Giving Odin a Visit Part 2

(Guys, in short, I had a fever yesterday so I couldn't write a new chapter, anyway guys I will be officially starting my new fanfic today so make sure to read it! you can find it on my account, in Originals)


Previously on Marvel Age of Raphael

Raphael after a bit spoke," I have two options for them", he said pointing to Loki and Thor.

Loki and Thor were standing still in their places till now, they were trying to move their body but due to fear they weren't able to move, and when Raphael pointed his finger at them, they understood whatever he is going to say, will decide what will happen to them.


3rd Pov

As Thor and Loki held their breaths, Raphael said," I want them to become my subordinates".

Silence, the whole Hall was silent, even Odin was silent and was shocked, he wanted his sons to her subordinates, which is both good and bad for him, despite his current health and weakness he still has a huge pride as Asgardian All-Father, for him the next king to become someone's subordinate is nothing short of blasphemy, but the person who wants it obviously stronger than he was in his prime, so it created an inner turmoil inside him, one side of was happy if his sons can become Raphael's subordinates while other hated his sons to become someone's subordinates.

On the other hand, Thor and Loki weren't doing that good either, Loki is a sly guy and if he gets to become someone this strong subordinate then he will happily do it, his pride has already been shattered, and he knows how weak he is, his I am God act is nothing but an act to cover his weakness, after beaten up thoroughly my Rapahel last time he is more docile.

As for Thor, while he has mixed thoughts like Odin and Loki, he is extremely proudful, he would rather die than become someone's slave, but he already knows that it won't be just him but Loki, Odin, and all Asgardians who will die together with him if he does not accept, Raphael's demand.

Raphael who was silent till now spoke," Thy should decide in a few minutes other, Thou shall get nothing but despair".

Raphael Pov

After speaking those cringey lines, I couldn't help but blush inside my mind,' Is this way of speech cool, *sigh* I need an original cool way to speak, this Thy and thou will just make my words cringe but hey I must say that was 100% cool! ', unknown to Raphael that his inner chunni is greater than even than Ahura Mazda's beard.

I looked again at the trio waiting for a response, the first to speak was Loki," I accept to be your subordinate if you don't treat me and All Asgardians as slaves, I want to ask how will be we treated?".

Thor was a bit baffled by Loki's quick reply, while Odin gritted his teeth and really doubted if Loki has really changed, but they also knew that Loki's question is also very important to them.

I answered," Asgard will become my Kingdom, I will be the supreme ruler like All-Father, the treatment won't be changed, you all will be treated the same as before, but I will make Asgard stronger than how weak it currently is, I will make Asgard the strongest version in the Multiverse, also you two who will become my subordinates, will be granted more power than ever, all I demand loyalty, extreme loyalty".

Loki frowned and asked," Why not Absolute Loyalty?".

I smiled hearing his question, this guy has brains, but also a God complex, an inferiority complex, he can be a great strategist only if his other complexes are resolved, I answered," I do not demand Absolute loyalty since that will you make nothing more than Slaves, while I don't care if some person becomes my slave, but you two who had won my admiration will be like my younger brothers, and as an elder sibling I will not make you my slaves like your father did".

It took a few minutes for them to process my words, while Ataman can near me and asked," MAster are they worthy even to become your younger brother?".

It seems someone is jealous, hehe I got it, I patted his head causing him to blush, and answered," Ataman you are my younger brother and my most trusted subordinate by now, aren't you?".

His eyes glowed and he answered me happily," Yes master, I am your most loyal subordinate and your younger brother".

Seeing us like this, the trio understood one thing I care for my subordinates and family, however one of the previous words I spoke aroused the curiosity of Thor and Loki, in the end, they asked me what I meant by the line,'' I will not make you my slaves like your father did", and I just answered them to ask their father.

After half an hour

3rd Pov

Thor and Loki had ugly faces, they couldn't believe what their father did in the past, Thor's image of him instantly crumbled, while Loki just thought one thing,' You sly old man!, I thought I am the most cunning person but you proved to be my father even in that! ', technically he isn't wrong.

Odin sighed looking at Thor and Loki, and smashed his Gungir on the ground a few times, the inscriptions on the wall fell off, and the true inscription hidden behind it was revealed, Looking at the inscriptions Thor's and Loki's faces became more ugly.

Thor shouted angrily," Father! How can you do it! You never told us I had an older sister! Neither I know the crimes you committed in the past! You slew trillions just to fill up your ego!".

Tears rolled his eyes, while Raphael watched this scene while sitting on the chair and munching down popcorns, Ataman stood by his side like a loyal butler.

Odin sighed and answered," My sons, I might be a great king of Asgard but I am a failure as a father, and as a merciful man, I did commit these massacres but answer me if the Asgard was weak did those people wouldn't have attacked us? Tell me do you think I behaved like a weakling would we not have got all the wealth and glory?! I might be a cruel person, but I did my best for Asgard, I might be a criminal according to you, but for Asgard, I am a hero! If for Asgard I have to kill trillions then I will do it again without any hesitation".

Thor and Loki were bewildered by Odin's answer and even Odin's words made Thor think twice, but before he can reply they heard sounds of clapping, they looked behind to see Raphael calling, and this time Thor and Loki were speechless, not because Raphael was clapping but they almost forgot a scary being is with them, but thinking how their father is the same, they didn't know what to think now.

Raphael stood up and said," Very Good speech, I guess you didn't lose your left eye for some measly wisdom, but I can say you did receive true wisdom, let me say it once, there is nothing such as good and evil, but beliefs made by us, someone's hero and savior can be the greatest evil for someone else! Thor and Loki you are too young to understand that, but now that the Drama is over I need your answers!".

Hearing that Thor and Loki became silent, after a few seconds Loki went forward towards him, knelt down, and said," I Loki Odinson is willing to become your subordinate till eternity!".

Raphael smiled while Thor too responded and knelt down," I Thor Odinson! is willing to become your subordinate till eternity!".

Thor too has swallowed his pride, one event after another which he experienced today made him make this decision, the previous words of Rapahel not only praised Odin and told a cruel truth but indirectly meant that if Asgard becomes Raphael's kingdom, then he will become a savior and hero to them but if not then he will be the Demon who will become their doom.

Odin sighed and stood up and knelt down much to the shock of Loki and Thor and said," I Odin, Borson, All-Father, and king of Asgard is willing to serve Raphael if he treats Asgards as his own family!".

Raphael looked at the scene in front of him and smirked, it seems his conquest begins now!

(Cliff-Kun strikes! Muahaha, I am back!)

To be continued...

(In the Next Chapter, finally, he will attack New York, so get excited!)