*Extra Series* Loki's Training Part 2*Edited*

(Author's Note: Guys I hope you enjoy this chapter, also now I am taking a major step for my grammatical and other spelling mistakes that I made due to fast typing, so any chapter that has words*Edited* on its heading then it means I have fixed all spelling and grammatical mistakes of that chapter.)


Raphael Pov

I have started teaching Loki about Magic, and he absorbed it like a sponge, as he is just a beginner in the system of magic that I made, I haven't decided to teach him anything too complicated and I have started by teaching him Pure Attribute, All Five Elemental Attribute, he has progressed a lot with his ice magic, and once he masters it perfectly then it will be similar to Ice manipulation and he can control ice just by his will alone.

Except for God-Tiers spells which require concentration, he will be able to manipulate all the elements like Divinity, now I have also started teaching Thor since I underestimated his stupidness,*Sigh*, I should have used my eyes of Truth at him before, but since previously I didn't have much focus I didn't do that.

Loki is just at a beginner level of magic and defeated him very easily, well Loki asked him to spar with him to test his progress, Thor agreed and fought him, although he dominated the fight the most of time, easily taking head-on all magic Loki threw at him. In the spar they were free to use the Unique Skills I have bestowed upon them, Thor used the skill for pure raw power ignoring several other useful functions it had.

Loki kept Thor distracted by using his magic and at the last moment he used sleeping gas empowered by his magic, and Thor fell asleep, that scene directly stunned me, I mean he has Thunder Divine Body and my skill! The f*cking Unique Skill gives him high resistance to several things, but as it's not a resistance-type skill, it's not passive and it needed to be activated manually or spiritually.

If I have given this skill to Loki he would have found this function including several others just in one day definitely, but Thor used my skill very poorly, he wasn't able to utilize even 10% raw power of it, his stupidity is against the heavens, and after using my eyes on Truth I understood this guy is just too dumb.

So, Thor joined our training session as well, and I changed the flow of time from 1:10 to 1:25 to train both of them in the limited time we have, Thanos is on the move and while I can kill him easily, there isn't anyone in the universe better than him who can provide the real-battle experience to my army, and I want this fight to increase the experience of the Asgardian soldiers.

(Author's Note: Poor Thor, he is too weak for Raphael to even provide any Exp to him, so Raphael chose him to be Exp for his army, bruh, this is how Raphael treats the Tyrant of the Universe!)

I also have done several other tasks, like I have cast a barrier strong enough to resist a neutron blast over all the Nine realms, I don't want Nidavellir to be invaded by Thanos, *sigh*, I am even thinking of creating some powerful creatures myself to provide exp to my army, but the fight with Thanos will bring prestige to Asgard as well, and will warn other forces that Asgard has returned to its former glory.

I could have taken other routes, but considering my personality of giving no shit, I would have blasted half of the universe, considering the retaliation from the galactic forces when my goal is to conquer this universe, so I think this plan is the best and efficient, considering this is the plan in which I have to do the least work.

(Author's Note: Raphael's intelligence is enough for him to provide better plans, but his laziness prevents him from doing so).


3rd Pov

"Thunder Bolt!", shouted Loki, a bolt of thunder appeared near his palm and then it shot like a rocket piercing through rocks, and obliterating them in the way. Loki seeing the power of his spell smiled, and looked at Raphael.

Raphael nodded and said," It's good, considering the time it took for you to master thunder magic to this stage it's powerful, also considering Thunder is the element with which you have one of the lowest affinities, your result has exceeded my expectation", hearing that Loki smiled further, unknown to him it was 100% Raphael's expectation about his progress afterall his Ultimate Skill Widom Core Raphael is no joke, but to please and increase Loki's determination he praised him.

Thor also looked at Loki's magic and praised him," That was wonderful brother! Although not good as mine, it was still amazing!", hearing his praise Loki wanted to strangle him, his praise seemed more of an insult and praise to himself rather than him.

Raphael seeing this chuckled, he knew Thor honestly praised Loki without any other intention but he is just too dumb to even properly paise him, and the fact he is Thunder God doesn't want to agree that Loki's few weeks learning thunder magic is better than Thunder divinity he practiced his whole life.

Loki sighed and chose to ignore his brother's words and asked," Thor why don't you show me the things you have learned?", hearing that Thor nodded excitedly and said," Haha! Brother, Raphael has taught me a lot in these few weeks, for example, fighting skills, and new moves and ideas to use my thunder Divinity, let me show you the most powerful move that I have learned!".

His words made Loki curious, he knew that fighting skills of Thor have improved by leaps and bounds during the last few weeks, but he haven't seen any special moves in Thor.

Thor took his hand, and said," THUUUUUNDDDERRRR!", a ball of Thunder condensed in front of his palm, Thor inserted a huge amount of Magical, Divine Energy and used his Divinity simultaneously, he also controlled it carefully otherwise he will blast himself, "NOOOOOVAA!!", he completed his chant and released a straight beam of energy, which although a bit narrow was extremely fast and powerful.

The next moment, the entire landscape where he shot melted, and the blast created a huge canyon, its strength is enough to kill any god below solar level, and seeing the power of Thor's skill Loki became stunned.

Raphael laughed and said," This move can be said as Thor's ultimate move, all he has to do is improve his control over it and its raw power and precision, as long as he does that the power of this move will increase, and he can increase the upper limit of this move until he can destroy the whole Universe", his words directly shocked Loki more than before and soon he said," Teacher! I want to learn that Divine Thunder Spell!".

While Thor stood proudly, thinking that Loki is appreciating him, Loki ignored Thor and the move just increased his determination.

Raphael knowing this move must have hurt Loki's ego agreed to teach him the new spell.

Once a person masters a spell he doesn't need a chant, but since Loki and Thor are Novices they need a chant to empower their magic since a chant makes the imagination of magic clearer and while saying the chant, also it makes the will of the user stronger to give a better shape to magic.

That's the reason Loki and Thor are using chants despite its several inconveniences.


After a few days, Loki has learned new spells and he is ready to show, Thor, to show his progress. Raphael already knows his progress but Thor is excited to see his magic Loki didn't show his ultimate move last time, and he wanted to beat Thor in his field of expertise.

"O Thunder, Become Roar of Storms,

The Gaze that shall make heavens fear,

The teeth that shall pierce the invincibility!

So as I say, Baou Zakeruga!", Loki finished his chanting.

Soon he released a huge amount of golden-colored lightning from his spear which took a shape of a dragon and roared, the roar alone shook the landscape, and seeing that Raphael nodded, he created a planet size of Earth in his dimension so Thor and Loki's practice doesn't affect the Earth 19999 universe, and his idea was right.

Loki's magic made Thor gawk in shock because the Thunder Dragon is too majestic! Loki held his head proudly showing off his achievements, and Raphael sighed,' This guy had learned a very powerful Ice spell but he wanted to beat Thor in his won expertise so he learned this spell which required excellent control over magicules, and someone like Thor will need years to perform this spell'.

Obviously, Loki wasn't done and then he showed Thor all the other Ultimate Element spells he have learned making Thor more shocked, his other spells were no weaker than Bao Zakeruga and his Ultimate Ice Spell was even stronger than it, Raphael didn't stop Loki's showoff as it will lead to Thor training harder, and it will lead a healthy competition between them which will promote both of their growth.


(Author's Note: In later Chapters, I will show the other element spells Loki has learned)