Asgard's Rise

(Author's Note: Guys, my pre-selection exams are starting shortly, I will explain the situation in a later chapter)


Raphael's Pov

I looked at the spaceship of Thanos in front of me coldly, he have attacked Nidavellir as I have predicted to get the Infinity gloves, while he hasn't got any infinity stones he still needs the gloves to handle the power of infinity stones and believed that Earth still has two infinity stones, he wanted to get the gloves before attacking Earth.

The news of Odin's death has already spread throughout the universe, he died just a few weeks ago and his death was a natural death in which he turned into golden dust particles, while Loki and Thor cried about his death, Hela didn't she just looked at him quietly turning into dust with hatred, after he died she didn't even shed a tear.

I guess she hated him very much, whatever, death of Ancient One also has spread throughout the Universe, obviously it was me who spread the news of their death so Thanos makes a move, and even if another power would have made a move I would have just destroyed them as I planned with Thanos.

Anyway, Thanos knowing both Ancient One and Odin are dead naturally has made plans to retrieve infinity stones from Earth, and before that he wants a glove to handle their power for which he naturally came to Nidavellir.

I looked at his army, I can see Gamora and Nebula in his spaceship, unlike the original they didn't separate from Thanos as he wasn't able to find the power stone which I took before Peter Quill can take it, he found nothing there and once Thanos found that there is no infinity stone in Morag he broke off his agreement with Ronan, so Guardians of the Galaxy also haven't formed.

Thinking about whether to kill them or not I pondered for a bit, and after that, I made my decision, they can escape if they want to live, but if they won't then they will die after all it is war and a small mistake can kill them.

I looked at Thanos's fleet of Spaceship and then did a snap, soon portals opened in Space and another fleet of Spaceships came from it, they are the spaceships that the Asgardian Scientists have made, and by now I have started mass producing them, there are only a few models as of now, but I will increase their number in future.

The area around the Nidavellir is habitable and one can breathe easily, the reason being an atmosphere around the Nidavellir held to its gravity via the Neutron star and Magic Runes.

I am floating in space outside of Nidavellir's habitable zone in front of Thanos's Spaceship. I looked at the spaceships behind me and a smile appeared on my face,' It seems the real fun begins now!'.

3rd Pov

Thanos looked at the figure of Raphael on the screen, he can see him floating in space without a spacesuit and frowned," A God huh? and seeing him near Nidavellir I can say he is an Asgardian God, hmm", he started thinking.

Ebony Maw came before him, kneeled, and said, "O Lord Thanos tells me to shoot our artilleries at him, and kill this being who dares to stop you".

The other three of Black Order too nodded and kneeled before him. Thanos was about to say something when he catches a movement from Raphael, looking at him snapping his fingers he frowned and a bad premotion rose in his heart, soon he saw Blue colored Portals appear behind him and several spaceships came out of it.

Seeing the soldiers' armor he said," It seems it is Asgardian Armor, also those portals have the same energy readings as Tesseract, I guess he has infinity stone".

Hearing his words everyone's faces became serious because they know that enemy has an infinity stone and naturally they won't be weaker than them.

Thanos stood up and took his sword and said," Stand up my children, the enemy we are going to face is strong and once we defeat them, I will get that Infinity stone and after creating equipment to hold its power I can start my plan, so I order you all to kill the enemy!".

"YES LORD THANOS", the black order shouted.

Nebula and Gamora also looked at the screen quitely, Nebula quickly came in front of him and said," Father I will get that Infinity stone for you!". Gamora didn't say anything.

Thanos nodded and said seriously looking at Gamora," Daughter if you think you can't handle the enemy then you can retreat, also make me proud my daughters".

Nebula gritted her teeth seeing the special treatment he is giving to Gamora and looked at her hatefully, she made up her mind to get the infinity stone at all costs and win the favor of Thanos.

Soon they heard a voice," Thanos! You have invaded Asgard's territory several times, and so for that crime, I will have you dead!", said Raphael.

