The Mutant Brother and Sister Duo*Edited*

3rd pov

In an abandoned church, two people went inside it, one of them being male and the other a female, they are Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff, and Scarlet Witch aka Wanda Maximoff.

They saw a Robot sitting on a stone chair.

Pietro- So you are Ultron who called us?

The Robot vanished from the chair and in the next moment, they saw him hovering in the Air looking at them. Pietro quickly gripped Wanda's hand ready to flee from here if Required.

Ultron/Raphael: Yes I did call you to meet me here.

Wanda: At first we thought you called us to help you kill Avengers but we saw the fight on TV and I know that you are strong enough to kill them yourself so tell us the real reason you called us.

Ultron/Raphael: First my name is not Ultron but Raphael.

Pietro: Name of an Abrahmic Angel? Seriously?

Raphael: It is my beloved name so I suggest you not insult it otherwise your body and head may separate.

Wanda: Are you threatening us?

Raphael: No, I am suggesting you.

Pietro: No different from a threat.

Pietro quickly grabbed Wanda and went Super Sonic Speed trying to run away from Ultron, Unfortunately for them, a Barrier surrounded the Church.

Pietro: What is this Barrier?!

Raphael: Uh? I am not that scary? Am I? That you guys are running away from me.

Wanda and Pietro on hearing Raphael's words wanted to refute that he looks like a scary Robotic alien not to mention they are getting Terminator vibes from him, But they kept silent to avoid making Raphael Angry.

Wanda: What do you want from us?!

Raphael: Your Help.

Pietro: We know that you are strong enough to finish off Avengers yourself.

Raphael: Oh! You are correct but if you two knew then why did you come here?

Pietro and Wanda became silent, Yes why did they come here if they already knew that this could be a trap? For two reasons, the First is their curiosity to meet a Being that Defeated Avengers and possibly can help them in their Revenge other is that they were overconfident in their powers, they thought they can escape easily from him if any mishaps happen.

Raphael: I see! You should know that Curiosity killed the cat and you two are cats!

Raphael pointed his hand toward them and Pietro and Wanda quickly understood that he is attacking them and it was a trap.

Pietro: Wanda! Try to break the barrier, I will keep him busy.

Wanda: Yes brother!

Pietro quickly went SuperSonic and tried to attack Ultron, but he got shocked when he saw Ultron Avoiding his kick and moving at the same speed as him.

Pietro: How can you have the same powers as me?!

Raphael: I don't have the same powers as you but the stronger ones!

Raphael went HyperSonic and punched Pietro's head, Pietro tried to dodge the attack but Ultron was faster and Pietro's head splashed like a bursting Watermelon.

On hearing a bursting sound Wanda shifted her gaze towards the fight and saw her brother Pietro dead with his brain splatted all over the floor and walls.

Wanda: No?!!!!!!!! I will kill you!!!

Wanda's power went haywire and she attacked Ultron with her full powers, her power of chaos if against any other individual even Thanos with all Infinity stones could have defeated him, but unfortunately of her Raphael was an Origin being and had protection from all Of origin so her attack was doomed to fail.

(Author's Note: You might ask me how can she defeat Thanos wielding all Infinity stones. The reason is that a Mortal can't use Infinity stones to its full potential unlike Raphael or Multiversal beings and Wanda in her rage state can use her Chaos Magic at full potential so yup Thanos will lose)

A white Aura surrounded Raphael and made him look like a descending Angel*ehem* A Synthetic Robot Angel to be precise.

Wanda: How?!!! How are my attacks aren't affecting you?!!

Raphael: It's simple! Because it's Ahura Mazda!

Wanda didn't understand what he is saying and proceeded to use her powers of Chaos at him with full force, Raphael pointed his hand at Wanda and a Black-Purplish fog suddenly appeared in existence out of nowhere and moved toward Wanda but Wanda used her powers to stop it at his place.

Raphael looking at her stopping his Void God Azathoth became a bit surprised but quickly recomposed himself and said," Uh! That's Surprising you managed to stop 0.000001% of the True Power of Void God Azathoth!".

Wanda on hearing that it was just 0.000001% of his true power became horrified and surprised.

Wanda: No! You are lying!!!! You ca...can't be that strong!!!!!! You are trying to scare me so I lose my composure! yes, it must be! I won't fall into your trap!!! I will kill you!!!!!

Her chaotic power broke the barrier and disintegrated every human, building, etc around 1 km in Diameter.

Raphael: I don't want you to believe my words after all Actions speak louder than words! Devour her VOID GOD AZATHOTH!

(Author's Note: Sorry Guys but my chunni side wants to shout every special move that I write for my Character)

Black Tentacles from the Smog came out and Devoured her faster than the Speed of light itself!

She didn't even get the time to understand what were those tentacles before she was devoured. the fight ended and Raphael looked around the surroundings and teleported from there.

Raphael Pov

' I finally killed those siblings, and prevented possible future problems, I know that I could have taken just their powers and left them alone but Wanda is a Nexus being so I don't want any problems in the future and if I only killed her and left Pietro alive then he would have died in future trying to kill me so it is better to kill them in advance to avoid a bigger problem in future, I thought.

I sighed, my barrier while being strong still couldn't take the full power of Choas magic so it got destroyed and the Area of diameter 10km from us disintegrated so 67896 people died because of that, not that I care but I still don't want to kill more people than necessary, in future I will teleport my future opponents like Wanda far from Living populace.

Raphael: But Right now let's see the rewards I got.

To be continued...