*Bonus Chapter*Hel

(Author's Note- Guys after many toxic comments and reviews in which people have criticized me just because of the things that they don't like have reached my limit so I have decided there won't be any votes on anything from now on, despite giving you guys that freedom, many of the double standard people have criticized me when I followed the votes, sorry guys but no democracy from now onwards, as for the New novel/Fanfic, it will be completely my choice which one will ii release and even if I will release or not, anyway enjoy the bonus chapter and resume of the release will be from next week Friday)


Previously on Marvel Age of Raphael

Corvus bowed and replied," Very well My liege, I will tell the Ronan that they will arrive there shortly".

Thanos nodded and looked at this sword and muttered," It seems the day isn't far when I will have to abandon you", he said and shifted his gaze toward the window and continued," I will not let those Celestials thrive anymore, I will get my revenge and save the Universe from them", he said with a look full of conviction.

Unknown to him that his dream ended before it began.


After 2 days,

The Bustling NewYork city is currently silent, on the roads several Tanks can be seen, on the top of the buildings, many Army Helicopters are parked there, the Government has evacuated all the civilians in New York, and only Army and other important personnel are there, Heli-carrier is hovering on the top of the New York city unknown to even the army soldiers.

The whole world knows that New York will be attacked by a powerful entity, though most of the things are secret, they know that an army will be attacking New York just like the Chitauri invasion, it's not just New York, not only the USA but the whole world is in panic, many questions like how they know they will be attacked are still asked by the Reporters and the Civilians.

Unfortunately for them, they would never know the answer to the last question but soon not only the USA, the whole Earth, and even the whole Universe but the whole Multiverse will know what will happen in New York.

In the Helicarrier,

All the agents of Shield are on full alert, S.H.I.E.L.D, Airforce, Army, and even the Navy are surrounding the whole of New York. One can see a Bald, eyepatch man standing in the control room.

Agent Hill who was near him asked," Boss are you sure that Ultron will attack New York, I mean isn't it stupid to assume that just because that Ataman guy said, they will attack Attack New York, they will really attack New York, it can just be a possible distraction".

Nick Fury smirked and answered her," Indeed, in normal case chances of it being a distraction is very high, but there are two reasons I believe that they will Attack New York".

Agent Hill on hearing that, showed a bit of interest since she thought Nick was doing this just because Carol said, to him that they will attack New York but hearing that there are two reasons, she understood that at least Nick Fury is still sane, in the end, she couldn't help but ask," Sir? Which two reasons?"

Nick Fury made an expression of someone who knows ins and outs of the world very well and replied," First Reason is that the chances are very few that an A.I will lie, since an A.I cannot lie even by the standards of the High-level Alien Technology unless the A.I is so advanced that it can be said an Artificial life, will never lie, as for the second reason is that the strong don't need any deceptions and we know that Ultron is one of the strongest, he can send troops of his army all over the world if he wants but he won't since he knows he is strong and only Avengers and us can stop him so he will get rid of us first".

Agent Hill on hearing his reasoning thought he was dumb, while the first reason might be true, she doesn't believe that Ultron can't lie, didn't he miss out on the fact that Ultron got his powers from Mindstone which can be said one of the Singularities of the Universe according to the Carol? And the second reason is more of a guess but still not proven.

She asked," Sir the reasons seem to be...".

Nick fury cut her words and said," Stupid right? But they are well thought, first reason is still has highest chances of being true since, no matter how strong Ultron is, he is nothing more than machine, and I believe second reason also to be true, Ultron's biggest obstacle to his Ultimate goal are we and if he removes us then he will win, and what's better way to deal everyone quickly than gather every of his target at one place? so he will come for us when we all are here".

This time Agent Hill was surprised since what Nick Fury said made sense, and despite being one of the best spies in the world she still failed to understood Nick, and felt ashamed that just because she didn't liked Carol, she degraded Nick Fury who listens everything she says, she felt guilty and said," Sorry Sir for not believing you".

Nick Fury on hearing his words became a bit surprised since this was the first time Agent Hill didn't believed him, and said," Something wrong with you Agent Hill?".

Agent Hill replied," No Sir".

Nick Fury thought,' I will look into her strange behaviour later on currently we have a bigger problem '.


Raphael Pov

Me and Ataman have teleported to Hel, the realm where Hela is imprisoned, before my evolution last thing I need is divine physique, which will be very useful.

I looked at the surroundings seeing nothing but dead bodies, the green sky added a touch of beauty to it, we both walked for a bit until we saw a woman coming near us, I looked at Hela in her iconic green armor, she looked at us like she is looking at her prey and said," My, My what we have here? A beauty and Handsome man, hehe, I haven't killed anyone in millennials, I will torture you before killing you".

She said and summoned Necro swords and threw towards us, Ataman moved quickly in front of me and sliced the Necro swords into two halves.

Hela looking at how he cut the swords in half said in interested voice," Interesting it seems you guys won't be that much boring, and other than torturing you two I can also quench my thirst for battle".

