Demon Lord Evolution Part 2

(Author's Note: To be honest I don't want to write anymore, it's just I am not getting new ideas, while I am getting new ideas for new Fanfics, I am not getting any idea for my current fanfics, especially Mushoku Tensei one, so I will be putting that fanfic on hold for a month or a few months, I need some time and new ideas to continue that, as for these three, they will continue as long as keep getting new ideas, soon the first volume of this fanfic will end and I will put this fanfic in pause for a month or two, I know many of you won't like this, but I am empty of ideas even so I will continue them after a period of one or two months)


Previously on Marvel Age of Raphael,

3rd Pov,

After getting the last powerups, he looked at Ataman and said," Ataman it's time I begin my evolution, you will also evolve due to having a connection to me".

Ataman hearing that got excited, and said," Okay Master!".

After that Raphael chanted in his mind,' Emmence the Demon Lord Evolution '. After saying that in his mind, his body started glowing brightly, and the next moment he felt something and opened his eyes, to see himself in a white void kind of space and an Old man is standing in front of him.


Raphael Pov,

I looked at the old man in front of me without any shock or worry and spoke," One Above All I presume?".

He looked at me amused and then answered," I guess I couldn't hide that, anyway you are right I am One Above All or Ahura Mazda's main clone or a part of him, you can call me OAA".

Hearing his words, I nodded and looked around a bit, using my Universal Sense I sensed the whole surroundings to get the idea of the size of the void, but failed to do so, he chuckled seeing me do that and said," This void is infinite, time and space doesn't exist here, using your Universal Sense to sense this void which mainly relies on Space Law is futile".

Understanding him I withdrew my Senses to save my Magicules, I looked at him and asked," So why you take me here? You literally took my soul the moment I initiated my evolution".

He laughed and said," Well, while I am a clone, I am Ahura Mazda at the same time in a way, so out of all the clones I am the only one who is your father, and as your father and Creator of this multiverse, I want to ask you something".

Tilting my head I asked," What do you want to know?".

He suddenly got shocked and shouted," kyaaa! You don't know how cute you looked when you tilted your head, haha you even surpassed Aiz Wallenstein in terms of Mature Cuteness".

Hearing his words, I got angry and said," Is that all you wanted to say? If so then bye, I will meet you after my evolution".

He got panicked and quickly teleported near me and said," Sorry! It was just a joke, you see I am quite bored,*Sigh*, how to tell you, you see while I am a ruler of this big universe, I am bored of seeing the same old villain v/s Hero cliche, same characters, same plot, and I am tired of those things!".

Understanding where he is going, I asked," So you want me to entertain you?".

He nodded and said," Indeed, but you won't be doing it for free, I will help you in your evolution, and I will grant you a safe pass to all my Universes".

I asked him," Is there any other condition?".

He smirked and said," Yes I want you to basically be Badass, which you can do easily considering your character, also do note that you will have to visit several universes and do some specific tasks".

After hearing his words, I weighed all pros and cons and replied," Very well, I will do that, also I have another request".

Hearing my words his ears perked up...


Raphael Pov,

I can feel my soul returning to my body, after fully assimilating back into the body, I muttered" Commence Demon Lord Evolution".

Soon a voice echoed on whole Earth,

[ Request Accepted, Individual Raphael's Evolution to a True Demon Lord will commence..]

[ Initiating Harvest Festival...]

Soon I felt getting dizzy, knowing that my evolution will be on a whole new level due to OAA, I kinda expected this, and soon I lost my consciousness.


3rd Pov

The World Council was in frenzy, all the leaders saw the fight via satellites and are too shocked.

A Random Member: Did you all see that?!! We have to stop that monster at all costs! I request to initiate Nuclear Attack!

Other members too agreed with him, because the scene that they saw had shocked them to the core, and even those who would normally never agree on a decision like this too agreed.

Alexander Peirce seeing this sighed,' It seems my plans have to be fastened, this incident showed just how easily whole Hydra can be eliminated if we encounter something like this, Firstly I need to get rid of this Robot', he was thinking about his plans, when a member of world council asked him," Sir Alexander what is your opinion on this?".

Coming out of his thoughts, Alexander Pierce said," I agree, as much it is unfortunate, we need to get rid of that monster at all costs, as such I agree with the Nuclear Attack Initiative as well".

After getting Alexander's affirmation, the President of the United States ordered to Attack on New York with Nuclear missiles.

While everyone was waiting for the Nuclear Attack to happen they heard a voice.

[ Request Accepted, Individual Raphael's Evolution to a True Demon Lord will commence..]

Hearing that voice they became shocked, Alexander quickly sat up from his chair and shouted," Whose voice was that?!", he looked around a bit, and then looked at Window, and saw something that made him shocked.

He quickly ran up near the window and looked at the sky to see huge shining golden rings in the sky, like the rings of Saturn, tens of bright golden rings made of Runes surrounding the Earth. The whole sky turned golden.

All the people on Earth looked at the phenomena in the sky, with shock, surprise, amazement, and fear. Many people started gossiping about that, as some people started shouting in fear that ALiens have attacked, another voice echoed from the sky.

[ Initiating Harvest Festival...]

[Individual Raphael's Harvest Festival has begun]

People started shouting, and running, many quickly hide in their houses. Police and other forces also started acting, many of them tried to calm down the public, but people didn't listen and even started throwing stones at them.

