(Bonus Chapter) Attack on New York Part 1

(Author's Note- Guys my exams are starting on Monday and since I won't be able to stay even online to check how my fanfics are doing since my schedule will become all 18/7 studying so I am giving at least this one bonus chapter before my exams also about the votes, I am telling you not to spam your votes, follow these regulations:

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Also, Option 1 won so he will kill the humans for the evolution


Raphael Pov

*Thought Acceleration Start*

Now only the souls are required for evolution and for the souls I will get them from the Humans, they are the best nourishment for my Demon Lord Evolution, since the humans of the Earth are quite weak I will need 10 times souls for Evolution so about 250000+ souls, also after Evolving I would have to deal with the Lady Death since she will notice the missing souls,*sigh* I guess it's time to use my Guardian or Living Tribunal.

*Thought Acceleration Over*

I looked at Ataman and Ordered," Ataman I need to evolve and for that, I will need 250000 Human souls so we will be attacking Avengers, convey my message to the Shield and tell them that I will be attacking New York", I am doing these so at least kids or children can evacuate, if they don't evacuate civilians on time it won't matter to me, it will be their responsibility.

Ataman Nodded and teleported from here to the Shield Helicarrier, after he was gone I used my Universal Sense seeing across the Universe boundary for Living Tribunal, once I found him I teleported near him.


Ataman Pov

My master has given me the order to tell the Shield in advance about our invasion, I guess he wants the best souls since the people who have a strong mentality like soldiers have better quality souls, as soul stone myself I can justify it, anyway I teleported on the floating Shield Hellicarrier.

I looked at the soldiers around me who didn't see me teleporting and ignored me, after all, who can be on Shield's Hallicarrier without Shield's permission? while some looked at me weirdly most of them ignored me except one.

???: Hello Sir? Can I see your identification card?

Um, amusing a Human woman who was able to point out that something was wrong with me, unlike other soldiers who are ignoring me thinking that no one can invade Shield, quite funny despite the fact they already have been invaded by the Loki and his goons once and it is more of Hydra than Shield.

I replied to the Human woman," I don't have one".

She looked at me confused, I can see her hand near the gun ready to take it out from her pocket ready to shoot at me at any time, I chuckled and started floating above the ground and replied again," Not that I need one".

She quickly took out her gun and shooter at me multiple times but they fell down after coming in contact with my clothes, ah weak mortal weapons thinking they can Harm me.

She quickly made the distance between us and shouted," There is a threat here!".

Many Shield Agent heard her voice and quickly came here and once they saw me, they shot their guns, thousands of bullets rained at me, well not even one was able to scratch me, quite weak I must say, while I can kill them, I am letting these insects alive so my master can use their souls for his evolution.

Agent Hill pov

I am looking at the weird man, who is unharmed even after being shot by hundreds of guns, I quickly connected to the comms and said," Agent Hill here!".

???: Yes Agent Hill any problem?

He can't be serious right? I mean he still doesn't know we are being attacked by someone?! Well, it's not time for my complaints," Sir we are under attack!"

???: What?! Agent Hill how many enemies have attacked?

I replied," Sir One".

???: One?! Are you serious?

Can't he accept the fact we are being attacked and quickly call for reinforcement?! Tsk, this baldy has been acting quite different after that Carol girl came here," Sir I am serious, and the attacker is a male, brown hair with yellow stripes, also he is floating in the air without any equipment".


Nick Fury Pov

I heard Agent Hill's words and a sense of fear took over me since the person that she gave described can be Ultron if we took off his Human look, but since he can fly without any equipment he is 100% Ultron, but remembering that Carol is here I sighed in relief and said," Keep him busy for a minute Avengers and reinforcements will come there in a minute".

Agent Hill: Okay Sir.

I quickly looked for Carol and on seeing her I ordered," Carol! Ultron is here".

Carol and other two Avengers mainly Hawkeye and Black Widow heard, after hearing my words they quickly came towards me.

Carol Asked me," Nick so the Terminator 2.0 is here?".

Nick: Yes Carol he is here on deck 35, Hanger 2, I want you to move him out of Helicarrier first, otherwise he will destroy the Helicarrier.

Carol: Hmm, very well let's see what that Robot has.

Saying that she quickly equipped her suit and ran towards the exit, jumped off and flew away. While Natasha and Hawkeye seemed concerned and asked," Nick should we help her?".

Help her? Can they compare to her? She is enough to defeat Ultron but I am not gonna say that after all these two are my top agents and they still are useful," You guys just be ready, while you two can fight Ultron but there might be goons of Ultron like the Iron legion of Tony so if they attack Helicarrier I need you to be ready".

They nodded and understood the fact they can't help Carol in the fight anyway.


Ataman Pov

I am just here to send the message my Master told me, well to seems there is a powered-up Human here, interesting I can feel a bit of Cosmic Space sub-type energy radiating from her, to think she was able to absorb a bit of Space tone, while impressive for a mortal she is just a bigger and fatter insect. I am Soul stone myself and can easily erase or devour her soul without any consequences whatever.

