Visting Kamar Taj

(Author's Note: Guys I hope you all enjoy the chapter!)


3rd Pov

Marvel Multiverse, Universe 199999, Milkway Galaxy, Solar System, Planet C-53(Earth), North East Africa, Wakanda, Brinin Zana City(Wakanda's Capital).

Currently, in the Wakanda's royal palace a very serious discussion is taking place, an event that will cause a huge change in the world for better or worse.

T'Chaka: So the news about that Advanced Robot A.I. is true?

Nakia: Yes, My king, according to the info I collected it is a Superpowerful Advance Robot made by Multi-Billionaire Tony Stark.

T'Chaka: How strong that Machine is?

Nakia: My king, according to our reports the Robot is strong enough to destroy the whole of New York itself.

T'Challa: Nakia, isn't that too far-fetched? Even if the A.I. can be advanced it should be nowhere that strong.

Nakia: My prince, That's what we too believed at first but the Robot has been said to have unexplainable powers.

T'Chaka frowned and asked," What kind of powers?".

Nakia: Although we don't know all his powers, we know that the Robot has the ability to control magnetic waves, and can use a weird destructive type of ability.

T'Challa: Just these two?

Nakia: There might be many more but we don't know about them yet, as for its known abilities are also many like flying, SuperStrength, Shockwave Absorption, etc out of them these two are most prominent and Unexplainable.

Ramonda: Shockwave Absorption? Isn't that a property of Vibranium?

Nakia: Yes My queen, our researchers believe that Robot got this property from Vibranium.

T'Chaka: Vibranium?! How can that playboy get hold of that much Vibranium?! without knowing us?!

Ramonda: Dear calm down, in this situation we should act calmly.

T'Chaka: Sorry My dear for my outrage, but if the Robot is really made up of Vibranium then it is a serious issue.

T'Challa: Baba, Should I go to dispose of that Robot?

Shuri: Brother are you an Idiot?!

T'Chaka: Shuri? Are you done with the analysis of the data we got from that Robot?

Shuri: Yes Baba and the results are very shocking.

Ramonda: Daughter, what are the results that are too shocking?

Shuri: Mama, from the Data we got and I analyzed I have concluded that the Robot is made up of Vibranium since there are some Vibranium signatures from the clues we got, however, the purity of Vibranium is low like it is some sort of alloy.

T'Chaka: It seems while Tony got his hand on the Vibranium it must be not that much that he can make a machine completely of Vibranium that's a relief then since the Machine's defense while higher than an Ordinary Metal will be definitely lower than pure Vibranium.

T'Challa: Baba, since that's the case we should destroy the Robot securing the Vibranium.

Shuri: Brother are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I said to you earlier?

Ramonda: Shuri that's not the manner you should talk with your brother.

Shuri: Mama, Baba at least hear my complete report first before making any decision.

T'Chaka: Very well Shuri you can continue.

Shuri: Baba, while the Robot is made of a Vibranium alloy composed of Vibranium and an Unknown metal, according to my analysis the Robot's defense is at least 3 Times harder than the Purest Vibranium.

T'Chaka: What?!

After 30 Minutes.

T'Chaka: That's very serious, the power of that Robot must be higher than the Strongest Vibranium weapons then.

Romanda: Shuri, Are you sure your report is correct?

Shuri: Mama, I am the youngest and best inventor of Wakanda, I am 100% sure that my analysis is correct.

T'Chaka: Nakia!, I order you to inform you everything you can know about that Robot and Okoye send a message to all the other tribes.

Both: Yes My King!

T'Challa: Baba, in what way I should help?

T'Chaka: For now you just increase your training intensity and be ready if the need arises as for you Shuri, you need to make a new technology or weapon against that Robot.

Both: Okay Baba.

T'Chaka sighed and thought,' This serious problem can risk the security and the secrets of Wakanda but we need to get the Vibranium back as it belongs to Wakanda, and that new alloy too since if the whole world gets to know about that alloy they will target Vibranium and if Klaue reveals about Wakanda then Wakanda will be in danger,*sigh*, first my own brother and this, as for Tony Stark, we will handle him later on, I don't know how he got the Vibranium but my guess he must have got it from Klaue, once we get back the Vibranium, I will decide what to do with that Tony Stark, such a dangerous man can't be let be alive', the hatred for Tony increased in T'Chaka's mind, unknown to Tony that he has now become a target for world's most technologically Advanced Country, poor Tony o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ.

