*Bonus chapter* I am Chaos Incarnate! Part 1*Edited*

Raphael Pov.

Raphael: Let's see the rewards I got but before that, I need my Magicules to Refill after all I used 99% of Magicules by using the true power of Void God Azathoth.

My body has a bit of crack, but it will automatically regenerate after some time, while I can acquire Chaos Magic right now, it is better to have my Magicules refilled completely as Chaos Magic is connected with Cython and I don't want an Angry God coming after me when my Magicule Reserves are empty.

Raphael: Just gotta wait a few hours.

Uatu Pov( Watcher pov)

I am a watcher, I see everything that happens in different versions of earth, Several Earths in all of Multiverse, and I have seen from good to worst Earths, but I do not, cannot, and would not intervene but what the hell is wrong with Earth 199999?

Some time ago I saw Tony making Ultron a mistake of his that would cost him a lot but just after Ultron woke up for the first time all of the Universe became invisible, surrounded by a fog that even I cannot decipher and see through it, I have already informed this abnormality to the Fulcrum though I am getting a bad feeling.

This started when Ultron woke up so there is a high possibility of the abnormality being connected to the Ultron, Ultron is a dangerous being with a terrifying potential, if he is anyhow like his other Variant then it is going to be a problem for the whole Multiverse.

Ultron one of the Variants became a Multiversal being that threatened all of the Multiverse and I had no choice but to break my Oath and intervene, with the help of Doctor Strange and other Avengers we successfully defeated him though we couldn't destroy him, and all that was possible was to trap him in suspended time-space.

If there comes a second Ultron like him then it is going to be very dangerous and catastrophic for all of Multiverse.

Uatu: I hope Fulcrum solves this mystery and prevents the disaster otherwise I would have no choice but to break my oath and intervene.

Ancient One Pov

I moved out of the portal and looked around the disintegrated surroundings, I can sense that it was caused by some sort of magic.

Ancient One: Who can have this strong magic? and I didn't know of it?

I inspected the surrounding area and found out that everything around 10 km is integrated and it is caused by a dark type of magic.

Ancient One: Did an Evil entity or Apostle of some demon god cause it?! No, it shouldn't be as the three sanctums are making sure that Earth is safe from them and even if any such being had entered this universe then I would have been informed about it.

*Sigh*,' Only if time stone was working properly then I could have easily known what happened here, there is also a possibility that it is somehow connected with Ultron though chances are slim, that weird Fog ability of his may be a type of magic from what I understood so this incident may be caused by Ultron,*Sigh* I tried tracking Ultron but something is preventing me from tracking him,' I thought.

I checked for a few minutes more and what I found shocked me because there are traces of a Magic that I thought was nothing but a sort of Myth, it is Chaos magic, magic so powerful that defies all laws, and rules of the world, it can bend reality on a whim.

Ancient One: If it is Choas Magic then there is a possibility of Cython being real and he might have awoken from slumber, I need to increase the defenses of Kamar taj and search in the library for a precaution against him, for now, he is more important to be dealt with before than Ultron.

I opened a teleportation circle that leads back to Kamar Taj, I heard the sound of heavy machinery before I walked into the Teleportation circle,' The military and Government are late as always,' I couldn't help but sneer at them and walked inside the Teleportation Circle.

Kang Pov

My last few hours had been the most hectic time of my life. I tried everything on the timeline but it isn't vanishing so the only cause can be Cosmic Gods and I can't deal with them.

Kang: I have no choice but to let this timeline be as it is for now. I will observe it. But there is also the Problem of TVA, how will I explain to them?

' I guess I will just do some adjustments in their software, for them the branched timeline will disappear from their scanners while it is still there and I will also prevent any of them from entering it so they will think that timeline is normal, I thought.

Kang: I think my three years of life got cut down from my lifespan due to a single hectic day.

Avengers Pov

Avengers came outside the Avengers Quinjet and saw the destruction that has occurred in the surrounding. They became shocked and Horrified.

Steve: What the F*ck!

Tony: Captain Language!

Clint: Tony You are thinking about words when you are seeing all that happened here?!

Natasha: Can't you guys stop for a bit?! Stop your bantering!

The three became silent and had a guilty expression.