A bright light shined near Raphael and Thor, Loki, Ataman, and Hela came out of it. They kneeled before him and then stood behind him.

Thanos seeing Hela his face became more serious, he knows the terror of the Goddess of Death from thousands of years ago, he had seen her video of killing civilizations, and that fear is what made him never infiltrate Asgard's territory it was only recently done he dare to invade in Midgard in 2012 due to Loki, and only after knowing that Bifrost is destroyed and Asgard is unable to deploy its troop did he dared to attack in Asgard's territory.

He knows about Odin's strength and a bit about Ancient One, now that Odin is dead, he decided to attack Asgard. His face hardened seeing Hela, and with a hint of fear he looked at her, he then looked at the other three and recognized the other two, knowing their combat power he sighed in relief, as he thinks Thor and Loki will be dealt easily by his generals, while he didn't know much about the third guy, but thought him to be just an elite soldier which can be kept busy by his daughter Nebula.

His main concern was the blue-haired female or male, he failed to recognize his/her gender and even thought if he belongs to a species that looks like a female or if it's just his looks are feminine or he is a she with a flat chest. He decided to ignore his or her gender and said," Ebony Attack".

Nodding he started the artilleries and attacked the Asgardian Spaceships.

Raphael looked at the artillery calmly and said," Dismantle it, don't leave any spaceship".

Everyone nodded, Loki stood up and started chanting his magic," O ice of infinity, freeze the space before me, by my name of Loki, I summon the Chuthuga!", as his chant ended a huge ice beam released from his spear attacked the spaceships, it destroyed some of them and froze rest of them.

Thor seeing that scene said," It's over?", looking disappointed he sighed. Raphael smiled and said," It has just begun", his words aroused his curiosity and he looked at Thanos's spaceships from which all ice quickly melted.

Raphael said," Loki's attack destroyed 15% of his total army of mindless beasts, it's time you all start attacking them, as generals just handle other generals no need for attacking normal army troops let them for our soldiers to deal with".

They nodded, Thor laughed and said," HAhA! This is the war I was waiting for!", he summoned Thunder and flew forward, Hela looked at the enemies coldly and then flew forward, and Ataman followed her.

Soon after the war started, Thanos's artilleries rained upon the Asgardian Spaceships, yet they failed to do any significant damage to the Asgardian spaceships because they are made of Vibranium! Seeing that his artilleries are doing any damage he released his army of mindless beasts and chitauris.

Asgardian soldiers coming out of the spaceships looked at the army before them, Heimdall moved forward and shouted," For Asgard!", following his others too shouted and then ran towards the beasts.

Thor, Hela, Loki, and Ataman dealt with the black order easily killing them, Gamora fled from battle while Nebula died in Hela's hands.

Thanos looked at the scene grimly and then looked at Raphael angrily," You killed my children!", saying he ran towards him, trying to split Raphael in half he swung his sword at him, and Raphael stopped his sword effortlessly just by using his two fingers which shocked him, he quickly moved back and then swung his sword again.

Using his full powers he swung his sword tens of times in a second at Raphael, but Raphael parried his attack simply with a single finger. Thanos continued swinging his sword but soon he became tired and his speed became slower, sweating Thanos moved back and looked at Raphael with fear.

Thanos asked," What are you?! Who are you?! How can you block my attacks just with a finger! My sword is made of Uru and it's impossible to block with a body of flesh!", he shouted in dismay.

Raphael looked at him and started laughing, "hahahhahah! O It's so funny, that Thanos so-called Overlord of the Universe can't even scratch me, even his moves were blocked by me using a finger! hah hah, tell me honestly how you are feeling?!".

Thanos became angry hearing his taunt but didn't say anything and then looked at his army, the result has been already decided, his army has lost and Asgardian soldiers are looking at their battle.

He gritted his teeth, all his hard work, his subordinates, his daughters, he lost everything, he thought this battle will be difficult for him at most but the enemy simply overwhelmed him, his generals were killed in one short, and his black order also died. In simple words, he lost everything.