She flew towards me at shot some plasma beams which got destroyed once they touched me. Hahaha, while she doesn't know but infinity stones cancel each other so any attack from other infinity stones will not even scratch me I am completely immune to them and since she derives her power from space stone and Infinity stone, her attacks will be cancelled once they touch me.

She looked a bit shocked on seeing that her attacks didn't budged me from my place even a bit but then I saw a smirk appear on her face as she flew towards me breaking the sound barrier aiming a punch at me.

I dodged her easily as she missed her attack and flew for a bit before stopping, hmm poor use of her powers and she just knows how to use brute strength, *sigh* I thought these humans will entertain me a bit but she is pretty much useless.

She quickly flew near me and asked," Tell me are you Ultron?".

Is she stupid? I mean she just attacked me without knowing who I am? Are all Humans these much stupid?? She is just too weak and a stupid, *sigh* I don't want to waste anymore energy it's better if I leave.

I replied," I am not Ultron or Raphael, I am his servant, my name is Ataman".

She asked" Ataman? A weird name, so you are his one of the goons or the Robots he made huh?".

I snorted at her question and replied," I am his personal servant! and I am here to covey my Master's message".

She looked at me strangely and replied," Oh a message? Well if you want them to be your last words then yes you can go ahead and say".

It seems this mortal is too overconfident, I chuckled on that, it will be fun beating her into a pulp or breaking her into pieces, if not for the fact she will be a good nourishment for master, I would have started torturing her right now, I guess she is lucky to be of use for my Master.

I said," My Master has said that we will attack New York shortly so if you guys want to evacuate those measely insects called civilians or something you better do it fastly".

She looked at me raged after hearing my words and dashed towards me, I simply teleported from there since she is destined to die by Master's hand and become nourishment for him, hehe Master said he will get other Universes Infinity stones, I will torture her parallel variants for my satisfaction once we go to the other Universes.


After Ataman left Raphael

Raphael Pov

I looked at Living Tribunal who was just looking at me without any expression for last 30 seconds, seeing that we are going nowhere I started the conversation," Living Tribunal I want a favour from you".

He finally spoke," A favour you ask? Hmm, very well go ahead and state your favour if it's within my power I will do it".

This guy is totally weird hehe just like me! I replied," I will be devouring some hundred thousand souls for my evolution I want you to protect me from the Death's Rage".

After hearing my words he stayed silent for s few seconds before he replied," Very well, since it's for your growth I will protect you from Death, that's my job currently anyway, also I will warn death to not harm you".

It seems my father really ordered a reliable guardian for me," Thank you, I will return the favour in the future".

He just silently nodded and after that I teleported back on Earth in the Castle I have in Sokovia, I looked around and sat back on sofa, switched on Tv, used virtual programmer and started watching Anime.

After 15 minutes

I felt someone teleported near me ad I looked towards the source seeing that Ataman has came back, he bowed and said," Master I have done what you ordered me, I have warned then that we will be attacking New York Shortly".

I knew what he do, since I already saw it with my Universal sense, seeing that he wanted to kill Carol I got an idea," Ataman Thank you, you did a great job and I saw how you wanted to kill that Human, since you helped me a lot since you became my subordinate I am giving you the permission to kill her in my stead."

His eyes sparkled after hearing that I gave him the permission to kill Carol and he replied," Thankyou Master for your generous reward, don't worry I will kill her in such a way that she will regret forever insulting you".

I nodded and replied," We will attack New York tomorrow for now let's watch Anime".

He nodded and sat near me, I created popcorns with my Creation powers and handed him some, he took it and we both started munching popcorns while watching the Anime War of the End.


Stark Tower,

3rd Pov

Sounds of blasts could be heard in the stark tower, which is due to the experiments of Tony stark.

Tony: FRIDAY, we did it! HAhaha, I made nanobots! Re-Check if they are working properly.

FRIDAY: Sir, Congratulations, the Nanobots you made are working without any powers not to mention they can be stored inside the human body providing superhuman durability and strength to its host.

Tony: Haha! Indeed what I have done is a nothing short of Miracle, I Tony Stark made the world's first Nanomachine or Nanosuit!

Tony was extremely happy since his hard work paid off and the fact he was able to make Nano suit in this low amount of time just increased his narcissism," Nick you left me, all of you left me except Cap, for that Carol woman, but now I have broken off the limits of the technology and I will make you regret abandoning me!".

He snorted and was about to say something when FRIDAY interrupted him," Sir, their is a call from Steve Rogers".

Tony: From Caps? Take the call.

Soon he heard a voice," Tony? Tony are you there?".

Tony: Haha Caps! Yes, I can hear you, so how you called me.

Steve: Tony, I have got the info that Ultron will be attacking New York shortly, it's better you get ready.

Tony: Are you sure? From where did you get this news?

Steve: From Agent Hill, she said that Ultron's one of the Robot dummies attacked Helicarrier and gave this message.

Tony: Hmm, haha let him come, I will show you guys what new awesome thing I made.