Just as huge violence was about to start, white feathers started falling from the sky, and everyone stopped. They looked at the sky, which by now had a holy look on it.

People's hearts started calming for unknown reasons, and they simply looked at the sky.

[Report! Individual OAA has intervened with the evolution]

[The evolution has been changed from True Demon Lord to True Demon God]

[Entity Yahweh has interfered with the Evolution]

[Yaweh has granted individual Raphael Divinity of Light, Divinity Of Hope, Divinity of Justice, Divinity of Perservance]

[Individual Raphael's Evolution will commence now...]

After that the voice became silent, most of the people couldn't make up what the voice word's really meant but the ones who understood what the voice really meant were bewildered beyond anything.

Unknown to people of Earth, the voice was not only heard in Universe 99999 but in all universes in marvel, in another universe while the voice was heard but only super-powered people were able to hear it.


Raphael's Evolution.

[ Evolution from an Android God to True Demon God...Successful!]

[All Physical and Magical aspects and abilities have been increased greatly]

[Material and Spiritual bodies can now be transformed freely]

[Next Acquisition of Intristic Skill and reacquiring of Resistances...Successful!]

[Intristic Skills; Omni-Concealment, Infinite Regeneration, Universal Omni-Sense, God's Ambition, Perfect Demon God Body, Spiritual Immortality have been acquired]

[Nullifiers; Thermal Nullification, Abnormal Condition Nullification, Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, and Spiritual Attack nullification have been acquired]

[Resistances; Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance, Divinity Attack Resistance, Natural Effects Resistance, Chaos Resistance,Soul Attack Resistance, Magical Attack Resistance, Reality-Time- Space Attack Resistance, Law Resistance have been acquired]

[Next Commencing Evolution of all skills]

[Unique Skills; Law Manipulation(Weather, Lightning), Magicule Manipulation, Dimension Lord, Rune Lord have been acquired]

[Ultimate Skills; Boost King Ddraig, Eyes of All Truth, have been acquired]

[Report! Divinities of Hope, Light, Justice, and Perseverance have been converted into skills and have evolved into Ultimate Skills]

[Ultimate Skills; Hope King Sariel, Justice King Michael, Light King Magec, Perseverance King Orpheus have been Acquired]

[Ultimate Skill Wisdom God's Brain has evolved into Primordial Skill, Wisdom God Core Raphael]

[Ultimate Skill Chaos King Cython has evolved into Primordial Skill, Chaos Lord]

[Origin Skills Void God Azathoth and Creation God Ahura Mazda have been strengthened greatly]

[Attempting to evolve Magicule Fusion reactor into an Origin Skill...Failed]

[Attempting to evolve Magicule Fusion reactor into a Primordial Skill...Failed]

[Entity Ahura Mazda has interfered with the Evoultion]

[Origin Skill Magicule Breeder Reactor has been acquired]

[The Skills Magicule Breeder Reactor and Creation God Ahura Mazda are reacting with each other]

[Origin Skill: Source of All Creation has been Acquired]

[The evolution has successfully completed]

[Now, all Beings under Individual Raphael's Genealogy will receive their gift]


Raphael Pov

Opening my eyes, I looked around to see Ataman unconscious, I can feel that my strength is now at a whole new level if the previous me was a drop of water then the new me is a whole ocean, just explain how terrifying my new strength is, anyway it is time to see my new status!


Name: Raphael

Species: True Demon God

Age: 3 weeks

Crest: Ahura Crest.

Protection: All of origin.

Strength: 2-C (Low Multiversal)

Agility: 2-C (Low Multiversal)

Defence: 2-C(Low Multiversal)

Wisdom: 2-B (Mid Multiversal)



Nullifiers: Thermal Nullification, Abnormal Condition Nullification, Pain Nullification, Physical Attack Nullification, and Spiritual Attack Nullification.

Resistances: Holy-Demonic Attack Resistance, Divinity Attack Resistance, Natural Effects Resistance, Chaos Resistance, Soul Attack Resistance, Magical Attack Resistance, Reality-Time- Space Attack Resistance, Law Resistance.

Outer Skills: Existential Resurrection

- User can Resurrect even from Existence Erasion after death within a period of 10000 Earth years.

Origin Skills: Void God Azathoth & Source of All Creation.

Primordial Skill: Wisdom God Core Raphael, Chaos Lord.

Intrinsic Skills: Omni-Concealment, Infinite Regeneration, Universal Omni-Sense, God's Ambition, Perfect Demon God Body, Spiritual Immortality.

Ultimate Skills: Boost King Ddraig, Eyes of All Truth, Rune King Thor, Hope King Sariel, Justice King Michael, Light King Magec, Perseverance King Orpheus.

Unique Skill:; Law Manipulation(Weather, Lightning), Magicule Manipulation, Dimension Lord, Rune Lord.

Extra Skills: N/A

Skills: N/A


(Author's Note: I have watched Fate Zero, Fate Unlimited Blade Works, Fate Heaven's Feel I, II & III, Fate Extra Last Encore, Fate Carnival Phantasm, Fate Absolute Demonic Front Babolyonia 12 Episodes, Fate Stay Night 9 Episodes, during last week, so now I have a few new worlds to include in all my fanfics)