The End of a Journey and the Beginning of a new*Edited*

(Author's Pov: I hope you all enjoy the Chapter)


3rd Pov

Ataman bowed before Raphael and said," Thank you Master for Evolving me!", he said these words with an excited face.

Raphael gave him a small smile and said," You deserve the evolution, after all, you are my first sub-ordinate, you helped me a lot and I hope you continue to serve me".

Ataman replied," Do not worry Master! I will serve you with all my being!".

Raphael wanted to stop Ataman from saying those double-meaning sentences, but seeing his enthusiasm he didn't do it but took a mental note to make sure that he will work on this habit of Atamans.

Raphael looked below and observed Earth and its current condition, on making sure that everything is fine he sighed in relief,' Thankfully Earth is nowhere near bursting out, I will later conquer Earth with my Asgardian Army, hehe, I need people to create Anime and Manga for me and who can do it better than the Humans? '.

For some reason, all Manga and Anime Creators felt a chill on their back and felt like someone is preying over them, but after founding nothing is wrong they thought it was just their imagination not being aware of the Capitalist Raphael who is going to overwork them till death for his Entertainment.

After checking everything Raphael said," Let's return to Asgard", hearing his words, Ataman nodded, and they teleported back to Asgard.


3 months later on,

3 months have passed on Earth and the whole world is on alert, recent New York events not only hurt the military power of the United States of America but the economy as a whole, the USA has taken huge damage.

Their military forces have a total of 150,000+ casualties reported, which while a short fraction in front of their total force of 1,354,054, still hurt the Army a lot, and the most damage the USA has taken is to their economy, due to huge damage caused to New York City which is by now is in ruins.

The USA economy has almost collapsed and to add insult to injury, the recent public outrages have made the condition of the USA worse.

In the White House, a serious discussion is taking place,

The President of the USA looked at Rhodes and said," So mister Rhodes, are you saying to us that we shouldn't seize Stark Industries?".

Rhodes gave a small node and said," Mister President I know it may be too much for me to ask this, but I request you to spare Stark Industries and aren't there laws that the fate of Industries doesn't depend on their owners so I don't understand why the government wants to seize the Stark Industries?"

Thunderbolt Ross stood up from his chair and said," Mr. President if I may speak".

President gave him approval and Ross continued," We all know the Damage our army and rather to say our whole Nation has bebornue to Ultron's Massacre, due to destruction of New York City our economy has nearly collapsed, not to mention the economical damage other countries have born, due to which our Nation is in a lot of pressure as such I don't think it is wrong to make Stark Industries a government Industry, since the man who caused all this was Mr. Stark himself".

Rhodes wanted to refute but before he can say anything Alexander Pierce said," Mr. President I think Sir Ross is correct, we should use Stark Industries as a means to improve our military technology and use its resources to give compensation to all the families of the soldiers who died, it will not only improve our image but will calm down the most of the public outrage, we can also give them the explanation for our actions and tell them Tony Stark was the mastermind behind all this.".

Rhodes quickly said," That's against the law, the company officially belongs to Miss Pepper, Mr. President please don't do this consider all things that I achieved for this Nation".

The President said," I am on Alexander's and Ross's side, we do need something to calm the public outrage and I think it's better to use Stark industries as a scapegoat, so who agrees with me?".

The Cabinet, Senate, and all the representatives agreed with him, seeing this Rhodes got a melancholic face.


In a Hospital, one can see Steve Rogers on the Hospital bed talking with Sam Wilson.

Steve looked at the news on the TV and got a melancholic face on seeing that Tony Stark has been declared the person who caused the Ultron Massacre.

Sam Wilson also saw the news and said," It seems the Government has taken this decision".

Steve became silent for a bit and then said," I need to stop all this, I can't let a martyr's name be tainted like this".

Sam hearing him said," You believe he was a hero a martyr, but the world doesn't, for them he is a person who created a world-destroying weapon and the damage and destruction caused in New York is the witness for the tot, people need someone to take all the blame for this so they blame Tony for this".

Steve knew that Sam was right and became silent, while Sam who saw this stood up and said," Cap, I will meet you next week, I have some important work to do".

After talking to Steve for a bit and saying Goodbye he left, and after he left Steve took out a pendant and opened it," Peggy, where did it all go wrong?".

Saying that he started weeping silently.


While the Earth was in Chaos the Asgard, was holding the coronation ceremony for its new king.

Thousands of Asgardian Civilians are standing in the Grand Throne Hall, waiting for the coronation of their new king.

To people, it was an extreme surprise on knowing that an unknown person will be their new king, while this did cause insecurity among them when Odin said that it is the best decision they accepted it.

