Broken Avengers Part 2*Edited*

Author's Note- Hello! My dear Readers! I was just dying of boredom searching for a new interesting novel when I got this Idea of a Song, though it is pure Nonsense, and the song doesn't make sense and I am not a musician but l Hope you guys can tell me if the lyrics are good or not.

*Song begins*

-Darkness That Surrounds the World-

-To the Melachony of the Shall-Tearrrrr-

-To those who not to those who want-


- In the eternal Darkness-

-Nothing seems to change till the end-

-Knowing whether or not it exists from the absence of Light-

-Or the Nothingness that exists in it-

- Making the wary smile-

-Rem som tham-

-Re Vu RI-

-Curses against me-

-Loneliness I feel till the end-

-Reminds me-

-The Smile of the Devil-

-Chasing after me-

- Without any fate, I wander through the sands of the dead-

-Searching for a desired end-

-Only to see my hopes broken again and again-

- I will find it until my last breath-

*Song Ends*

Man does the Musician inside me have woken, or it's my chunni side or both?

Jokes aside let the Chapter Begin!


3rd Pov

Marvel Multiverse, Universe 199999, Milkway Galaxy, Solar System, Planet C-53(Earth), USA, New York City, Avengers Tower.

Tony: Natasha, I am...

Before Tony could say more Carol Broke his armpiece with pure force.

Steve who was silent till now quickly shouted," Carol! Don't harm him!".

While the other Avengers did feel that Tony deserved it, they didn't want to see him dying.

Thor who was silent till now shouted," What are you doing?!".

Carol replied unbothered," Just unarming him so he doesn't attack us after he becomes crazy".

Natasha and Clint looked at Nick for his opinion who said," She is right, currently he is dangerous for us".

Tony this time felt betrayed and he felt that Carol was too much, in the end, he couldn't stop his rage and fired at Carol who shrugged off the attacks easily.

*Boom* *Boom*

Thor and Loki seeing that Tony has started attacking quickly moved away from the room, they almost died a few hours ago and the feeling of death is still looming over them, Thor doesn't have much confidence to survive against superpowered people without his Hammer and Loki is also scared of Tony since he knows that Tony is the one that created Ultron who is very dangerous, while Ultron is not as dangerous as the invaders, he still destroyed Thor's hammer, so he believes that Technology used to Ultron and his Armor is same and the only difference is that Ultron has powers from Mind Stone, but it doesn't mean that he underestimates Technology.

Natasha, Clint, and Banner moved away from the area while Steve moved towards them.

Tony: Friday make online all weapon Systems and activate Battle mode!

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Sir, All the weapons Systems are online, and are you sure that you want to activate Battle Mode?

Tony knew how dangerous battle mode was and he didn't want to hurt other Avengers by mistake so he said," Not yet, activate it once others are out of Harm Range".

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Okay Sir.

Carol flew towards Tony, Tony quickly activated the thrusters, blasting him towards her while firing his plasma beams. His attack hit Carol successfully causing her to fall back due to force. He was ready to fire again when steve came between him and shouted.

Steve: You two enough! Stop fighting! You two are jeopardizing our safety!

Tony: Now you come to stop me Caps?! When everyone was blaming me you didn't speak a single word in my defense!

Steve: Tony it's nothing like that! You are too tired and aggressive! I just said that you need to take a rest!

Tony was about to reply when F.R.I.D.A.Y said," Sir, he is right, according to my calculations, while he didn't support you, he didn't blame you either and what he is saying is true, due to Sir's incomplete Sleep past few days, your behavior has become more aggressive and you are more prone to thinking everything as insults".

Tony knew that FRIDAY is an A. I so what she is telling must be true.

Tony: Fine! I won't be fighting anymore!

Carol who was in the debris stood up floating on the floor and replied.

Carol: But I haven't paid back the favor.

Steve knowing where it was going quickly stood between them and shouted," Carol No!".

Carol: No need to worry.

Steve relaxed on hearing the words but her next words shook up off relief.

Carol: I will just return the favor.

She said and quickly flew towards Tony who quickly took a battle stance.

Steve ran away as he knew he might get harmed if he stays in the battle zone.

Banner quickly hid behind a table while, Natasha, Clint, and Nick took a defensive stance with their weapons equipped.

Thor and Loki who saw that things were not looking good were baffled.

Carol sends a Plasma Blast on Tony who evaded it by a mere inch. He quickly activated his back thrusters sending a punch towards her, Carol decided to meet his punch head-on and she too punched.


Tony's armpiece was a bit damaged while Carol didn't have even a scratch. Tony looked at her in surprise as she said," Surprised?". Tony this time couldn't take anymore and seriously attacked her in melee shooting her with his shoulder missiles.

Thor and Loki who were seeing this were surprised because they can feel a similar energy reading like Tesseract from Carol.

Loki: Brother she has the same energy reading as Tesseract.