Steve: Did you make something that can defeat Ultron?

Tony: Yup, just need to make sure that I am able to make a physical contact with him without dying and after that, these fellas will destroy him from inside.

Steve: It seems, you made something quite amazing, anyway I will be reaching Stark Towers in a few hours, I will meet you there.

Tony: Okay Caps, just be ready for what I am going to show you.

Steve: Sure.

Saying that he cut the call and Tony took a slice of pizza from the table, he asked FRIDAY as he eat it," FRIDAY how many Mark suits we have?".

FRIDAY: Sir Currently 122 Mark suits have been made in the last few days of which 89 are made based on previous models and the rest of them are made with new technology.

Tony on hearing that clenched his fists as he said, "I will show Nick and others how wrong they were for abandoning me", he shifted his gaze towards the Nanobots and said," FRIDAY start making Mark 77 suit from these Nano suit with the new ideas, also make some Virus Nanobots which can shut down Ultron".

Jarvis: Okay Sir.



3rd Pov

T'Chaka and other Tribe leaders were having a meeting, in the Royal Hall.

T'Chaka: So as I said, we need to arrest Tony and destroy Ultron and take the special metal from it for the security of Wakanda.

M'Baku: It seems that you can rule your kingdom properly due to your mistakes we are currently in this situation.

T'Chaka got enraged on hearing his words and shouted," M'Baku! you better behave and know your boundaries otherwise you will be punished!".

M'Baku snorted and replied," Why? Cat got your teeth, we all know what I am saying is the truth and you are not able to administrate Wakanda properly, due to your mistakes Klaue got the Vibranium and also due to you that Abomination was created".

"You!",Before T'Chaka could retord M'Baku Nakia quickly came in the hall and said," My king! I have an important news!".

T'Chaka got angrier on Nakia cutting his words and asked," Tell me Nakia what's the news! If it's not important then I will punish you for disturbing the meeting!".

Nakia quickly replied," My king, I have got news from my spies in the shield that Ultron will attack New York in a few days".

T'Chaka calmed a bit on hearing her words and asked," Can the news be trusted?".

Nakia: Yes my king, from what I got, Ultron himself warned the Shield.

T'Chaka on hearing her words thought,' Why would he himself expose his plan? It's whether that its a situation or he simply doesn't cares about the Military since he is quite strong, if we go by the fact that he is made up of an Alloy stronger than Vibranium then the second option seems to be more correct than the first '.

T'Chaka looked at other tribe leaders and said," As you all heard her Ultron will attack New York in a few days and then we will strike".

A random elder: Won't that expose Wakanda?

T'Chaka: We still don't know if Tony Stark has already exposed us but from our information we know that the people of lower strata and even the president doesn't know about us, so we can presume only a few people know the truth currently, so we will strike and get the Ultron's body and arrest Tony and after he spills the beans we will dispose of all those who know the truth".

All Elders on hearing his words talked about it among themselves and after half an hour, more than half of the elders were in the favour of T'Chaka's decision and seeing that M'Baku snorted and stood up and said," I will take the throne when the crowning ceremony held by defeating your son and end your rule!", saying that he walked away.

T'Chaka ignored him since for now he has bigger problems like Ultron and Tony, so he decided to go to Shuri and see if she invented something new.


Marvel Multiverse, Universe 199999, Andromeda Galaxy, Ox-8923782738yZ, Thanos's Spaceship.

Thanos: So you have found the location of the Power stone?

Corvus: Yes my liege, from what I have found Power stone is currently on a Morag and Oceanic type of planet.

Thanos pondered for a bit and replied," Call Nebula and Gamora".

Corvus nodded and called them, soon after a few minutes they appeared in front of him and Nebula kneeled before him while Gamora just stared at him.

Thanos: My daughters, I have found the location of the Power stone and I am giving you the task to get it, I will also told Ronan to assist you both.

Nebula's eye glistened as she said," I won't disappoint you father".

Gamora just sighed on hearing Thanos's words and replied," Father I will bring you the Infinity stone".

Thanos stood up from his throne and walked towards Gamora, he then caressed his face and hair softly and said," I believe you in my daughters".

Nebula looked at the scene with jealousy in her heart and snorted," Father I will be living for Morag".

She left the place and soon Gamora left too.

After they left, Corvus asked Thaos," My liege is it right to give them such an important task?".

Thanos chuckled and replied," Yes, I am sure, Nebula will do the task wholeheartedly and while Gamora doesn't show her affection I know the fact she thinks me of her own father so she won't betray me that easily and even something like that happens I can easily get the stones from them, after all, they are just children".

Corvus bowed and replied," Very well My liege, I will tell the Ronan that they will arrive there shortly".

Thanos nodded and looked at this sword and muttered," It seems the day isn't far when I will have to abandon you", he said and shifted his gaze toward the window and continued," I will not let those Celestials thrive anymore, I will get my revenge and save the Universe from them", he said with a look full of conviction.

Unknown to him that his dream ended before it began.

To be continued...

(Authors Note-See you after the Exams!)