Showing Asgard who is the Boss Part 1*Edited*

(Author's Note: Muhahahha! Motherfucka's! My Wifi is back! Do you know how hard it was for me to live two days without Internet? My TV also works on Wifi so ya I pretty much lived like a Hermit during the last two days and my mobile data was pitifully low and only for emergencies, You don't know but I am crying tears of happiness while writing this chapter)

3 hours have passed after Ataman and Raphael Left Vormir

Sokovia Base, Raphael's Castle.

Raphael Pov

My preparations are ready, I have decided to go to Asgard only with Ataman, I don't need a Robot Army like Original Ultron, since I believe in quality over quantity and that is what matters in Marvel and Tensura. Also, I don't want to become a Nexus being, so yup No army of weakling Metalshield for me since they are just a waste of my Magicules.

I looked towards Ataman who is wearing a Mage's Robe type of Clothing which I have created from My Origin Skills Ahura Mazda, and man it suits him very well. He looks like a Chinese Protagonist to be honest if I say, and the Robes have also some Minor enchantments, like Auto-Repair, Auto-cleaning, temperature control, Minor Physical Attack Resistance, Minor Thermal Resistance, and most importantly it is made up of Orichalcum! I have outdone myself, haven't I?

Ataman looked toward me and asked," Master, should we depart for Asgard now?".

I looked at him a bit while he tensed a bit at my gaze and asked," Master is there any problem?".

Raphael: Yes there is!

Ataman: Master did I do anything to annoy you, master? If then I am extremely sorry!

Raphael: Nope you didn't do anything.

He relaxed a bit on hearing my words then he looked at me and asked," Then what's the problem Master?".

Raphael: It is just that you are too Handsome!

Ataman: Eh?!

Ataman gave me a confused look and then he looked at me and himself and thought something and then said," Master what do you mean?".

Raphael: I mean you are too handsome or Good looking by Mortal standards while I am looking like a Robot dummy.

Ataman: Oh! I see master! But I still don't get the problem after all why do Mortal standards matter to us?

On hearing his words I fell into a Complemantation after all he is right Mortal Standards do not mean anything to me who is a God now, but I asked Father to let me keep my emotions, for this reason, didn't I? But well He looks like a Protagonist while I look like some 3rd Rate Villain and my Villainous acting till now also points it out!

Raphael: It might doesn't matter to us but to mortals, it does matter! I don't want to be labeled as a Joker by Mortals!

Ataman still gave me a confused look and said," Master While I still don't understand your reasoning I still think you are right!".

Did I just make a Diablo?

Raphael: Whatever, I will change my looks now befitting of myself also don't peek!

Ataman: Okay Master!

Ataman took back his Magic Sense and teleported 100 km away. Man, he is really like Diablo! I mean I can understand about making his Magic Sense Off but seriously teleporting 100 km away?!*Sigh anyway gotta change into a Dashing Character! A character who is cool radiates Charisma and the first time others see me should think of me as being superior to them.

Raphael: Why don't I make my look like Rimuru, since his looks are cool and about him being feminine well I am already Genderless so does it matters? Hmmm. I should change the eye color at the very least.

After choosing my new looks it is time to create a skill that can do the job.

{Extra Skill- Universal ShapeShifting has been Acquired!}

I used the skill to change my looks exactly to Rimuru's.

Soon my whole body surface from Mettalic texture changed into White Skin( Sorry if it offends anyone), My eyes changed from a Robotic Red to Red, and my body into having a structure of a thin boy.

I looked at myself using Universal Sense and I must say, I am the most beautiful person in this Universe, no, the Whole Multiverse! Muhahaha, I can't wait to see how Tony reacts when he realizes I am Ultron!

Raphael: Muahhahahaha! I am the Multiverse's most beautiful!

(Author's Note: Mc looks are same as on the cover)

I quickly made a dress of Orichalcum for myself, Black with purple stripes same as Rimur's Demon Lord outfit, and well I look perfect! I made sure to give the Outfit some Enhancements like Auto-Repair, Auto-Cleaning, King's Aura, All Minor Resistances, and Size Adjustment.

I communicate Ataman to come back and he teleported back and looked at me.

Ataman: My Lord is that you?!

Raphael: Then who do you think I am?

Looking at my Emotionless reply he shuddered, the fact that my voice was Androgynous made it more effective. From Now I am changing My 3rd Rate Villain Acting to a Cold Character from now, I will change it into my true character after evolution.

Ataman: Sorry Master! It's just I didn't think you were a female!

The fact that he has mistaken me for a female doesn't bother me after all my new looks are Feminine and it isn't his mistake but well still the excuse he gave me is fake after all he doesn't care if I am male or not, whatever I will just ignore it.

Raphael: I am Genderless, so I am neither Male nor Female and while my looks may lean on the female side but my thought process is on the male side if you remove the Reproduction and other parts related to it.

Ataman relaxed that his excuse worked, and then he gave me an understanding look and replied," I see master! And I must say you look Awesome!

Awesome? Where did he learn that word? From humans? Maybe, whatever, it is time to collect Space Stone from Asgard, and this time instead of a SuperVillain I will go there as a Monarch.

Raphael: Anyway we shall depart for Asgard now!

Ataman: Yes Master!

A teleportation circle lit up behind us as we disappeared from our places.



3rd Pov

Thor: Father! We should go to Midgard to kill that being! He is an extremely dangerous being! We need to eliminate him before he causes destruction!

Odin(Loki): How many times do I have to tell you that I have already left the path of violence?

Thor: Father Midgard is in Danger! Ultron has the Mind Stone! We are also in extreme Danger!

Odin(Loki): Son, as I have said it is the matter of Midgard a problem created by them! They have to deal with it! We won't interfere!

Thor sighed and looked at him with a raged look and said," Father! You have changed after Loki died! It isn't like you!".

Odin(Loki): Thor! Are you going against the orders of your King?!

Thor looked down with his hands clenched, he was doubting if it was his father or not he has already become suspicious after his previous reply, and he wanted to check he doesn't have the strength to do so. His hammer has already been broken or devoured by Ultron and without it, he at best was only a bit stronger than Top Asgardian Soldiers. If he had his hammer he have already checked, but if he tries it now in his current form he won't have the strength to fight against the Asgardian Army.

At best he could beat 10 or 100 soldiers but after that? He would be charged guilty of treason in an attempt of Harming Odin, and he can be also put to a trial and killed if the one in the place of his father is a doppelganger.

He calmed down and thought that it would be better to get a weapon in place of his Hammer first and for that, he needs to go to Nidavellir.

Thor looked at Odin and replied," Sorry Father, I was just out of control for a bit and I will follow your orders and won't go to Midgard!".

Odin on hearing Thor's reply calmed down and said," I forgive you", he then stood up from Throne and started walking Towards his private room," Don't disturb me for the next 10 hours! That is an Order to everyone!", he ordered as he walked away.

Thor calmed down and looked towards the Warrior Three and Sif as he walked toward them and said," Meet me in my room".

Warrior three and Sif nodded as all of them walked away from the Hall.

(Author's Note- I hope you enjoyed the Chapter and from now on the Mc will change from his Villainous acting to Cold Character Acting till he becomes strong enough to defeat all Marvel Cosmic Gods, as the reason for his Acting is to create a misconception of his character so others make mistake while fighting against him)