Thor: She is dangerous.

Loki: Brother we should leave, we might get injured in the crossfire.

Thor: Loki doesn't worry I will protect you! And those attacks can't harm me a God!

Loki: Brother did you forget how our situation was when invaders attacked us?

Thor: They must be gods too so they were able to harm us!

Loki felt that his brother is Brain- dead and felt that was if it right to ask mercy from those invaders to save his brother's life but recalling how his brother was ready to die from him he shook his thoughts, they then heard the floor cracking and moved their heads a bit up to see Carol, beating Tony who was on the floor.

*Boom* *Boom* *boom*

Carol while beating Tony tore off many parts of his Iron Man suit, due to damage on the floor broke causing both of them to fall below.

Steve: Tony!

Nick didn't show any worrying look since he knows something small like this won't be able to Harm Carol after all she didn't get a scratch even after she stopped those World-destroying Warheads head-on.

This time even Banner couldn't keep silent and moved towards the hole in the floor seeing Tony on the floor below while Carol is tearing off the rest of the Armor.

Banner: Carol! Stop! Otherwise, I will transform into a Hulk!

Carol stopped and floated up the gap and looked at him.

Banner looked at her without any fear while Carol said," So you are taking the side of the person who tried to kill you?".

Banner this time wavered and thought about it but still replied," He by mistake almost injured me, but he didn't do it knowingly and I am not injured! So there is no reason to beat him!".

Steve didn't stand to hear them and jumped from the gap to the down floor where Tony was lying on the floor. He quickly checked on Tony seeing that half of his suit was broken and shouted," Tony?! Tony! Can you hear me! Reply!".

A mechanical voice reached his ears," Don't worry Caps I am fine, though got some bruises, I am pretty sure nothing series except the fact my some of the bones might be broken", he said and his mask opened revealing Tony's face which had some small bruise but was fine.

Steve relaxed on hearing that and heard that everyone else to had come downstairs by now. He looked at Carol Angrily and said," Why did you try to hurt him?".

Carol said," I just tried to unarm him so he can't hurt us, It was his mistake for shooting at me".

Steve: We could have just told him to unequip his Suit! There was no need for this!

Nick: Steve, he was out of control do you think he would have unequipped his suit if we have said it?

While they were bickering Loki and Thor were still on the upper floor and saw Avengers fighting.

Loki: So this is their true Nature huh?

Thor: Loki they aren't like this, something must have happened.

Loki: Brother it's better we leave, as of now, Avengers won't help us when they have a civil war between them and that Woman is a proud and powerful woman, she is dangerous and might harm me*Ahem* I mean us.

Thor: Well I like her character, she is also strong she might be helpful against those invaders.

Loki thought,' Ughh, so Thor-likes brutes? well, what can be expected of a person like him who thinks with his hammer or hands rather than Brain, they are very similar but she might beat me and I don't want to beat in a Half-dead state like previously', he quickly replied," Brother we must find father first and then come here, finding father is more important".

Thor on hearing Loki's words felt that he was saying right and said," Very well, let's go find father and give him back his power, we will return once we have found father".

Loki on hearing that they need to return thought,' I will ask father to imprison me after I return his powers so I can avoid being beaten by these monsters, he thought that the same prison feels like a savior to him and mentally noted to become a good prisoner.

Loki: Very well, brother let's move to father's location now.

Thor nodded as both of them went to the balcony and Thor shouted," Heimdall!".

Soon a white beam strikes them and disappeared along with them.

While they left Tony and Nick were having a showdown.

Tony: Nick tells her to apologize to me otherwise.

Carol: Otherwise what?

Tony looked at the owner of the voice with a bit of fear in his eyes but didn't show any changes in his facial expression and replied," I am the leader of Avengers, and you can't join Avengers without my permission".

Carol: I am alone enough to beat Ultron without you and your team, I don't need a help of a murderer.

Everyone reacted on hearing her words and Banner said," Carol, it isn't his mistake...".

She cut him and replied," You are saying it isn't his mistake?! Ultron Killed over 100,000 civilians! and he is the one that created Ultron so he caused the death of over 100,000 innocent lives! It's more than when Chitauri invaded".

This time no one spoke until Tony said," I created Ultron to protect Earth because of Mind Stone he developed a superior twisted conscious".

Nick this time chirped in and said," You all might not know, but the public is outraged because of the deaths and they want Answers, I reported to the World Council about how Tony is the one who created Ultron and they are blaming Avengers from their incompetence, if not for the fact that Army wasn't able to kill Ultron and only Avengers are capable of doing so, otherwise you all would have been in jail by now".

Steve: Nick, this isn't right, Tony while having created Ultron never killed anyone innocent and save Millions of lives during the New York Invasion! When the government decided to sacrifice the lives of millions of people, Tony saved them while risking his own life! Tell me how is the government doing the right thing?

On hearing Steve's words even Clint Banner and Natasha thought that he was right.