Banner looked around and became shocked," There is nothing around here, even the Ashes of the people or the Dust of the buildings, it's like everything disappeared from existence".

Clint: Could it be caused by Ultron's entropy powers?

Banner: There is 70% no 100% chance that it is caused by Ultron since I don't know anything else other than Ultron's Entropy power that could have disintegrated the matter.

Natasha: Do we have any recording of Ultron being here?

Tony: He is an A. I Natasha! The one I created and the one that even hacked F.R.I.D.A.Y do you think that he will leave any digital proof?

Steve: Tony stop being narcissistic we have a huge problem here since if this is caused by Ultron, then we no, even every single human together don't stand a chance against him.

Clint: So this means our prediction was wrong.

Banner and Tony nodded at the client's remark, they thought that Ultron might be able to use his entropy powers only on non-living beings and if that is the case then they have a good chance of defeating him but he used his powers to kill all the people here so it seems their prediction was wrong.

Every one of them fell silent and Dispair could be seen on their faces as they won't stand a chance against Ultron/Raphael.

The sound of footsteps could be heard and it became loud after some time and a voice made them come out of their dilemma.

Nick Fury: So Any thoughts about this?

Tony: Yes, that is we don't stand a chance against him.

Nick Fury: Are you guys giving up already?

Tony: I don't think we can fight a Robot that can disintegrate matter on a whim.

Steve: Tony please be silent for a moment.

Tony: Yeah, yeah like I can be silent after seeing this destruction!

Steve shook his head at Tony's remark and moved his head towards Nick's fury and said," How many people died?".

Nick Fury: It is still not confirmed but it is estimated over 50000 people died.

Natasha: Ultron has done one of the biggest genocide in Human History.

Banner: Nick, did you get any data from the destruction?

Nick Fury: Yes, we got the data that all the matter around 10 km of Radius simply vanished out of Existence, like a Nuclear bomb dropped here and split the atoms but you know that there is no radiation here so I am pretty sure that it is caused by Ultron's Entropy powers.

Steve: So are we doomed to lose?

Nick Fury: No, not yet, Tony you created Ultron...

Tony quickly cut Nick Fury's words and said," It's Raphael".

Steve: Tony you shouldn't use Angel's name for him.

Tony: I know But for some reason, the 'Raphael' word just fits for him call it a hunch or whatever.

Nick Fury: If you guys don't cut my words can I continue speaking?!

Tony: Yeah.

Nick Fury: As I was speaking Tony since you created him can't you create something against him?

Tony: Firstly I did create him but I still don't know how he got his Entropy powers, I mean I can understand his magnetic powers but for entropy no idea.

Nick Fury: I am just asking if you can create something that can fight against him or not.

Tony: I can do it! After all, no one else other than me can create something like Ultron.

The Avengers Subconsciously ignored Tony's narcissistic remark and felt a glimmer of hope.

Clint: Really? You can do that!

Tony: I can but it will take months or possibly years to make a measure against him and we don't have any time.

Everyone felt cold water poured on their hope and all of them felt despair like never before a sense of weakness took over them.

Nick Fury: I have a solution for this.

Soon a glimmer of hope reignited in them again.

Steve: What is the solution?!

Nick Fury: Please don't shout, control, control yourselves.

Steve became embarrassed and replied," Sorry Nick it's just,*Sigh* a lot of tension I have accumulated after the Ultron incident".

Nick Fury: I can understand your point.

Natasha: So what's the solution, Nick?

Nick Fury: A new Avenger.

Everyone after hearing Nick's words looked at him with a deadpan expression.

Natasha: Just...That?

Tony: One, two even thousands of them won't be of any help against him.

Nick Fury smirked and said," One million may not be able to help you but she can and there is more than that in her than you can think of".

Raphael Pov

Finally, I am in my top condition and my Magicules Reserves are full now it is time to get overpowered!

{Extra Skill High Sonic speed has evolved into Extra Skill God Speed}

{Unique Skill Chaos Manipulation has been acquired}

Suddenly my consciousness was dragged into an unknown place. I looked around and saw a scarlet being.

Cython: So you are the one who killed my Avatar.

I looked at him and smirked.

To be continued...

(Author's Note- I hope you all liked this chapter and please comment)