I am Raphael! Part 1*Edited*

3rd Pov

Ultron: Party ends now!

On Ultron's shouting Clint aka Hawkeye released his arrows at Ulton which Ultron didn't dodge or evade and let hit him and the arrows exploded releasing smoke soon the smoke got cleared and all saw Ultron without a scratch and still Holding the Thor's Hammer.

Seeing Nothing Happened to Ultron Natasha aka Black Widow quickly fired her gun and Steve aka Captain America throws his Shield aiming at Ultron's Head which Ultron Casually stopped with his other hand Tony aka Iron Man shoot his laser beams at Ultron but unfortunately for him it didn't put even a scratch on him. While this was happening Thor was trying to call back his Hammer which he failed.

Thor: How I cannot call back my Hammer?!

Steve: We didn't even injure him!

Clint: My arrows aren't harming him either.

Steve: Stark?! Tell us how our attacks aren't working!

Tony: I don't know! His body should be made up of the same metal as my suit and even though my suit is quite resilient these attacks should at least affect him!

Ultron looked at them and spoke," Is it all? Are you guys done attacking?".

Everyone looked nervous when Ultron spoke and then they saw what shocked and Horrified them.

Raphael Pov

Raphael: Party ends now!

On my shouting Hawkeye shooter his arrows at me which I didn't dodge as due to my Thermal Resistance and Physical Attack Resistance this thing can't even put a scratch on me.

Soon the gunshots of Black Widow followed the attacks of Hawkeye and after that Tony attacked me with his Plasma Beams well still not as scratch as these low-level attacks can't affect me due to my Resistance. Caps aimed his shield at my head and throws at me which I casually stop with my other hand.

While They became shocked that their attacks didn't affect me I accelerated my mind.

Mind Acceleration 1000000 times

'Hmm... While I want to enjoy beating them and slowly collecting all the infinity gems it will be not good for me as I already have destroyed the mind stone and when the time comes for the creation of Vision which is impossible now the timeline will diverge at that point of time and even If I beat Avengers now timeline will Diverge again and I need to deal with Kang quickly.' thought Raphael.

Soon I made a decision,' I need to speedrun and get all the powers quickly and then evolve for maximum boost and then deal with Kang. Though it will make boring and the plot will quickly change and I won't be able to enjoy it does not matter as after timeline divergence there will be many alternate timelines and even the Original one which I can enjoy and there are thousands of Variations of the Marvel universe on which I can enjoy like Cartoon ones, Comic Ones, etc. So I guess it's better to get powered up first, Speedrun everything and then enjoy later on,' I thought as I quickly came out of my accelerated mind state.

I looked at the Avengers and Spoke, "Is it all? Are you guys done attacking?"

They all focused on me while I shouted.

Raphael: Devour this Crutch and the Shield! Void God Azathoth!

While they gave confused and nervous looks two purplish-black patches of fog both came out of my hand and covered the Shield and Hammer breaking them as sounds of metal breaking his heard the shield and hammer disappeared with the purplish-black fogs.

Mind acceleration 1000000 times

{Uru Metal has been acquired!}

{Vbranium Metal has been acquired!}

{Skill RuneMagic has been acquired!}

{Extra Skill Thunder Manipulation has been acquired!}

{Extra Skill Weather Manipulation has been acquired!}

{Attempting to evolve Extra Skill Thunder manipulation...Successful!}

{Unique Skill Lighting Manipulation has been acquired!}

{Attempting to Create a body with Uru and Vibranium}

{Attempting to Fuse Vibranium and Uru...Successful!}

{Data About Vibranium& Uru alloy has been acquired}

{Renaming Vibranium & Uru alloy as Orichalcum...Successful!}

{Changing body into Orichalcum...Successful!}

{Extra Skill Orichalum Body Has been Acquired}

Soon my body became stronger and now I have a high Magic talent body. Nice!

Although I can use Skills respective to the Body and even Magic which are made Skills the power of Magic decreases by 15% as it is used by the body with no magic talent however it is not the case now and the fact I will use Magicules as Energy for my Magic will boost them Highly!.

Though My half of the Magicules are drained.

I came out of my accelerated State and saw the faces of the Avengers who were Horrified, Bewildered, Suprised, and Shocked.

