Reality Matrix

(Author's Note- I know I haven't released any new chapter of Attack on Titan Fanfic, but my schedule is chaotic and that is the reason I have decided to take off the schedule dates of Attack on Titan fanfic as of now after my exams are finished I will reschedule the dates again, I am sorry for all the readers who were waiting for Attack on Titan Fanfic Chapters, also don't misunderstand that I don't release new chapter till my exams get over its just it will be temporarily unscheduled like my Marvel and Mushoko Tensei Fanfic, so random chapter updates, also I ensure you that I will release a new chapter of it on Monday, so I hope you understand the reason for no chapter updates)


Marvel Multiverse, Universe 199999, M3RD 17H17211+2121224, Knowhere.

Raphael Pov

I teleported us to Knowhere in the front of Collector's shop, as for how I knew the location of it? I am a Wisdom God and on top of that, I have a Universal sense that grants me a sort of pseudo-Omni-Sense. Well it's not that Universal sense can make anyone pseudo-Omin-Sense but I have a brain strong enough to calculate the exact no.of atoms in half of the Universe in 30 minutes, while it doesn't seem overpowered, it means I can calculate enough Data required for a Virtual Universe Half of the size of the Current Universe in 30 minutes, and the fact I have Universal Sense and a huge Magicule Capacity+ High Magicule Regeneration is the reason it's possible, currently I have mapped whole the whole Universe till it's boundaries during the last few days.

Even if Ataman has the same skills as me he can't do it without any Ultimate Ranked wisdom skill, since without it the vast amount of Data will make him go insane despite him being Infinity stones, Hehe I am quite proud of the fact I asked for the Wisdom, Intellegince+ Strength is always OP.

I came out of my thought Acceleration and saw the Collector's lair or his home, I walked towards the door with Ataman, and Ataman like a smart servant he is, click the bell on the door, bruh, seriously a bell? The technology in this Universe in some sectors of things is truly undeveloped, while Transportation,Communication and Weapon technology is advance, other stuff is basically too undeveloped since the Empires think its better to use the money on Military and Transportation rather than other things which is kinda norm considering the fight they regularly have for the resources.

Soon the door opened and we were greeted by Carina a slave of the Collector.

Carina: How may I help you?

Ataman: We want to meet the collector, tell him we want something in exchange for something.

Carina: Okay, please wait here for a few minutes.

(Author's Note- Guys they use a different unit for measuring time and length but think of it as a translation I made from their language and units to ours, so anyone who wanted to say I have left a plothole, well it s*cks to be you!🤣🤣)

Ataman mentally asked me,' Master should we waste our time for these lowlifes? Why don't I just get the Reality stone we got from the Ancient One '.

I replied to him mentally,' Ataman, we will get the Reality stone by force if he isn't in favor of giving it to us, but doing it many times just makes me seem like a Robber, which while I don't mind that much after all power means everything. Without it, anyone is nothing more than an insect, so even if people label us it doesn't matter if we get powerful. Still, I want subordinates and if we continue like this then getting loyal subordinates will be hard, just think of it as practice for courting our future subordinates '.

Ataman: Okay Master.

After a few minutes

Once again the door opened and the pinkish-colored Kylorian slave and assistant of the Collector stood in front of us

Carina: Can you two please follow me.

We nodded and followed her, While I have already seen all the things collector have collected via my Universal sense doesn't mean that I have understood 100% of their existence, it means I can get their virtual Data via my Universal sense like a 3-d Video, have brain strong enough to analyze a data vast enough about to the very existence of the objects as large as a Milkyway Galaxy and can store an infinite amount of info with accurate memory, I have just mapped the Universe as a 3-d map so to understand things better than the mental calculations I need to see them or get them in the radius of 100 m to use my All of Creation and All of the Void.

By the time we reached the Collector I have already analyzed everything Collector ever have collected. I looked towards him seeing the White-haired man.

Collector: Well, I hope you two have something valuable for me to exchange for whatever you two want otherwise It won't end well for you, hmm you are an interesting specimen Blue hair and Golden eyes, I have never seen any being like you, he walked towards me to check only to be stopped by Ataman.

Ataman on hearing words felt disgusted that an inferior being is trying to threaten us," I hope you know your limits, otherwise you and your Tivan Group won't end well".

He looked amused and replied," Well that's amusing after all it is not every day when someone threatens me the Leader of an Intergalactic Congloromerate, but I guess there is a time for everything, anyway put your offer".

While I can just mind control him but I am increasing my patience level which got a huge decrease after I got my new mentality and change of Soul, anyway if he steps over his limit I will do Thanos's job instead. I asked him," I am here for the Reality Stone or known better by its alias Aether, and I am willing to pay a big price for it".

He looked a bit shocked since no one else other than him and Asgardians should know about it yet I knew about it, his interest in us grew, and he replied," Well, you two must be some bigshots if you can know about this, but I don't think that the risk of offending Asgard and giving away an Infinity stone can be exchanged by money or some low-level relic".

Raphael: I know, but you don't have any choice, Thanos already knows that you have an Infinity stone and once he comes for you, you are bound to lose your everything.

His expression changed of one who is scared and horrified on hearing that Thanos might be possible after him but he quickly regained his calm, I guess a perk of living for thousands of years, and replied," While I don't know if what are you saying is true, but I still have the protection of Asgard and you guys still need to give me something in exchange of equal value".

He is annoying but I guess he is correct after all from a businessman's perspective, I quickly summoned 3kgs of Orichaclum in front of him and replied," Check it".

His eyes glistened a bit on seeing the metal, and he used his scanners to check it and said interestingly," An Unkown metal, hmm what are the special properties of it?".

Ataman: It's vibrant absorbent like Vibranium, it is sturdier than Uru and has 50% better energy conduction than it.

He became a bit shocked and surprised and to check if we really are saying the truth he did a few tests on it and after that, he replied," I can exchange anything for it except the Infinity stone since even this rare and Unknown metal is not enough for the infinity stone".

It seems like I need to do more than it well I am wisdom God right, it's time to use my intellect instead of force.

After 50 minutes

In the end, after telling him the circumstances of the Asgard and proving to him that Thanos is really after it, which was very easy considering what he and I know about Thanos, he gave us the Reality stone, once I gave him a piece of Vibranium having some energy of Power stone, which is enough to make it stronger than Thor's Hammer, also we established some connections with him, and he said that we will have a high-level authority among the customers of the Tivan group, in a few words everything went well, I got reality stone, a big connection to the Tivan group, etc.

While it's not that important it does increase the data I have about business and stuff, if I ever want to open any company it will be very useful, anyway I devoured the Reality stone using my Origin Skill Void God Azathoth and since I wanted a new skill from it I did some adjustments getting a new interesting skill

[Unique Skill Reality Matrix has been acquired!]

Hmm, a skill having power between Reality Bending and Reality Manipulation but is the most versatile of the three with having more variety of the uses.

Now only the souls are required for the evolution.

To be continued...

(Author here: Guys please vote on how he should get the necessary souls,

Option 1) By killing the Human Military and showing the world leaders their place:

Option 2) By killing Thanos and his army:

Also, note that while you may choose either option doesn't change the fact that Raphael won't kill them, it just makes the route a bit different in a few interesting ways, so don't choose to kill Thanos if you want to avoid humans from dying which is impossible since he will kill them either way but many events will be different which is a sort of surprise.