Showing Asgard who is the Boss part 2*Edited*


Asgard, Thor's room.

There are five people in Thor's room of which four are male and one is female. They are Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Thor, and Sif.

Thor: Listen to me guys I will be going to Nadevillir for a new weapon and after that, we will attack this doppelganger, Odin.

Sif: Thor are you sure that our current King is a fake?

Fandral: Yes Thor, Sir Odin might be old but he is still the strongest Asgardian.

Hogun: After all who can be powerful enough to replace Odin without us knowing?

Volstagg: Hogun, Sif, and Fandral are right, who in the Nine Realms is equal to our King of Asgard Odin?

Thor: I believe Loki might be the one who replaced Odin.

Sif: Loki? But didn't he die after being attacked by Dark Elves?

Volstagg: Yes, you even saw him dying yourself.

Thor: I know guys, but except Loki, no one else can do this and he also faked his death before so it is possible.

Sif: Very well we believe you, Thor.

Warrior Three: We are with you, Thor.

Thor: Thank you, my friends, I knew you all will help me, but now I need to solve this problem quickly and provide backup to my Midgardian friends against that monster.

Everyone nodded while some footsteps were heard and knocks on the door.

Thor quickly opened the door and saw some Asgardian soldiers.

Thor: What happened?

Asgardian Soldier: My prince some people have evaded Asgard.

Warrior Three: What?!

Sif: Even if some people have evaded Asgard so what? The army should have easily defeated them.

Asgardian Soldier: Almost all Asgardian Soldiers have lost against them.

Thor: Really?!

Asgardian Soldier 2: Yes My prince, we need your help.

Thor looked at the Warrior three and Sif as all of them nodded.

Thor: Let's go quickly.

The warrior three equipped their weapons while Thor took an Axe as all of them left for their fight against invaders.


Odin(Loki) Pov

I locked my room as I changed my looks back to the Original.

Loki: What the hell is happening?! F*ck how can someone casually destroy Thor's Hammer?! To even hold that Hammer was my dream and yet someone casually destroyed it!

I am facing a lot of problems, if even my brother couldn't defeat him then I don't stand a chance, and if the being is going for Infinity stones then he will come for the Space stone in Asgard.

Loki: I can now hope that Avengers can defeat him if not only my father will be able to stop him. But after that, I will be caged and imprisoned forever if I free my father.

Sh*t, Was that Madman wasn't enough that this new one showed up, F*ck you Tony!, F*ck your mother, F*ck your father, and F*ck your whole Ancestry, you Measily Tin Mortal didn't you have anything else to do than create a World Destroying weapon?!

I sighed and relaxed my mind, I started thinking of ways to defeat that being and profit from this scenario.

Soon I heard knocks on the door of my room.

Loki: Didn't I tell them not to disturb? Maybe because my peace lover's acting has given them too much confidence, I need to properly show their place next time.

I snickered as I transformed myself back into my disguise and opened the door. Two Asgardian soldiers bowed after seeing me as I looked at them with an angry look and said," Tell me why did you disturb me? Even after my Orders? Did you guys don't know the meaning of your actions?".

Both of them trembled and after a bit one of them spoke," Sorry my king for going against your orders but it is an emergency! Whole Asgard is currently under attack!".

"What?! who dares to attack Asgard? How many of them have attacked?!", I shouted and asked.

The second Asgardian Soldier quickly replied," My king, only two people have attacked us!".

Odin(Loki): Just two?! Just two people?! Are you sure only two people attacked us?!

Asgardian Soldier: Yes my king, only two people have attacked us but they have defeated most of the Asgardian Soldiers, currently we are in a pinch.

Just two people attacked, what if the being Thor told us about has attacked us? If it's him then I, No we are F*cked up.

At this moment I knew I F*ked up, but I am still not sure who they are so I still have hope.

Odin(Loki): Who are they?

Asgardian Soldier: By their looks, they look like Midgardians or Asgardians, one of them is a Female with Red Eyes and Blue Hair and the other is a male with yellow eyes and Brown hair with yellow stripes.

I relaxed after hearing their description as one of them isn't Ultron and even if they are strong Thor, Warrior three, and Sif can defeat them and even I have Father's Gungir which is stronger than Thor's Hammer, while I cannot use it to its full power it should be enough and me saving Asgard will ensure the loyalty of my people and clear their suspicions about the change in my disguise's behavior.

Maybe this is a jackpot in disguise? Haha, If it goes as planned then I will earn a lot from this. I smirked inside my mind as I looked at the soldiers and replied," Let's Go!, I will judge the invaders myself, I will show them the consequences of attacking Asgard!!". Both Asgardian Soldiers nodded as they stood up and created a way for me.


Raphael Pov

We teleported above in the skies of Asgard, I looked at the beautiful Asgard made up of Gold that Odin obtained after the massacre he did in the Nine Realms. I looked down to the Bifrost and saw that someone else than Heimdall is handling it.

Ataman too looked at the Beautiful Asgardian structures as it was the first time seeing this, even though Earth has big Buildings it can't compare to this.

I looked at Ataman and said," Ataman it is a very good time to test your powers, I won't help you unless necessary".

Ataman: Very Well Master, should I kill all of them?

Raphael: No, you can injure the soldiers who will attack us as for civilians don't hurt them unless one tries to, also I will walk towards the Odin's Chamber while you will guard me, don't let any weapon to even touch me, it will be your practice.

Ataman: I understand My Lord.

Soon a Flying vehicle came toward us as some Asgardian soldier pointed their weapons at us.

Asgardian Soldier: You have trespassed Asgard! State your reason for coming here!

Raphael: I have come for Tesseract and it will be better if you let me take it.

Asgardian Soldier 2: Impudence! We shall take you to King Odin he will judge you for your crimes!

Asgardian Soldier 3: Now! you should not resist otherwise we will kill you!

Seeing these jokers acting almighty ticked my head. I said to Ataman," Ataman I have changed my mind, you don't need to worry about soldiers dying, make sure civilians don't die unnecessarily, also destroy these f*cking flying ships!".

Ataman bowed and said," As you wish My Lord".

The Asgardian soldiers looked at us pointed their weapons and shouted again," Surrender!".

Ataman quickly slapped that Asgardian Soldier as he flew out of the ship falling into the water.

The other Asgardian Soldiers who saw this started attacking us while one of the said, "Attack them! For Asgard!".

Other Asgardian Soldiers," For Asgard!".

These soldiers are making me angry. Hehe," Ataman show them that they have f*cked up".

Ataman smirked as he said," Hehe don't worry My Lord, they will know that they have f*cked up their lives by messing with you", he started increasing his attack power as many soldiers started getting badly injured.

At this time what Asgard didn't know was that they have f*ked up.

To be continued...

(Author's Note- I hope you enjoyed the chapter, my dear readers)

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