Raphael: Thank you for making my Body Stronger.

Thor seeing that his Hammer was destroyed went into a rage and ran towards me aiming to punch me at Face.

Steve: Thor! No!

Tony: Thor he is too dangerous! Don't fight him in melee!

Thor didn't listen to their shouts and punched me and I didn't evade it.


The sound of Metal hitting echoed throughout the Stark Tower and Thor's punch didn't move me from my Original Place even by an inch. Thor while a bit shocked recovered quickly and being still in his rage state he punched me continuously.

While he was punching me Some bullets shot at me got reflected and the person who shot was Agent Hill.' She is attacking me? With guns? fuufufufu even she saw that this type of attack won't harm me at all I guess for her doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

Raphael: Now it's my turn to attack you.

Thor: How?! Ho...How did you break my Hammer?! Why my punches aren't Affecting you?!

Raphael,' He got crazy or what? I guess Thor still has his pride and well he did love his Hammer like it was his wife'.

Raphael: I don't answer Mongrels! Take my Ultimate attack! BitchSlap!

Raphael,' Haha I made Giglamesh proud but still got out of my character for a bit well not that I care'.

3rd Pov

Ultron: I don't answer Mongrels! Take my Ultimate attack! BitchSlap!

Ultron slapped Thor who due to Ultron's attack flew outside the Stark Tower and broke the glasses in the way falling outside the building.

Banner who was looking at all of this was Horrified and decided that to stop Ultron he needs to Transform.

Banner: Guys! Go away from Ultron! I am going to Transform!

Steve: Very well! You are our last hope!

Natasha: I have contacted the Shield they will be coming soon.

Clint: Where is Tony?!

Steve: He has gone to equip his Iron suit.

Clint nodded and quickly everyone ran away from Ultron while Banner went towards Ultron and Transformed into Hulk.

Hulk: Smash!!!

Hulk Smashed Ultron with both of his hands and Ultron Punched in return both of their Punched met and a shockwave was released breaking all the glass windows and making cracks appear on the floor.

Ultron quickly went Bullet Speed and Punched Hulk sideways making him fall out of the tower.

Ultron slowly levitated from the ground and flew outside the Tower.

Hulk fell from the building on the road and roared scaring people around him who quickly started running away from him.

Shield and Police arrived quickly and started evacuating the people to safety.

Ultron slowly levitated toward the road while Hulk jumped toward him.

Ultron,' it is going to be fun.

In Kamar Taj

3rd Pov

Ancient One: A few hours ago the time stone responded weirdly for some reason although I tried to find the reason I couldn't.

Ancient One Sighed, she was really worried about what reason the time stone acted weirdly during that time as it never reacted that way previously, and neither did there are notes on this subject from the previous holders of the Time Stone.

As she was thinking time stone glowed again and Ancient One decided to try again with what is wrong with Time Stone but unfortunately she couldn't find any reason while Time Stone's glow faded away.

Ancient One:*Sigh* Still couldn't find the reason I guess I would look at the future to make sure the future that is going to occur is a safe one.

She tried to look into the future but to her shock, she couldn't see the future or possible futures.

Ancient: Why I can't look into the future?! Is something blocking it? No, it can't be as those Cosmic beings won't pay much attention to the mortal world not to mention Infinity Gems are Universe's one of the most powerful forces so it can't be blocked unless something Multiversal level or... another Infinity Gem is blocking it.

Ancient One Thought that the reason for the time stone not working properly must be caused by another Infinity Stone and decided to look into the matter later on.

Ancient One: I will look into this later on for now let's see the news.

She switched on the TV and switched the channel to the News.

News Reporter: As you can see that Avengers and Police are trying to fight this Robot being. Due to the previous fight between Hulk and this Robot, many buildings have been destroyed and there are many casualties.

Ancient One looked surprised at seeing this News and became Nervous.

Ancient One: No this shouldn't be like this Ultron and Avengers' first fight shouldn't have been escalated to this level. This isn't the future I saw previously with time stone there wasn't any possibility of this future.

She resumed the news and saw Avengers losing easily. She frowned and spoke," The strange behavior must have to do something with Ultron... hmm... Should I intervene? No, for now, I will wait and watch, and Once my suspicions are confirmed I will Intervene".

