My Exams are near

Hello, my dear readers! How are you all doing? I hope you are fine after all who will read my novels if something happens to you guys.

Jokes aside, the unfortunate time has come that every reader hates, exams! Not yours it's mine. My exams will last only 10 days but I also need to consider the time needed for Revision, you guys don't need to worry it's isn't finals but Unit Test one, My exams will get over on 30/6/22 hopefully, so I will continue releasing new chapters after that.

While it doesn't mean I will release a new chapter, to be honest, I might release only 1 or 2 chapters in these 20 days of any of my three fanfics, but as we all say something is better than having nothing, I guess? Well, see you all next month, though I might release a new chapter it isn't guaranteed so don't get your hopes up.

If you haven't tried my other fanfics, give them a try, that is my honest request and you might like them and if it isn't your cup of tea then you can just leave it honestly though I request you to read a few chapters before making a judgment.

I hope you all understand.