(Author's Note: R.I.P Tony Lol🤣 )


Raphael's Pov

We entered through the portal coming in the middle of the Kamar Taj, soon every Master of Mystic Arts became aware of our presence, and Ancient One personally greeted us, well more like threatened us.

I looked at the Nepalese-style building and saw us surrounded by Master of Mystic Arts.

Ancient One Teleported in front of us and said," Can I know who you two are and why have you invaded here in Kamar Taj?"

Ataman came forward and introduced us," Hello, My name is Ataman aka Soul stone and this is my Master Supreme God of Creation and Void!", he said exaggeratedly and even flashed some spells to make it cooler, eh? did his chunni side wake up or did he woke up his inner Diablo? While Cringe and Awkward do earn WTF Looks, Haha inside my mind I am laughing my a*s off seeing the expression they are making.

Every Mystic Warrior or Master is making a WTF?\(〇_o)/ expression and it's hilarious! Even Poker face Ancient one is making a weird expression.

They recovered quickly and many of them made ElderWitch weapon constructs ready to fight us, and also the fact that not all of them know about Infinity stones made many of them misunderstand that Ataman is some sour of Demon or Devil since he said he is a soul stone.

Random Mystic Warrior 1: They are definitely Demons!

Random Mystic Warrior 2: He said he is a soul stone which must mean he is some sort of Devil!

Many of them were about to attack but Ancient One stopped them and said," Tell me who really you two are and why you two really are here?".

On hearing her words Ataman simply released the Aura of Soul stone making her eyes wide a bit but she recovered quickly and asked," It seems your words are somewhat true, so now towards my next question, why you two are here? If you lie I will know it and believe me it won't end well".

Bruh, Intimidation? She is saying she can catch our lies while she couldn't tell whether Ataman was saying the Truth or not? It is getting annoying , I thought to make a deal with her, for Time Stone I will kill Dormammu, but it is getting annoying and I am just delaying my evolution now, I have an easy solution for this.

I looked at her and spoke," It's getting really annoying, I will be taking Time stone whether you mind or not", saying that I used Reality Manipulation and Chaos Manipulation simultaneously, making Everyone a Stone statue including Ancient one, one thing I know that Mystic users of Earth 199999 should be weak due to it being a very weak universe.

If I am not wrong which I am and never have been then an Ancient one would be breaking the effect any second now.

*Crack* *Crack*

Soon she broke the Skill's effect, she absorbed the surroundings and said," You are an agent of Chaos!".

She attacked me but Ataman stopped him, she used her sling Ring to teleport us into the mirror dimension. Soon a huge amount of Dark energy got released from her. I gave a mental command to Ataman,' Ataman I will take care of her', he answered,' Okay Master '.

I flew towards her and she used some Elderwitch constructs to shoot at me which didn't even scratch me due to my Magic Resistance and the fact I made a Magicule layer around my body.

Raphael: If you give me the time stone then I will not kill you to complete any one wish of yours.

Ancient One: Something that a devil will say, take this Virya rope of Vishanti!

I used spatial manipulation to dodge her attack and bound her with the power of Soul Manipulation erasing her soul from existence, soon her body stopped moving and she fell to the ground, I used Spatial Manipulation to get Time Stone from the Agmatto's Eyes, soon a shining green gem appeared on my hand.

Ataman came near and said," Congratulations Master now only one Infinity stone is left".

I replied," Not one, but trillions of them are left".

Ataman trembled a bit and asked," Master do you mean that?".

Raphael: Yes, I will get all the Infinity stones of the Multiverse after my evolution.

Ataman: Hahaha! Master, I thought I was able to gauge you a bit but it seems I didn't know about you anything.

Raphael: I want to get Reality stone as soon as possible let's not delayed that.

Ataman: Yes Master!

I devoured the Time Stone using Void God Azathoth.

[Unique Skill Time Manipulation has been Acquired!]

[Unique Skill Time Walker has been Acquired!]

Nice, I got two new useful skills. Now reality stone here I come!

Raphael: Let's go.

Saying that I teleported both of us to Knowhere.

To be continued...