Banner: I agree with Steve.

Clint: Me too.

Natasha: I also think Steve is right.

Carol heard their words moved her gaze towards Clint, Natasha, Fury, and Banner, and said," Tell me what if the person who died due to Ultron was your family member? Your Wife? Husband or Children? Would you have said the same thing? When Ultron will attack again this time he will be stronger and possibly with an army of Robots, while we may defeat him, many innocent lives will be lost, possibly millions".

Clint after hearing her words thought about the possibility of his family being harmed, Banner thought about what if Betty died due to Ultron and similar thoughts were in Steve's and Natasha's Minds.

Nick: Let me tell you even after you all will defeat Ultron, all the blame would be put on Tony and Avengers, while you won't be killed, but life imprisonment is guaranteed. However, if Tony leaves the Avengers, the blame will fall only on him.

Tony: Nick? You will do this to me? After all, I did for this Team for Humanity! Make me a sacrificial Lamb?!

Steve: Nick we are a team, I won't leave Avengers or let Tony leave it.

Nick: So tell me? You will bear the punishment for a mistake you all never did? Natasha, you will probably be killed due to your past, I won't be able to save you, Banner due to your previous incident you will be captured by the Military, becoming a lab rat, as for you Clint, how your family will feel when you will be declared as a Murderer? How your children will feel? They will suffer, so I want you all to make a decision, we all will vote, on whether to kick Tony out of Avengers Team or not.

Everyone after hearing it fell into deep thinking while Nick thought,' I can't afford to lose my best soldiers when galactic threat is looming over the Earth, I need to sacrifice one of them, for the rest of them, while losing Tony is sad, his intelligence will be lost but Carol can replace it and she also has a connection to Advance Galactic Civilization so we might get hands to more advance technology Tony ever can make, Sorry Tony but your sacrifice is necessary for Humanity', he came out of his thoughts and said," Tell me who is against Tony and who is with him".

Carol: This madman should pay for his actions, I am against him.

Clint: Sorry, Tony I hope you can understand but I don't want my family to suffer because due to my being declared a Criminal.

Banner: I am also sorry Tony, but I don't want to become a test subject for the military, it might create the same situation as Abomination so I am voting against you.

Natasha: Sorry Tony, but can't let people suffer so I am also voting against you.

Tony looked at this in disbelief at how all his teammates left him due to Nick and Carol, and he gritted his teeth. Everyone looked at Steve waiting for his answer.

Steve: My answer will be the same, Tony and we are a team, if we win we will win together, If we lose we will lose together, I won't lose my Comrade ever again.

A hint of Melachony passed in his voice when he said the last words of his sentence remembering his best friend Bucky.

Tony felt happy on hearing Steve's words and said in his heart,' Steve is my true friend huh? So Oldschool was my closest friend all along, sorry caps for doubting you, I will pay this gratitude if I ever get the chance, he clenched his fists and said," Sorry caps for doubting you".

Steve smiled and said," No need to worry Tony, all you need is rest".

Tony nodded and shifted his gaze toward the others.

Carol: It doesn't matters we have won the majority so Tony will be kicked out of the Avengers team.

Before Steve can refute he heard his laugh of Tony and looked at him.

Tony: Hahahahahah! You will k*ck me?! I will leave you all before you kick me out! I am leaving Avengers! I will destroy Ultron myself without any of your help! I will make you all regret leaving me!

Steve: Tony?

Tony: Thank you Steve for your support but I am the one who created Ultron so I will be the one to destroy him, and once I will, Nick you will regret leaving me, I am the one who created a pure energy source, without me you all won't have any way to stop Global warming, let's see how humanity does without its greatest inventor. Now you all leave Stark Tower! Since it is my property!

Nick: Tony you will regret this, due to you creating Ultron you would have to pay a great price.

Tony: So what? I don't like cheap things anyway.

Nick sighs and, Banner, Clint, Natasha, and Carol leaves Stark Tower, and Steve after a bit of talking with Tony too leaves.

After all of them have left Tony asks F.R.I.D.A.Y," FRIDAY what are the chances against Ultron and his Robot army against me and my Iron legion".

F.R.I.D.A.Y: Boss according to my calculation you only have a 0.7% of chance winning against him.

Tony:*Sigh* Only that much? Huh? It's still not zero and I need to make something amazing, something better than my suit to win against him, I will start tomorrow, for now, I should take a rest.

Tony walks towards the Bedroom and opens the door moves inside the room and lies on the big bed enough for several people and mutters," Wait a minute? I am forgetting something, ughhh, It must be not important, I need to sleep properly first, FRIDAY switch off the lights".

The lights in the room get switched off as Tony falls asleep due to being Tired, forgetting about Thor and Loki and even his injuries, thankfully none of his bones are broken and there are only small bruises.


(Author's Note- I hope you all liked the Chapter, give me more power stones for bigger and bonus Chapters)