*Extra Series* Loki's training Part 1*Edited*

(Author's Note: This will be the sequel of Volume 1 "The Chaotic Beginning" and a prequel to Volume 2 "The Multiverse of Marvel", basically it will be the story between these two, I will cover all things that I left in Volume 1, it)


Raphael Pov

My few days have been hectic as hell, too much work I had to do, first I needed to heal all the Asgardian soldiers that I have crippled and others who are still injured, nextly I had to do a lot of paperwork, I also did a survey on the military strength of the Asgard and economy and I only want to say one word 'terrible', Asgard's people still use weapons like swords and spears and while they can shoot plasma beams and are made of metal stronger than Diamonds, it still falls on a huge disadvantage against other civilizations.

The current Soldiers are also extremely weak and even the best of them can only utilize 50% of their full potential, the main reason being the lack of wars and they're having almost Zero battle experience against other galactic empires.

The only reason Asgard is still one of the strongest galactic kingdoms is due to Odin's influence and power, also the fact that an average Asgardian is at the Superhuman level with possessing an extremely long lifespan of 1500 years except for Royalty which has a lifespan of 100,000+ years. So Asgardians are still an Elite force, but the army won't be able to do a thing against other civilizations without someone like Odin leading them.

I need to work on this, I have already told Hela to train them, and even though she was disappointed in an average soldier's combat ability, according to her, an average Asgardian soldier at her time was many times stronger than so-called Elite soldiers. I told her that she can train them intensely since I can provide her with a supply of Healing Potions that I made, which can even regenerate limbs.

Also, I understood another thing is that the only galactic means of travel in Asgard is Bifrost, without it, no one can travel out of Asgard which is an obvious disadvantage so I have decided to make New Spaceships, I have made some diagrams of Spaceships, and provided them to the Asgardian scientists and told them to mass produce them, as for materials I have provided them with Thousand of tons of Vibranium and other necessary equipment which I had created using my Origin Skill Source of All Creation.

(Author's Note: Bruh, All cosmic entities would have coughed blood hearing that something equal to Phoenix Force is used to make low-level things like Vibranium)

Now, also another thing is left for me to train Loki, Thor, Ataman, and Hela, for now, I can leave Thor, Ataman, and Hela's training for a later date, but I seriously need to train Loki, he is weak as Hell, and being the MCU version he is one of the weakest version of himself, not only he never focused in physical training which while wouldn't have made him as strong as Thor but would have made him equal to Warrior three at least considering his potential and the thousand years he had, he also never focused in any magic except which Frigga taught him, limiting his Magic knowledge and wasting the terrifying Magic potential he has.

I have made plans to train him to use all kinds of magic, Like Elemental Magic(Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning), Non-Elemental Magic( Plant, Solar, Holy, Dark, Cursed), and Special Magic( Spatial, Time, Summoning, and Reality). His new magic potential after getting access to Magicules and being blessed by me is one of the best in the entire Multiverse and even Loki Strange will be ant after I finish teaching him all this magic, even so, it will take several decades for him to learn and master all these Magics.

After making all the plans, I stood up from the throne and said," Tell Loki that I want him to meet me", hearing Asgardian soldiers nodded and went to call him, after a few minutes Loki came, he bowed and I can feel fear from him, I guess he got trauma from that incident.

I walked towards him and said," You can stop bowing", he stood straight hearing that and looked at me with a poker face trying to hide his fear, I chuckled internally seeing that and asked," Loki did you like the spear and skill I gave you?", hearing that a smile appeared on his face and he nodded," Yes, My King I love the spear you gave me, using that my efficiency of using magic is ten times more, also it is no weaker than father's Gungir that skill Reality Bender is extremely useful and powerful".

I nodded hearing that and said," Even so, I gave every one of you a gift, even Thor so now while you have reached his previous level his level has reached new heights", a sad look appeared on his face hearing that and he said," I know that, and I think I never will be able to surpass him, and even so I have no problems with that".

I knew that Loki's relationship with Thor had been mended after seeing him ready to give his life for him during my rampage, but even so his desire to fight Thor one in one is still within him," Loki, you have an excellent potential for magic but you never used it, and now that you have access to Magicules best energy to use for Magic and a new level of potential, I have decided it will be waste for you not to learn new and powerful Magic".

Loki looked at me with a bit surprised face and asked," Really, there still is a lot about Magic that I can learn?", I chuckled hearing that and waved my hand, changing the scenery around us which shocked him," What is Magic? Some say is the act of bending the world's law to create unscientific phenomena, well they aren't entirely wrong but it's still shallow", he became more surprised hearing that, I summoned his soul outside of his body making him shocked and next moment I thew him in Multiverse.

(Author's Note: I don't know how to explain this well so just imagine what Sorcerer Supreme did to Doctor Strange)

" Magic is using the laws of the world for your benefit and achieving what you want, it's as simple as science says, to do some work you need energy, and magic is the same, all it does is to use energy to do things that you want, it makes your imagination into a reality", I said, while Loki's soul at an unknown dimension hearing that became more excited, he didn't fear the unknown depths of Multiverse he is exploring.

