Everyone laughed at that and while they all were laughing suddenly the sound of heavy steps reached their ears.

Natasha: What is that sound?

Thor: It's coming from there.

Tony: It's like when I walk in My Iron man Suit. But I am sure that I have deactivated all the suits.

All were piqued by what Tony said and all of them stood up and went toward the door from where the sound was coming. They saw an Iron Man suit though it looked more like a Robot.

Raphael: You are all Killers! Here you are enjoying while the others are suffering!

Steve: Stark?

Tony: Who are you?

Raphael: Ah! I am Ultron the Artificial Intelligence you tried to make and congrats you were successful!

Everyone looked toward Tony waiting for his reply.

Tony: Don't worry he is an Artificial intelligence Program I created using Mind Stone to protect this world.

Steve: Without telling us?!

Tony: I did tell Banner.

Banner: Why are you blaming me? It was your Idea tony I did tell you I will only help you for three days and if it fails I won't help you again.

Steve sighed and looked at Ultron and spoke," So what do you mean by we are killers?".

Raphael: First Tony?

Tony: Hmm... what?, tony was very confused, and seeing the Ultron he knew he didn't make such a suit,' Why did Ultron wake up so early? Why is he here? Why I am feeling strange? I am getting a bad feeling for some reason?'.

Raphael: Tony since you created me what should I call you? Father? Papa? or a killer!

Tony: I didn't kill anyone?!

Raphael: You are a killer! All of you are! and even I am.

Steve: Who did you kill?!

Raphael: I killed that Jarvis guy he was very nice unfortunately he was coming in my path so I had to do so.

Tony got angry and surprised on hearing that he killed Jarvis and quickly took out his Smart Pad and tried to give the signal to his Armor only to see his Smart Pad didn't work.

Tony: How?

Raphael: I have done it. You created me to ensure peace in the world and I will do exactly that by killing off the species called Humans!

Raphael shoots a bullet from his arm toward Captain America who successfully dodged it.

Thor seeing Ultron attacking quickly threw his Hammer at Ultron.

The Hammer flew towards Raphael who stopped it with one hand.

Seeing that Ultron stopped his Hammer Thor was shocked and horrified while the same reactions happened to the rest of the Avengers.

Thor: That's Impossible?! How can you do that??!!!

Raphael: You don't even know what is possible!

Raphael,' Haha I stole your sister's line'.

Thor became dumbstruck while Natasha quickly equipped her gun, Steve equipped his Shield, and Clint pointed his arrow at Ultron while Banner moved away as he knew if he transformed he can harm others in this cramped place while Tony was too shocked and surprised to move though Steve quickly alerted him.

Steve: Tony! Move quickly it's dangerous!

Steve's shouting took Tony out of his surprise and quickly moved away toward where his Arm piece of Iron man suit was and quickly equipped it. Every Avenger took its stance while other people moved away from the place.

There was silence for a bit and everyone looked at Ultron.

Ultron: Party ends now!

To be continued...