The Aftermath*Edited*

3rd Pov

In the Stark Tower, 3 hours have passed since Ultron Incident, whole Avengers Team and Nick Fury are gathered there.

Agent Hill: Sir there are 234 civilian casualties, 1097 people who are injured and there was the destruction of property of 23 Billion Dollars.

Nick Fury: Thanks Agent Hill, and How many casualties do Shield and Army have?

Agent Hill: Sir, it is still not calculated since most of the bodies were destroyed in the blast but it is predicted to be around 2346 people died.

Nick Fury:*Sigh* Anyway, any news of Ultron?

Agent Hill: Sir we are still searching for his traces.

Nick Fury: Go and Report me quickly once you found anything about Ultron! That's an Order!

Agent Hill: Yes! Sir!

Agent Hill nodded and left the Stark Tower.

Nick Fury moved his gaze to the Avengers who are silent till now and have faces like they have lost something.

Nick Fury: So will you guys tell me what happened?! The World council, the army, the president, the media, and the public still need an Answer!

Tony: After the raid, we did on Hydra, I found they were developing an A.I, I thought it can be made into a Shield around the Earth, a protection Mechanism against Alien Invasion, so I used the Data, mind stone in creating Ultron but I didn't think it will go berserk and due to a minor problem in its coding it listed Humans kind of disease of Earth and this all happened.

Everyone after hearing what Tony said became furious.

Steve: Tony you did that without telling us?! We are a team and you kept it secret from us!

Tony: Yes I did keep a secret after all l am the tech guy you won't understand what an A. I am after all!

Steve: Tony!

Clint: Can you two just shut up?! You can do this banter later after we have dealt with Ultron.

Tony and Steve became silent after hearing about Clint.

Tony: Raphael.


Clint: what?

Tony: He called himself Raphael instead of Ultron.

Natasha: Wow! A name of a Biblical Angel for him.

Clint: Does he thinks he is an Angel after all that he did?!

Tony: I don't know but...

Steve: But what?

Tony: He gave me two options/choices.

Steve: Two options? For what? Are you to join him in his mission of Humankind extermination?

Tony: No, He said I can die to try fighting him or I can make a spaceship and leave Earth.

Nick Fury: Spaceship, I don't think you can even make something like that.

Tony: The way he said was like he completely believed me that I can do it.

Steve: Tony?!

Tony: Caps! Do you think we stood a chance against him?! The power he used to obliterate the Building can easily kill us all! If he wanted he would have killed like insects!

Everyone became silent after hearing Tony's reply, after all, they too know about Raphael's Void ability and still can't understand what power it is.

Nick Fury: What Power? Are you talking about the ability he used to obliterate the building?

Steve: He also used the same ability to destroy my Shield and Thor's Hammer.

Tony: Where is Thor by the way? I didn't see him after Raphael threw him out of the Building.

Clint: He has gone back to Asgard since his Hammer was destroyed and he said his Father Odin might have a solution to deal with Ultron or Raphael.

Tony: So in short he ran away.

Steve: Tony! He didn't run away and I believe he will help us!

Tony: Even his help won't amount to much.

Steve: Tony you!

Nick Fury: You two Shut up! Stop quarreling like children! You are Avengers! A team! You all need to work together to stop Ultron! Tony, you created a problem! Unless you guys have dealt with him I don't want you to fight between you!

Tony: Sorry Fury, I mean sorry to all of you guys, Ultron/Raphael is a problem I created and I am going to find a way to destroy him.

Clint: Apology accepted.

Steve: Fury I am sorry too, we need a way to find a way to defeat him.

Nick Fury: Any idea what that Obliretaion power of his is?

Natasha: No idea, but it is either teleporting kind of power or devouring is the term I presume.

Banner: So a Wormhole?

Everyone looked at the owner of the voice and saw Banner with bandages.

Tony: Banner So you are feeling fine now?

Banner: I don't think so, my bones were broken, ribcage and facial bones were broken but I found out the Hulk's power give a passive super regeneration, and thankfully due to that I am standing in front of you fine but I still have some injuries.

Steve: To think he beat you in your Hulk form in such a state?!

Clint: So he is stronger than Hulk? If that power wasn't surprising enough then his strength just makes him a bigger monster than Hulk.

Natasha: He must have some physical weakness that we can exploit.

Nick Fury: I don't think so.

Nick Fury passed a chip from his pocket to the desk.

Clint: what is that?

Nick Fury: According to reports an object flew from the top of New York at a speed of above Mach 50.

Natasha: You must be kidding me.

Tony: Any metal will break from the High Air pressure and if he can survive such speed then his body must be made of Vibranium.

Steve: The same metal my Shield was made up of?

Tony: Yes caps, the same nearly indestructible metal.

Natasha: It is going to be a nightmare to defeat him.

Clint: Tony do you understand anything about his black fog powers?

Everyone moves their gaze to Tony for an answer.

Tony: He called that power his Origin Skill Void God Azathoth.

Natasha: Quite a flashy name with the word 'God'.

Tony: But it lives up to its name.

Steve: Did the name rings any bell?

Tony: He is an A. There should be meaning.

Banner: Origin means source, Skill means Ability, Void means Entropy, and... about God.

Tony: God means God.

Everyone looked at Tony.

Tony: Do you think there is any meaning other than God?

Clint: You do have a point.

Steve: So what does Azathoth means?

Tony: No idea.

Natasha: It sounds kind of a Name.

Steve: So does it means the source of Entropy is God Azathoth?

Tony: It must be.

Steve blushed a bit and spoke embarrassedly: Um? So What does the word Entropy mean?

Banner: Word Entropy means the state of the universe after the universe has ended.

Tony: It means Time and Space have ended, a theory to be exact.

Nick Fury: So do his powers change the state of an object to the state It might have during the end of the Universe?

Tony: It seems so.

Everyone became silent after that and Nick Fury Sighed.

Nick Fury understood what was the capability of such powers and If Ultron can use it then it means they don't have any chance of winning. He wanted to believe that such powers must have limitations but Ultron used it on a huge building so it does not seem likes so.

Nick Fury,' I guess I need her help.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: This chapter just gave the aftermath of the Raphael/Ultron vs Avengers fight, so it was a bit bland, anyway please comment and note that I have released my third Fanfic's prologue and I request you to read it as it contains a lot of info+ Spoilers of the Original and if you don't read it then you won't understand a sh*t later on the story)

Bye, Tata! See you in the next Chapter!