Giving Odin a visit Part 1

(Author's Note- Guys, in short, I have a lot of work to do, I don't have much time to write, so I am speed running this chapter and there may be many grammatical mistakes that I won't be able to correct today, I will edit this chapter tomorrow, so please ignore the grammatical mistakes)


Previously on Marvel Age of Raphael,

After my body completely changed Ataman came near me and said," Congrats Master for becoming stronger again".

I smirked and replied," It's just the beginning".

He nodded and replied," I know, but every evolution of yours is beautiful!".

Hearing his words I felt weird and decided to check on him later if he has a crush on me, ughh, if he has I need to discipline him well! Or get him a girlfriend and I have a great one in my mind, hehe.

I came out of my inner thoughts and said to him," It's time we deal with Asgard, if they accept our offer then good, otherwise we will get some quality souls from there".

After saying those words I looked toward the sky and said," Are you ready for receiving us?". I know that Odin has been peeping on us, but he didn't interfere since he thought it will be better if one of us whether we or Hela dies, or luckily for him all three of us, while Hela did die, it's the worst result for him since he can stop Hela but not us, I can see his scared expression from light-years away.

We both teleported to Asgard.


3rd Pov


On the throne of the Asgard, an old man is sitting, one can see his face is pale, and his health is a bit bad. Odin is currently in dilemma on what to do, he saw how his daughter was killed by those invaders, it is both bad and good for him, Asgard is now safe from the clutches of Hela, and he doesn't need to use his lifeforce to trap already dead Hela, which has extended his life expectancy from a few months to few decades.

While he will still die in a few decades, that time should be enough for him to teach Thor and Loki how to handle Asgard, but it is useless since the invaders are still alive, he thought Hela will kill the invaders or the invaders will kill Hela, but in both the cases both the parties will take damage, but he saw how those invaders easily killed Hela.

Odin felt someone teleporting to Asgard and he couldn't do anything to stop it, he is already far too weak, and using Odin's force a few more times, which uses his Life force, will cause his juice to end, and he will die,' What should I do? I don't have any more options, with my remaining life force I can't kill those invaders, also they are too powerful for Loki or Thor to stop them, is this going to be the end of Asgard? ', many questions are running in his mind, he sighed looking at the Asgard nostalgically, he started remembering his whole life from his birth to today.

He remembered how Hot-headed and cruel he was, he slew trillions to conquer the Nine realms, he also never loved his daughter Hela, and later on when Thor was born he decided to change but Hela didn't want that, so she retaliated, she fought him only to be trapped in Hel, till his life force of thousands of years run out, now Hela is death and his death is also coming.

Odin stood up from the throne and looked at an Asgardian soldier and ordered," Call Thor, Heimdall, Loki, Warrior Three, and Sif here!".

The Asgardian soldier who heard Odin's orders obeyed and quickly went to call them, and soon they appeared.

Heimdall, Warrior three, and Sif gave the King a bow, while Loki and Thor stood sided by side, they all then looked at him waiting for his orders.

Odin stood up from the throne and ordered," Heimdall teleport all the Asgardian to the Midgard, don't delay any further it's an order!".

Everyone became confused and bewildered by Odin's Orders, Heimdall did not know why Odin's orders still followed them, he asked the Warrior three and Sif to help him, evacuating the Asgard.

Loki and Thor stood there and looked at their king and father.

Thor spoke first," Father what's the matter? Why did you order us to evacuate Asgard?".

Loki looked at his brother, he understood his brother was dumb and a lost- cause, from Odin's voice he knew that it was very urgent, he quickly connected it with the invaders and thought,' Is father going to fight the invaders on the Asgard and so to make sure the Civilians are safe he ordered to evacuate? No, it doesn't make any sense, if it was really like that he would have said only to evacuate 'civilians', not the whole Asgard, as for the invaders they might be coming right now which I can deduce from the urgency in the father's voice '.

Loki quickly cast a spell that can teleport them near, the Birforst in a second if needed, this was new magic made from the Bifrost powers, Odin Force, and his own magic, while he was able to teleport to short distances, he can't teleport long distances, he made this new magic to escape when the invaders attack him again, while it can't make him completely sure that he can escape but having some hole cards rather than having nothing is still better.

Odin looked at his sons and smiled relationally and said," Sons, there is much I haven't told you, much you don't know, and things I would never be able to tell you again, forgive this dad of yours for being a bad father, I know you will understand what I will do know", he said and tried teleporting them using Bifrost powers via his scepter and Odin force, unfortunately, something blocked him.

He looked at Bifrost and saw it getting destroyed, seeing that he gritted his teeth and muttered," It seems that time difference between Hel and Asgard could delay them only this much".

Thor and Loki heard his words and understood what is going on, soon they heard the voice of the steps, they looked behind them and saw Ataman and Raphael.

Both Loki and Thor became scared, Loki quickly used his spell to teleport away from them, with his brother, as for Odin, he ignored him, he knows if all of them teleported then the invaders will catch up with them quickly in no time, so someone has to delay them.

Raphael walked towards them and swiped his hand in the air, after that a barrier surrounded the Castle and Throne room, blocking all the escape routes.

Raphael said," Hello, Odin, nice meeting you, I must say the fact that you decided to fight me alone did make your value higher in my eyes, unfortunately, you don't have any use left for me".

Odin, Thor, and Loki heard Raphael, Cold and feminine or Androgynous voice, Thor and Loki felt their scalp becoming cold, they knew that it is over now.

Odin who listened to Raphael's words finally spoke," What do you want? What we have done to you?".

Raphael smiled and answered," Nothing, you have done nothing to me, but does that matter? If I want to conquer something or kill someone then does it matters that I need a reason to do so?".

Odin's eyes glimmered, he understood that the person in front of him is the same as he was in his youth, and Hela, he sighed, he couldn't help but think,' Is this what mortals call Karma? Tsk, I never took the concept of Karma introduced by those Hindu Gods seriously, but I guess it's what I deserve for all my deeds '.

Raphael after a bit spoke," I have two options for them", he said pointing to Loki and Thor.

Loki and Thor were standing still in their places till now, they were trying to move their body but due to fear they weren't able to move, and when Raphael pointed his finger at them, they understood whatever he is going to say, will decide what will happen to them.

To be continued...