Brothers Reunited*Edited*

3rd Pov


In the Royal Palace, there are several people, Warrior three, Sif, Thor, Loki, Heimdall & some Asgardian Soldiers. One can see every one of them was a bit Tensed. Thor was on the king's throne, Loki by his side, Warrior three and Sif standing nearby with Heimdall.

Thor: What was the damage we received?

Thor asked the Asgardian soldiers who were kneeling on the ground.

Asgardian Soldier 1: My Prince, we have lost about 2237 Asgardian Soldiers who died because of fatal injuries, 5391 Asgardian soldiers missing a limb, amputated for their whole life, and the rest of the Asgardian soldiers while injured can remain a soldier after they are healed.

Everyone after hearing the Numbers shows faces of despair and fear, even though Thor felt the same he didn't show it on his face and continued asking," And Civilian casualties?".

Asgardian Soldier: While some Civilians were injured, none of the Civilians died.

Thor felt happy about the fact that no innocent civilians died at least. He then looked at Heimdall, Warrior Three, Sif, and Loki and replied," Warrior three, Sif, and Heimdall I want you to deploy 1/3rd of the remaining army for helping civilians and their protection. As for the rest of the 2/3rd Army deploy them making sure of the safety of the Asgard so we don't get attacked by any other forces! It's an Order!".

Asgardian Soldiers nodded and went to carry out the order they received from their king. Warrior three, Sif, and Heimdall still stayed as they still have something to ask him.

Thor looked at Heimdall and said," Heimdall, welcome back, as much as I want to celebrate your coming back, currently I need your power, Asgard needs you! So let me ask you are you ready to continue serving the Asgard?".

Heimdall Kneeled and replied," Yes your Highness, I am ready to continue serving Asgard and I am even ready to die if the need arises!".

Thor felt satisfied on hearing Heimdall's words and he said," Very well, I leave all the duties on you, warrior three, and Sif's shoulders until I bring back my father".

Heimdall nodded and on hearing Thor about his father Warrior three, Sif and even Heimdall glared at Loki who was silent till now, he was currently feeling very guilty after the events and he already recognized Thor's brotherly love for him, now when he saw being glared he didn't refute them and said," I know, it's my mistake and I am ready for my punishment, it doesn't matter to me if I am prisoned for my whole life for my crimes but before that, I and Thor need to save the father and give him back the power I usurped from him".

On hearing his words Heimdall through his experience knew that he is most likely speaking the truth and felt satisfied that Loki have changed and thought,' All-Father Odin it seems your highness has changed for the better *Sigh* only if this change was brought earlier then the Asgard wouldn't be in this condition right now, he shook his head mentally and replied," Your highness, now permit me to me so that I can leave to carry out my duties".

Thor: Permission granted.

Heimdall nodded and went out of the Royal Hall, Warrior three and Sif unlike Heimdall still glared at Loki for a bit and snorted when they heard Loki's words soon they left too.

Thor sighed and then looked at Loki who was silent and had a guilty expression. He was too touched by his brother's word previously and believed him but he still was a bit cautious after all Loki is well Loki.

Thor said," Brother".

Loki on hearing Thor's words replied meekly," I am sorry".

Thor: Brother?

Tears dripped down his eyes as he started crying," I am sorry Thor, it's all my Mistake, only if I hadn't taken Father's power and vanished him, only if I...".

Thor felt a bit touched by his words and replied," You don't need to cry for that now, what is done is done, we can't change the past, and don't worry I will ask father to make your punishment lesser, he will understand you after he sees his change".

Loki still didn't stop crying and replied," Why? Why Thor? Why?".

Thor: Loki? What do you mean?

Loki suddenly outbursts and shouts," I mean why? Why you are still loving me?! Why are still caring for me?! Why are you still standing for me?! Why?! After all I have done!".

Thor was a bit shocked at Loki's outburst but after hearing his words he understood Loki must be self-guilt, he stood up from the Thorne and hugged him, Loki didn't try refuting his Hug and let him Hug him and replied," Because you are my Brother, My family and one should stand for their family shouldn't he?".

Loki on hearing his words outbursts once more and shouts," Family?! We are not even blood-related Thor! I am adopted! and even after that I always tried to give you pain, tried to kill you! I always have been Jealous of you! Jealous of the fact father loves you more than me! Jealous of the fact you were stronger than me without working hard for it! Jealous for the fact I never got Acknowledgement of father like you!". Loki released all his deep feelings all the hatred buried inside his heart was released, all his grievances.

Thor looked at him and smiled and said," It doesn't matter to me whether we are blood-related or not after all you are still my brother, the same brother with whom I played in my childhood, the same brother who always made me angry with his deadly prank but the same pranks made my life enjoyable, the same brother with whom I have grown up, you are my brother no matter who says what!".

Loki looked at him like he was looking at a fool and said," Thor because of me many Asgardian soldiers died, I caused the death of several innocent Midgardians, Frost Giants, and even my..Mother", tears once more poured down from his eyes when he said the word 'Mother' still guilty of the fact that he indirectly caused the death of his mother the only person who gave him unrequited love, no matter what his condition was, even when his father Odin didn't even acknowledge him, thinking if nothing more than a tool for peace.

Thor slapped his face making Loki feel a bit surprised and replied," Stop being a p*ssy! It's not your fault that Mother died! It was everyone's fault for becoming careless! Our fault that showing our weakness and ignoring the facts! Also, it's my fault for making you like this! I always belittled you for your weakness, I was drunk on fame and power that I ignored you! Ignored your situation and feelings! Ignored and never thought about what are you going through! I am too a bad brother!", Loki on hearing Thor's words felt touched and stopped crying and said," So brother?", he smiled a bit and opened his arms to which Thor replied by hugging him.