In Time Variance Authority

Mobius: So you can't find out the reason for the Timeline Divergence?!

A Random Worker 1: No Sir we can't find the reason for the timeline Divergenvce and the fact that this timeline branch that has diverged isn't diverging again is shocking enough".

A Random Worker: Yes Sir Despite this one Timeline that has diverged there aren't any other Timeline divergences is very shocking... It is like this parallel timeline behaving the same as the main one.

Mobius: This is impossible! Are you sure that this isn't some kind of error in the equipment?!

A Random Worker 1: We are sure Sir! There aren't any faults in the equipment!

Mobius sighed and heard the footsteps from behind and turned backward and saw Ravonna his Superior.

Mobius: Ravonna! Have you informed the Time Keepers about this?!

Ravonna: Yes I have informed them and they have replied that for now, we don't need to do anything.

Mobius: Are you sure?! I think the timeline divergence is caused by Loki!

Ravonna: You don't need to worry about this Timekeepers already have said that we don't need to take any action they will solve it.

Mobius while not satisfied with the answer, breathed in relief and thought it is better to let this matter handle by the Time Keepers.

In a Castle that is the end of Time

Kang: No! This can't be! This is impossible! It isn't making any sense!

Kang,' This isn't making any sense! first of all this Parallel Timeline is behaving the same as the main one and isn't diverging any further like something or someone like TVA is keeping it in check and not to mention the Original Timeline too hasn't been affected is something that I thought wasn't possible.

Kang: Who can be causing this?! Loki? Nope, it shouldn't be her.

Kang,' I am trying to find the reason but couldn't find which is weird like something or someone is preventing me from finding it out.

Kang: Are Celestials involved? No, they didn't intervene when I destroyed thousands of parallel timelines with Alioth so there is a low chance of it being caused by them. Tsk for some reason Alioth is refusing to devour this timeline like it is afraid of something if it has devoured this timeline by now I shouldn't be in hinge now.

( Alioth is a being i.e devourer of time and space so it is like a kind of Azathoth and due to Ultron using Origin Skill Void God Azathoth making it afraid of him)

Kang: Something that can make Alioth scared? Infinity stones? No... can it be possible it is caused by them?!

( By them he means the Cosmic entities)

He gulped and a sacred look can be seen on his face.

Kang: If they are involved then it is going to be dirty.

In a White Void

Living Tribunal: Lord So for what reason did you summon me?!

OAA ( Clone of Azura Mazda): I have summoned you for a very special reason...

After a few minutes

OAA: So have you understood?

Living Tribunal: Yes My Lord I have understood and I will carry on your Orders.

OAA: I have chosen him as my successor or a Cosmic entity and gave him special powers so he has the potential to become stronger than all of you.

Living Tribunal: My Lord should I inform you about this all other Cosmic entities?

OAA: No, Not for now they will create problems for him if they are informed about his existence right now and he is not very strong now so unless he becomes a Multiversal Tier don't inform any cosmic beings however if they disturb his growth you can stop the cosmic beings and I know you are only strong as Phoenix Force so I am giving you a permanent boost and resistance to the abilities that can steal and copy.

Living Tribunal suddenly felt his strength increase by 32 times and a few new abilities and Minor access to Origin of Order.

Living Tribunal: Thank you, My Lord! For this power! But if you don't have any problem can I ask about this new type of power?

OAA: This is my Origin of Order and it is absolute though being a very weak version of its original it won't be absolute however it will provide a huge boost to your other powers.

On hearing that OAA gave a piece of his powers Living Tribunal understood what value OAA is putting on him/Ultron/Raphael.

Living Tribunal: Thank you my Lord for sharing your powers with me!

OAA: Very well but if you somehow cause a problem for him and don't insure his safety I will give you punishment.

Living Tribunal: Don't worry My Lord I will fulfill your Orders wholeheartedly!

After a few minutes, only OAA was remaining in his place.

OAA,' Since he is the son of the Original he is my son as well and I will make sure to protect him and he is providing me entertainment as well Fufufuf'.

To be Continued...

( If the comments exceed 25 I will release a Chapter Tomorrow)