Ataman's Evolution

(Author: This is just a small chapter explaining Ataman's evolution)


Ataman Pov

I looked at my master figure, one floating in the air, full or radiance and bright rainbow light, her ahem his cold yet beautiful face, I can feel Master's strength increasing at rapid rate and soon after some time, I couldn't make out his strength anymore, the fact that me a Infinity store can't grasp his powers means that he surpassed Universal Level!

I looked at the Bright Golden sky, and falling white feathers like that of an Angel's wing, hehe even the world knows how to congratulate master!

Suddenly, Master's body stopped glowing, and I heard a voice, [Now, all Beings under Individual Raphael's Genealogy will receive their gift].

A sudden feeling of dizziness took over me, before I became unconscious I saw master looking at me.

[Evolution of individual Ataman will commence now]

[Evolving Species from Combat Android to Divine Combat Android...Successfull!]

[All Physical and Magical aspects and abilities have been increased greatly]

[Material and Spiritual bodies can now be transformed freely]

[Next Acquistion of Intristic skills will begin...]

[Intristic Skills; Soul Sense, Soul Manipulation, Hyper Regeneration, Combat Mode, Higher Magic Sense have been acquired!]

[Nullifiers; Pain Nullification, Soul Attack Nullfication, have been acquired]

[Resistances; Spiritual Attack Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Natural Affects Resistance, Infinity Resistance, Magical Attack Resistance, Demonic Attack Resistances have been acquired]

[Next commencing evolution of all Skills]

[Ultimate Skill; Soul King Ataman has been acquired!]

[Unique Skills; Parrallel Existence, Magicule Manipulation, (Law Manipulation; Infinity), Nexus Existence have been acquired]

[The Evolution has finished]

[Report! Individual Raphael has intervened with the Evolution]

[Individual Raphael has granted Ataman, 100 times magicule capacity]

[Ultimate Skill; Enkidu Chains of heavens has been acquired]

[Unique Skills;(Law Manipulation; Shadow, Sword, Fire, Earth), Perfect Phsyique, All of Creation, Mega Booster, have been acquired]

[Extra Skill; Parallel Processing, Thought Acceleration, Rune Master, have been acquired]

[The evoultion has finally completed]


Name: Ataman

Species: Divine Combat Android


Crest: Raphael Crest

Protection: All of Void

Strength: 3-B

Agility: 3-C

Defence: 2-C

Wisdom: 3-D

Vitality: 2-B

Magicules: 3-A

Nullifiers: Pain Nullification, Soul Attack Nullfication.

Resistances: Spiritual Attack Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Natural Affects Resistance, Infinity Resistance, Magical Attack Resistance, Demonic Attack Resistance.

Intristic Skills: Soul Sense, Soul Manipulation, Hyper Regeneration, Combat Mode, Higher Magic Sense

Ultimate Skill; Soul King Ataman, Chains of Heaven Enkidu.

Unique Skills; Parrallel Existence, Magicule Manipulation, (Law Manipulation; Infinity, Shadow, Sword, Fire, Earth), Nexus Existence, Perfect Phsyique, All of Creation, Mega Booster.

Extra Skill; Parallel Processing, Thought Acceleration, Rune Master

To be continued...

(Sorry guys for the small chapter, and also I will release the new chapter for Aot fanfic tomorrow which will be as big as two chapters)