2nd Q & A

Hello Guys How are you doing? My fellow dear readers! Thank you from me to all who have been supporting this fanfic by donating their Power stones and giving comments regularly.

This is a doubt-clearing chapter so I recommend you to read this to till the end.

Note- This chapter is divided into 3 parts

Part 1- Q & A.

Part 2- Author's thoughts.

Part 3- Toxic comments breaking my spirit.

Q & A

1) Why did the Mc ask to erase his l*st from Ahura Mazda? That's a foolish move.

Ans1) It's very simple, this fanfic is non Harem Fanfic o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ, bruh it is better to have a genderless character for Non-Harem rather than a male or female going after a single male/female lead foolishly like a beta when this fanfic is made more to deliver adventure, action, and conquest. Also, it has been already mentioned in the beginning in the auxiliary that this fanfic is Non-harem and no romance type yet some people skip the explanations and roast me later on.

2) Why the God's name change from Azura Mazda to Ahura Mazda?

Ans 2) Well the correct spelling or name of the Main Character's father is Ahura not Azura after some of you commented and informed me about it I corrected it but if you guys like Azura more just tell me I will change it back to Azura.

3) Main Character is a psycho, killing anyone without any care and doing everything for his own benefit.

Ans 3) About this let me just say if you look only at a few facts then he appears to be a psycho and selfish, but if you take other facts into consideration then well the answer is complicated, firstly world is a cruel place, you gotta agree with it, even Modern world is if ya are doubting me just search on the web about the truth about chickens, beef and Milk we drink, you will find the dark nature of some of this industries enough to disgust you and may even make you vomit on seeing the animal cruelty.

My Main Character understands it and he will do his best to survive, even though he is the son of Ahura Mazda so what? do you think Ahura Mazda will forever protect making him spoiled? Nope, he is a wisdom god, and later on, he will definitely force him to know about the dark nature of the world since it is necessary for his growth I do not want that drama so I just skipped it, it will waste the chapters and I want to give you guys some badass chapter about his Multiverse travel of Marvel and Anime real quick rather than wasting 10 or 20 chapters for some unnecessary drama and cringe lines.

Also, he is a cosmic being, his mindset is different than humans, you might say about the cruelty of Celestials that how they kill civilizations, but you guys wouldn't have cared if not for the fact humans would have suffered, in Marvel majority of the Universe shown Humans are shown the greatest species while other are not so important. You guys won't budge if 1000 aliens are killed but you will cry when 1 human is killed.

I am not saying that as we are humans we shouldn't choose humans, I am the same as you but you need to understand Mc is something between a Cosmic being and his previous human self so he will choose the side he deems fit for him in different universes, he is not a human-like us. So I don't want you guys to start your hypocrisy about Main Character's behavior he isn't human. Everyone should respect and care for their own species since it is necessary for their survival and as a Human myself I too respect my own species despite many humans being worse than demons but the same that many humans are kinder than angels.

Main Character is the same and he isn't a human completely so I want you guys to understand it, like we kill thousands of animals for our survival he is doing the same, it's just you can't see it since you are not in his place.

You don't need to worry in the future he will be a tolerant type and care about his family, friends, and subordinates. You will see some Character development after his evolution.

4) Why do you have to kill Vision, Wanda, and Quick Silver?! That is just too stupid.

Ans 4) Bruh, seriously? Do you want my MC to adopt these troublemakers? Instead of using them for his power up? They are not qualified subordinate candidates for too many issues. Ataman, Loki and Thor thousand times better than them. And I want you to stop fanboying, Mc will kill a lot of heroes in the future, let me tell you this while some Heroes of some Universe variations are truly the heroes which will make MC respect but there are many of the variations that are not, they are just people with Hero Complex and my character doesn't have any problem killing those sh*ts.

My Main Character is true to himself and yes he is a villain if you want to hear it, yes he is a hypocrite if you see only a few facts but he is truest to himself. He does what he wants, if he wants he will protect a human and take him as his family, and if he wants he will kill trillion humans just because it's necessary for him or the needs arise.

