Broken Avengers Part 1*Edited*

3rd Pov

Marvel Multiverse, Universe 199999, Milkway Galaxy, Solar System, Planet C-53(Earth), USA, New York City, Avengers Tower.

Thor: You all don't need to worry about Loki, he won't do anything stupid.

Tony: Last time I saw him was invading Earth with his alien Army, and you are telling me to believe that he won't do anything, Nah, not a chance.

Tony replied and charged his plasma Blaster ready to attack Loki if he does anything stupid.

Hawkeye: He almost Mind-R*ped me last time.

On hearing Hawkeye's word everyone looked at him.

Steve: What R*pe?

Hawkeye: Um, I mean to say Mind control.

Natasha: Well you can say he Mind r*ped you after all he almost f*ked up your mind last time.

Steve: Natasha and Clint! Language.

Natasha: Sorry Steve.

Clint: Umm yeah sorry Mind R*pe is a very disgusting term for mind control.

Loki on hearing their words couldn't help but say," It wasn't Mind R*pe mortal, I don't have any type of that fetish".

On hearing his word they looked at him like he was a liar and they didn't believe him at all. Loki saw the faces they were making and couldn't help but say," I don't have that type of fetish I swear on the name of Asgard!".

Nick Fury: Yeah, the same Asgard whom you betrayed.

Loki couldn't refute him, after all, he did betray Asgard many times but replied," *ahem* I swear on the name of my mother Freyja! that I don't have that type of fetish".

Thor on hearing his words smiled and said," See guys! He even swears on Mother's name and one thing I know about Loki is that he never swears a lie on our Mother's name even if he lies on All-Father Odin's name".

Clint: Still doesn't prove anything.

Steve: We have diverted from the real topic, Thor quickly gives a reason that we don't beat him and imprison him right here and now.

Tony: Do we need any reason? Loki is a liar and from what we know he might be mind-controlling Thor, it's better to beat both of them.

Loki on hearing Tony's words refuted," I can't Mind controlling anyone! I don't have any such ability! The power of Mind-control was an ability of the Mind stone not mine!".

Tony said," Still lying", and he pointed his charged plasma shooters ready to blast Loki at any time but Carol who was silent till now grabbed his hand tightly, making Tony squeal in a bit of pain, and as he shouted," What are you doing Carol?".

Carol: Oh! Just stopping Stopping a Madman.

Tony: Madman! Me?! Can't you see who the madman here is?

Others saw this, but no one said anything unless Steve break their silence.

Steve: Tony, she is right, you are not giving Loki and Thor even a chance to explain themselves and you are continuously threatening them, you also have become more aggressive last few days.

Tony this time had a look of disbelief as he looked at Steve and others and seeing they all agreeing with Steve he grunted," You all think I am Madman?".

Steve: No Tony it's not that...

Tony quickly cut Steve's words and shouted," Then what is this?! No one of you is even supporting me! No one of you is believing me! Where is the trust between us!".

Natasha laughed a bit and commented," Trust?! Woah hearing that word from you!".

Tony: Natasha! It was not just me! Dr. banner was also with me!

Banner quickly refuted him," Tony, I wasn't with you, I just said I will help you a bit and if it doesn't succeed in three days then I will leave the project".

Tony on hearing his words became aggressive and shouted," You b*stard! You just want to escape from the blame!", He fired a plasma beam toward Banner in rage.

Thankfully Carol came between the beam and Banner saving his life, she quickly equipped her Captain Marvel suit as she started floating above the floor while a bit of cosmic energy radiated from her.

After Tony fired the beam he came back to his sense and looked at Carol who by now had an angry expression.

Tony: Banner, I am sorry it's just...

Nick Fury quickly cut him and shouted at him," Tony! You almost kill Banner! If not for Carol saving him he would have died or transformed into an enraged Hulk! You even compromised our Safety!".

Tony on hearing Nick's words had a guilty expression, and he looked at others who looked at him in contempt, even Thor didn't help him since he thinks if not for the fact that Tony made Raphael who had destroyed his hammer, he might have fended off the enemies, as for the fact Gungir wasn't able to harm them, he ignored it, after all, it was Loki who used Gungir so he didn't believe that Loki's Weak Odin Force was that strong compared to his Hammer. He thinks that Tony is indirectly responsible for the death of Asgardian soldiers. As for Loki, well he is Loki, why will he help a mortal who previously beaten him, in fact, he even had a small smirk on his face on seeing this scene as he thought,' You call me a Madman mortal yet you are same making World Destroying weapons and calling me a Villain, Huh Karma does come to bite, previously I paid for my Bad Karma and now you will pay for it '.

Just because Tony was connected to Ultron/Raphael which caused thousands of death(According to them), Tony who is his creator also killed the people indirectly or so they thought. Since they needed someone to Blame, they subconsciously blamed Tony for all the fault who was an easy target.

Tony seeing that no one was helping him even felt that it was his mistake for losing his control and apologized," I apologize, due to being Tired I lost my control".

Nick Fury: Control! You mean that you don't know that we could have died! if Hulk has gone berserk then many civilians would have died! And you are saying despite knowing all of this you lost control!

(Author's Note: Finally the Avengers are showing their true nature after being lost in a fight and being under pressure)

Tony: Nick, I am sorry.

Natasha: Sorry?! Tony, you could have killed Banner!

Tony: Natasha, I am...

Before Tony could say more Carol Broke his armpiece with pure force.

Steve who was silent till now quickly shouted," Carol! Don't harm him!".

*Cliff- Kun Strikes*

To be continued...

(Author's Note- So how was the chapter, my fellow readers? Things are getting interesting aren't they?)

If you want a new chapter tomorrow then Give me 70+ Power stones by tomorrow noon.