He gloomily looked at Raphael and said," I need the stones for balancing the universe, if you help me in my goal, then I promise that after I have done erasing half of the life in the universe your Asgard can rule this Universe, not to mention no member of Asgard will die during my purge".

This was his final try, he still wanted to complete his dream, but now he have lost everything, and seeing the power of Raphael he wants to make him join in his mission as an ally, getting the support of this power will undoubtedly make sure that his dream becomes fulfilled.

Raphael said nothing and then said," Loki you can come here". Loki teleported near him, bowed, and then looked at Thanos and sneered," How are you feeling Thanos?!, do you remember what I said that we are Gods Now tell me do you believe it now?".

Thanos said," Loki, you worked for me once, I gave you a chance, so now it's to pay the debt you owe me", hearing that Loki sneered and said," Let me kill you, O Overlord of Universe!".

Thanos became angry and quickly attacked him, and swung his sword at Loki, but soon he found that it was just an illusion! He quickly became alert, and then looked behind. He saw Loki smiling and saw a bright light from above, he looked above.

A huge magic circle has been formed above him, he tried to move, but unfortunately for him, the Magic attacked him, a beam of light that can even melt uru struck him, his body vaporized before he could even yell in pain, just like that the biggest madman of the universe Thanos died.

Raphael looked at Loki and nodded,' although it is far from its full potential Loki's magic was enough, to think defeating Thanos will be this easy, but well this was one of the weakest versions of Thanos not to mention he didn't possess even one infinity gem '.

Raphael looked at the Asgardian soldiers and saw that many of them being wounded are still fine, though a few hundred died which was inevitable. since Thanos's army's mad beasts were really mad.

Raphael looked at the Asgardian soldiers and shouted," We have won! We have defeated the Universe's biggest madman, let the universe know that what is the strength of Asgard!!".


"For Asgard!"


The soldiers cheered and Raphael smiled, Ataman came before him and said," Lord, this fight was really easy".

Loki also came near him and said," Indeed, to think that once upon a time I was awe of his strength really embarrasses the current me, killing him was too easy".

Hela sneered and said," OH? If not for him not possessing any infinity stones, this fight would have been a lot different".

Thor nodded and said," Yes Loki, sister is right if not for our powerups, Raphael's blessings, and Thanos having no infinity stones the battle would have been not as easy as it was now".

Loki just nodded and looked at Raphael with a deep look of admiration.

Raphael said," Anyway, collect all the dead bodies of the Asgardian soldiers and present them before me".

They nodded, and while they didn't know what he was going to do with the bodies of the dead soldiers they still obeyed and carried out his order.

King Eitri came before him and kneeled," I thank the All-Father for saving us!", Raphael smiled and replied," It's my duty to look after Asgard and its people, and as a king of Asgard I can't let the enemy harm my people".

King Eitri relaxed hearing that, he was nervous as he didn't know what was the attitude of the New king of Asgard towards Dwarfs, but now he is sure that being under his rule will be beneficial for him.

Loki teleported near Raphael and said," Lord, the corpses have been collected at one place as your orders".

Raphael gave him a node, and teleported near the corpses, he then looked at them and said," In the name of the Raphael I command thee!". Saying so he moved his hand and hundreds of shining blue balls appeared above each dead body.

And soon particles of light started falling above them, everyone present looked at the scene with interest and remained silent, they let Raphael do what he wanted without disturbing him.

Soon they saw a miracle, which will go down in history, and this battle will be recorded as the First Battle of Asgard towards its world conquer.


Weeks have passed and the news of Thanos dying and Raphael resurrecting people has been already circulating over the universe, the countless forces who previously were not giving Asgard any respect due to the death of Odin and other plans they had against Asgard, have understood that Asgard has returned it peaks it's not a power they can provoke now.

Not to mention the news of Hela returning has already put various forces in dismay as they know the cruelty and strength of the Goddess of Death, not to mention the news of her surrendering to the new All-Father has already made various forces alert.

They know that Asgard is going to a new era of prosperity and whether this prosperity will be written with blood, only time will tell.

To be continued...