While the Civilians accepted it easily, the Army and generals had problems, and Ataman dealt with them.

Heimdall accepted Raphael as his king easily due to his loyalty to Odin a. It also didn't take long for the Warrior three and Sif to accept it, but it's not like they had any choice since going against it m now meant equal to betraying Asgard itself.

Anyway, the people looked at Blue Haired beauty of Raphael standing in front of Odin who shouted," Raphael Mazda, I declare you as my adopted son and the new King and All-Father of Asgard!".

People clapped, as Odin crowned Raphael who sat on the throne next moment, he had a spear in his hand and he hit on the floor making the crowd silent, after that he stood up and said," I am Raphael, the new king of you all from now onwards, while it may be not to all of your liking, and many of you fear me due to my previous attack on Asgard, I guarantee you all that I will rule the Asgard and treat all of you fairly and make the Asgard greatest!".

Everyone started cheering down on hearing his speech though several people mostly the soldiers remained silent after the crowd became silent he continued, "Loki, Thor, Hela, and Ataman come here".

On him saying that four people walked towards him and kneeled before him," We pledge our loyalty to our Brother, King, and ALL-FATHER!".

All of them simultaneously said that and on hearing him he nodded and said," You four will be the four pillars of this Empire and the next to me in authority in all of Asgard, you all may stand".

Hearing that all the four stood, Raphael said," Ataman come forward".

Responding to his orders Ataman moved forward and stood before him," I bestow you the title of the Inquisitor and the head of the Inquisitor department a new group of elites that will be directly under me".

Ataman nodded and said," Thank you for this honor, my Lord".

Raphael nodded and then called Hela, who moved forward before him, he looked at her and thought,' Thankfully her resurrection gone well, and she accepted me as her Lord otherwise I either have killed her or I would have to brainwash her,*Sigh*, thankfully she is someone who will bow to absolute power and the fact that she has the mindset that weak should obey the strong helped in that, well I did have to promise her that she will kill Odin, so she will kill Odin later on and Odin and others have already accepted that ', he came out of his thoughts and spoke," Hela Odindottir, I grant you the title of Supreme Commander of Asgard, the whole Asgardian army will be at your disposal, also I shall grant you this weapon".

Saying that he created a sword made up of Orichalcum, and various runes embedded with Death Energy and gave it to her.

Hela kneeled before him and said," My Lord I swear to kill all the enemies in your path and be your sword".

He nodded and then granted Thor the title of the Warmonger and a Powerful Orichalcum Axe, similar to the Stormbreaker but way more powerful, and he granted Loki the title of the Reality Bender and granted him a spear containing Unique Skill Reality Bending with various other powers.

Just like that Raphael was crowned the King of the Asgard.


A decade later,

Raphael Pov

I looked at the Earth and sighed, I have finally conquered it, and it was quite easy with the Asgardian army, and millions of soldiers and people died in the war, and in the end, they got no choice but to accept our rule, and now all people on Earth are on my mercy.

Loki teleported near me and said," Brother, the rest of the countries on Earth have also surrendered to us, we have completely conquered Earth".

I nodded and said," Good Job also come here this is your reward", hearing that he came forward and I patted him making him mutter," This is the best reward".

It seems Loki also has become Ataman Jr. since he whole he wanted someone to appreciate him and I who recognized him and honored him have become an important person to him, I just hope he doesn't become like Ataman.

As for Ataman fufu, I arranged his marriage with Hela and told him they can spend time together to know each other better, Hela didn't have any problem with my decision but Ataman fainted on the spot when he heard that. Hehe, sorry Ataman but it's your fault for falling in love with me.

Nodding mentally, I looked at Loki and said," I will meet you all later on", saying that I teleported to Asrgad's Throne and sat there,the Hall was empty since almost everyone had some work assigned to me, I sighed and recalled all my memories on how I reincarnated years ago to my present, I sighed and said," I guess my journey has been over, but well", saying that I looked at the stars and continued," I still haven't reached my peak and there is still a whole Omniverse with infinite wonders waiting for me to explore", saying that I smiled and said," I guess my new journey starts now, but before that, I need to look after Agard and make it the strongest version of it".

I sighed and thought,' It's going to be difficult babysitting my four siblings', thinking that I started getting a headache.

To be continued...

End of Volume 1 "The Chaotic beginning"


(Author's Note: Guys Volume 1 has finally been completed! If everything goes as I planned then this volume is supposed will be the shortest one, now it will take some time before I release the next one, also do expect some bonus chapters or side stories that will be released in this volume later on)