5) Who is announcing the skills he is acquiring and the updates since according to the plot Tensura and Voice of the World don't exist.

Ans 5) Well I don't remember who asked me this question but I thank you with all my heart for asking a such a good question, finally a person who asked a valid question considering I haven't made it clear, unlike others who ask stupid question despite telling them what type of Fanfic this is already.

You know the guy who asked me this question made me so happy since finally, I got a sane question necessary for my sanity.

Anyway, the answer is that it is Ahura Mazda who is doing that. Ahura Mazda is connected to him by Raphael's Ahura Mazda skill and he is using parallel processing to create a sub-ego connected to Raphael which is working like Voice of the World for him. I hope this cleared your doubts.

6) Main Character is very cruel to others, he didn't budge after Loki and Thor's brotherly love. He is completely drunk on power.

Ans 6) This question just ruined my mood, he acquired his cheat legally after being adopted by Ahura Mazda and he worked hard for his other powers, like his Ultimate Skill Chaos King Cython. In the beginning, he was just Super Mortal Tier despite the cheats, what he got isn't some Overpowered cheats but Infinite potential in a way and Origin Skills Void God Azathoth and Ahura Mazda needs a ton of energy, and acute precision otherwise his own soul will be destroyed, so he literally worked hard for all of the powers despite the cheats he got since if he didn't work hard despite the cheats he wouldn't be this powerful even in billions of years.

So he has his pride in his power and Hardwork and seriously being cruel? don't tell me you guys haven't eaten thousands of chicken despite knowing that you can survive being veg and even if you are veg and drink milk doesn't erase the facts that even the crops and milk production process hasn't harmed animals indirectly, don't want you, hypocrites, saying that.

7) Why does he choose to be a villain? Just because he doesn't want Tony to boss him?!

Ans 7) This time you guys have broken the limit of just two words from me Fuck You ! (Without censorship), I know and you to know how bad those Mc of novels are whose Mc is Op but still listens like a dog to some Noble brat or rich brat. Despite having power helps others to climb up the ladder while he takes insults for being a commoner and weak like he really is, Just tired of such Novels so I just made my Main character Novel but there are trillions of other factors as well which prove that his growth will be best if he takes this route, considering his conditions and he is not hunting waifus.

Part 2

Author's thoughts

Personally, I just started this novel as a practice for my Main Idea Rimuru: Multiverse travels but after receiving the support and this novel becoming my most famous novel I changed my mind, and from now onwards officially this is one of my Main Novels and currently my only Main novel.

Thank you for the support guys, you don't know how much this means to me and the reason that this novel is continuing is only because of your support.

Thirdly, about my bad grammar, I already told you all English is not my Main language and despite that I am giving you guys above average grammar with understandable paragraphs, making sure your brain cells don't die as it happens with you all when your read MTL translations, so yup I am pretty much sure that my Grammar is thousand times better than a Translator.

I won't focus much on Grammar improvement as of now, because I deem the quality enough and I am not getting or earning any money from my Fanfics despite my hard work so I won't be sacrificing my time for Grammar Improvement, though it will improve slowly as my typing speed increases and my Grammar increases due to constant writing.

In fact, if you want to support me all I ask you to give me power stones and read my other novels-

Attack on Titan with a Template System and Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique SKill Great Sage §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§ ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ .

Part 3

Toxic comments

Regular toxic comments, not only in this fanfic but in others are breaking my spirit to write and I even thought about why I am writing? when I am not receiving any money but just hate? Well at first when I started writing my first novel Attack on Titan I started writing because of the constant ideas of fanfic I got after seeing Animes and other fanfic which were unsatisfactory for me so I am not dropping any novel as of now, your support is more than hate I am receiving and as long it stays same you guys will continue getting new chapters and novels from me for free. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

And after joking with some of the guys like Time Travel my mood is way better. You will definitely get a new chapter of this fanfic within three days, currently, I need to give some attention to my other ones since many chapters of others are delayed.

Thank you for reading this chapter.