It seems she has become physio due to loneliness, she didn't bothered to know how we came her at first place, and about who we are, not that matters to me, she will be dying anyway and it seems she is quite strong, thinking that she will be good practice dummy*ahem* partner for Ataman I said," Ataman, she will be a great help in your training, go and beat her".

Ataman smiled and replied," Thankyou Master for your generosity!", saying that he jumped towards her and soon they started exchanging blows. It seems he is a battle junkie.

3rd Pov

Hela attacked Ataman with Necro Swords continuously, she also imbued Death energy in them making them quite deadly, if not for the resistance I have put on his swords his sword would have started deteriorating by now.

Ataman swiftly and gracefully blocked, parried all her attacks, and even sent some Soul Fire Balls spells at her, at first she ignored them but once they hit her she screamed," Ahhh!", it seems it is really painful to make someone like Hela scream like that, it seems soul energy with fire and Magicule energy does wonders.

When Hela screamed, she lost her focus in the battle and seeing that Ataman took advantage of that and swiped his sword at her, but before it could even come in contact with her skin she dodged it, and took a defensive stance for the first time.

Hela saw her wounds on her Hands which started healing rapidly but the injuries that her soul sustained still remained, seeing that her soul itself is injured for the first time she felt a bit of fear but even more confusion, she looked at Ataman and said," That attack has power similar to Divinity of souls, hmm but I can't sense any Divinity from you, so it seems you are hiding it somehow, tell me which god of Death or Souls are you?".

Ataman looked at her calmly and said," Isn't that too late by now, you attacked us without any introduction and now you dare to ask for our identities?".

Hela looked at him mischievely and smiled," Hehe, I haven't killed for a long time so I lost my control, but even if it's late, let me introduce myself, I am Hela, Odindottir, Goddess of Death, War and Souls, and the rightful heir of Asgrad's throne!", she said proudly.

Ataman looked at her proud and childish demeanor and made even a more proud demeanor and replied," I am Ataman, Singularity of Soul of this Universe, and the direct servant of Supreme God of Creation, Void, Nullhity, Reality, Time and Space!".

He shifted his gaze towards Raphael who looked at him like he has seen something strange, he ignored his expression and made a look 'praise me!'.

Raphael seeing that sighed, while Hela looked a bit shocked at his explanation, and shifted her gaze towards Raphael and tried to see her power level but failed and said with an amusing expression," So you are the supreme Goddess of Void and Creation, hehe, let me see how much truth is in his words!".

(Her is used for Raphael seeing according to Hela he is a she)

Ataman hearing her words fumed in rage while Hela attacked tens of Necroswords at her, Raphael showed an annoyed expression for the first time on his cold face, and all the Necroswords which attacked him disappeared, and Hela froze in midair.

He looked at her coldly and said," Uhh, First thing is that I am genderless and prefer he, also your use is over, I know on which things Ataman need to improve, before I kill you any last words ".

Hela looked at him in shock and surprise then it turned one of amusement and she laughed," HAhah, he did said true, you are God of Void, Creation and whatever, my only regret is that I wasn't able to kill my B*stard father".

Raphael after hearing her words he said," Nothing else?".

Tears from Hela's eyes ran down her cheeks as she replied," Nothing else."

Raphael quickly replied," Good", after he said this one word, he devoured her without anymore Melodrama.

Raphael Pov

After devouring Hela I felt a new power, which was divinity and I tried converting it into skill, but I failed, the reason for being failure is that Divinity of Death is strongly connected to Lady Death, so converting it into a skill will be difficult as of now, but after my evolution it won't be a problem.

I thought in my mind,' Let's see other gains for now '.

{Unique Skill War Lord has been acquired!}

{Unique Skill Divine Physique has been acquired!}

{Extra Skills Godly Strength, God speed, Orichalcum Body, Super Adaptation & Super Regeneration have merged with Unique Skill Divine Physique}

{Unique Skill Physique Perfect Immortal Body has been acquired!}

It seems gains were quite good, and soon I felt my whole body becoming stronger by 100 times, not only my physical strength and all my physical aspects but my Magic capacity also increased by a large Margin, hehe, I am going to be a True monster after my evolution.

After my body completely changed Ataman came near me and said," Congrats Master for becoming stronger again".

I smirked and replied," It's just the beginning".

He nodded and replied," I know, but every evolution of yours is beautiful!".

Hearing his words I felt weird and decided to check on later if he has crush on me, ughh, if he has I need to discipline him well! Or get him a girlfriend and I have a great one in my mind, hehe.

I came out of my inner thoughts and said to him," It's time we deal with Asgard, if they accept our offer then good, otherwise we will get some quality souls from there".

After saying that words I looked toward the sky and said," Are you ready for receiving us?". I know that Odin has been peeping on us, but he didn't interfere since he thought it will be better if one of us whether we or Hela dies, or luckily for him all three of us, while Hela did die, it's the worst result for him since he can stop Hela but not us, I can see his scared expression from light-years away.

We both teleported on Asgard.

To be continued...

(Author- Guys Ataman will be getting a new Girlfriend, can anyone guess who she is?)