Soon, he reached into a space with filled nothing but a void, which made him scared, he looked around to see a light and then heard my voice," Magic in its truest form is called imagination magic, by just imagining or willing you can create universes, worlds, change fate, play with time, space and reality, Magic is something that changes impossible to possible, it's a force beyond fate and destiny, so tell me Loki do you want to learn Magic? How does it work? and how can you learn its true form?".

Loki saw Raphael, creating worlds an entire universe, and some things he couldn't understand, and after Raphael finished his words he excitedly said," Yes! I want to learn Magic!", soon he found himself in a white space and looked at Raphael," This is my Dimension, I will teach you magic here and train you, I have changed the rate of time here so 10 days here will be just equal to 1 day in Asgard, say Loki are you ready?".

Loki nodded excitedly and answered," I am ready"

After a few hours

Raphael said," First you will have to learn different types of magic, while true magic doesn't have any kind or attribute but we divided into several for our benefit, since some magic is easier to learn while others are not according to the attribute you possess, Loki you have potential to learn all types of magic, and once you master them it will be similar to Divinity you Gods use".

Hearing the word Divinity Loki's face became a bit sad and he said," To think I had this much potential and I was chasing for Divinities and other powers for which I had no talent", Raphael understood his words, Thor has Major Divinity of Thunder and Strength, he also has minor divinity in Runes, Wisdom, and Speed, but obviously for someone who needed a Hammer to use one of his major divinities he never developed his minor divinities, and Loki while being a frost giant but due to being of Royal Birth has Divinity of Illusion, as his only Divinity and has great talent in magic.

Raphael said," Let's ignore that for now, and focus on what I am teaching", Loki nodded and became focused on Raphael's teaching, Raphael said," I have created a new System of magic based on the power source of Magicules, also Mana and Divinity can be used as substitute energy for it, but since you have access to Magicules it's better to use Magicules, still you can use your Divine energy as a substitute if needed".

Loki was excited by the fact that he is going to learn a new magic System also the new energy Magicules granted to him by Raphael has already amazed him with its power even when he used his Divinity and magic and knowing it will be better utilized using the special Magic system he was more amazed by Raphael's knowledge and Powers.

"My magic system has Magic attributes Divided into three types, Pure attributes, then Melded and Sub-attributes, Main Attributes are again divided into three parts, that are Elemental attributes which are Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Lightning, Non-Elemental attributes are Solar, Light and Darkness, and Special Attributes are Time, Space, Reality, Concept, and Dimension, these attributes are strongest ones and while there are a few other Special Attributes you don't need to know them".

Loki was already shocked by the types of Magic attributes Raphael has said and each of them was powerful, if even one is mastered properly then it will be like having the Divinity of that said attribute, he was bewildered by this and said," Will I would be able to learn all these types of Magic?! There are so many of them?! And even so you haven't explained about the Melded type and Sub-attribute type of Magic".

Raphael understanding his shock said," There are trillions of types of magic and while you can't learn all of them you don't need to be disappointed, all you need to master the magics you have a talent for, if you do that then you can easily fight a person having millions of magic but mastery in none".

Loki was too shocked by Raphael's words ' that there are Trillion types of Magic ' and fainted by the end of Raphael's sentence.

Raphael seeing this sighed' I have a lot of work to do.

To be continued...


This is Raphael's created magic System.

Magic is divided into Pure Attribute, Melded, and Sub-attribute.

The pure attributes are divided into:

Elemental Attributes: Air, Fire, Earth, Wind(Air), and Lightning

Non-Elemental Attributes: Light, Darkness, and Solar.

Special Attributes: Time, Space, Reality, Concept, Dimension, there are a few more which will be revealed later on.

Melded Attributes mean the attributes created by mixing two or more Pure Attributes: Ice, Magma, Storm, Chaos, etc.

Sub- Attributes are those which are derived from Pure Attributes like:

Light: Life, Holy, Solar.

Earth: Metal, Dust, etc.

Darkness: Death, Shadow, Cursed.

Even Sub-Attributes have their Sub attributes and even they have their Sub-attributes and just like the list goes on till infinity.

Life: Plant, Beast, Animal, Insect.

Melded attributes also have sub-attributes like Metal has Sword, Iron, Spear, etc.

Then there are Mixed attributes which are obtained by mixing Sub and Melded attributes and possibly have infinite no. of Attributes.

Magma+Sword= Lava Sword Attribute.

Now while, this magic is too complex but it is pretty simple, just like maths we have introduced 10 basic numbers, and by adding, Multiplying, Subtracticting or dividing them with each other we get new results, so all you you need to do Pure Attributes and how melded, sub and mixed attributes work.

Also, The truest form of Magic that Raphael named Imagination Magic has all the infinite no. of magic in it and you can perform any type of magic with it just shows how powerful it is.

Now Thor, Loki, Ataman, Hela, and the Asgardian army will learn this magic in the future. All soldiers will learn one to three types of Attributes, while Captain, General, and Admirals learning 5 to 7 types of Attributes.

Loki will learn the most types of attributes with 10+ Pure attributes, a few melded, and sub-attributes.

Since his attributes are not decided please give me suggestions.

Anyway, see ya all!