Thor: Don't worry from now onwards I will be a good brother.

Loki: Yes, I will too and whether you like it or not I will bear the punishment as the consequences of my actions, I need to otherwise my guilt will never vanish.

Thor didn't reply this time and they slowly broke their hug Loki looked at him a bit awkwardly and said," So brother we should leave for finding father now?".

Thor: Yes, I guess we should search for father as soon as possible.

Loki: I left him on Midgard.

Thor: Very well let's go to the Bifrost then.

Loki: Brother did you forget? You gave Heimdall another job.

Thor looked at Loki a bit awkwardly and said," Ughh, you are right".

Loki laughed a little and said," You never change huh? I must say you will make a bad king".

Thor also laughed a bit and said," Yes I know, but I don't want to become King, only father deserves the throne and now we should go and get Asgard's rightful king".

Both of them laughed for a bit and left to search Heimall so they can use Bifrost.

Unknown to them their conversation was heard by Raphael who stopped using Universal sense and Muttered," Are they gay?". He shook his head and continued eating chips while watching Anime,' Hmmm this is an Anime I have never seen, they don't have many animes that existed on Earth and even the Anime Industry is way smaller here in Marvel though it doesn't mean that there aren't some Anime gems, let's see if this one is interesting ', thought Raphael and continued watching Anime 11 Flowers of the Usoria.

Earth 199999

Stark Towers

Currently, the Avengers could be seen sitting around a table with Nick Fury.

Tony: So Nick? Any news about him?

Nick Fury shook his head and said," Nothing got here what about you?".

Banner:*sigh* we still haven't got any clues, his last trail is his dive into the ocean after that where is he gone, No idea.

Carol Danvers: It seems your technology is not enough to find him, tell me if I should get some help.

Tony felt bad when he heard Carol's words after that he used his technology, his hard work, and how Carol belittled his technology and said," My technology is way more advanced than anything we got here on Earth. Raphael is an AI he must have erased all of his traces".

Carol stood up and replied," Your technology must be the most advance on Earth but in Universe, it's just so-so".

Tony: You!

Nick Fury quickly cut Stark and said," Would you just shut up stark?! Carol is right while your technology is the best on Earth in Universe is not that much, many civilizations had Nuclear Bombs that can destroy planets and Spaceship that can travel Light years of Distance in a few hours, It will be better if we let Carol search him".

Tony: Nick you too?

He then shifted his gaze and looked at others asking for their support but all of them didn't say anything in his support.

Steve: Nick is right Tony, using advanced extraterrestrial technology will help us and make it faster to locate him.

Tony: Steve you too? I thought at least you will be with me.

In fact if not for the fact that Tony made Raphael, they would have supported him, they are still angry and know Tony still killed many people indirectly and don't want to hear his tantrums now.

Clint: Sorry Tony but we believe it's better to get all the help we can get, rather than throw some tantrums.

Tony sighed and replied," Do whatever you want".

Natasha then spoke," Any news about Thor?".

Carol: That hammer guy?

Nick Fury: Yes, that God of Hammers*ahem* I mean God of Thunder".

Everyone laughed silently on hearing Nick's words.

Carol: God? Seriously? He is nothing more than an Alien from an Advanced civilization, Though I must say all civilizations that have the title as Gods are quite strong".

Banner a bit intrigued asked," There are more civilizations like Asgard?".

Carol: Yes there is for example Olympus which is ruled by Zeus, though I never visited there, I have heard about its prowess".

Everyone felt a bit awkward on hearing Carla's words and Natasha said," So all are mythical deities and Animals were aliens?".

Banner: Seems so.

Clint: We have diverged from the Topic.

Banner: Umm, Yeah so about Thor.

He said and looked at Nick who replied," I don't have any news about him".

Tony: Told ya he ran away.

As Steve was about to refute him the heard a voice.

???: Don't worry my friends I didn't forget about you.

They moved their head in the direction of the voice and saw Thor in a jersey with another person whom they know very well.

Steve: Loki!

All of them quickly took their guard, while Nick Fury pointed his gun at him.

Loki on looking at this and whispered in Thor's ears," Brother please don't let me die".

Thor whispered," Don't worry I won't let you die, though stopping your bones from being broken is inevitable".

Loki shuddered and quickly hid beside him," Brother, you have forgiven me right? How can you do Still this to me, your brother?".

Thor replied," You were the one asking for the punishment right? What's better than this? All of your guilt will be washed away after this".

Loki on hearing Thor's words said scared," Brother please, You can double my imprisonment duration but I don't want to experience this".

Thor smirked a bit and said," Don't worry I was pranking you".

Loki relaxed on hearing Thor's words but he quickly hid behind him.

(Author's Note: Even I am feeling that Loki and Thor are Gay)

Tony: How did you two get here?

Loki: Magic!

Tony quickly equipped his suit and said" You are still the same, coming uninvited", he pointed the plasma shooters at Loki ready to shoot.

Steve: Tony wait! Let Thor clarify things.

Tony slowly let his plasma shooter down and replied," Very well let's hear what you have to say".

Everyone glared at Loki making him feel nervous and Thor stood in front of him and said.

Thor: You all...

To be continued...

(Author's Note- Thank you for all the support you all gave me, for this reason, 2 times bigger chapter especially for all of you *^____^*).