Tony's Broken Heart Part 1

(Author's Note- Guys I had to prepare for my pre-selection so I was unable to upload any new chapters, my exams are still going but the most important ones are over, so I am releasing a new chapter, also I will resume the normal updates for all my fanfics from Thursday this week only)


Raphael Pov

I munched down some chips while reading the manga named 'Parasyte', in my first world, a similar manga like this one had an animation, it was one of my first ever watched anime, so seeing a variant of it is a bit exciting.

Also, I am not being Lazy, I am using my parallel thought and Omni-Universal Sense to scan this universe and find out the pathway to ultraverse which is connected to different small multiverses created by One Above All in boredom, unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the pathway and my best guess would be to get all the infinity stones of this world to get the pathway.

I closed my manga, finished munching down the last of potato chips, and started analyzing the location of the infinity stones, Soul stone is located in Vormir, the Space stone in tesseract which is one Asgard, the Reality stone in Alfheim, Mind Stone in Loki's Sceptre, Time stone is with Doctor Strange, Power stone is with Nova Corps, pretty much same as MCU.

To be correct all the infinity stones in all the universes are copies of the original one directly connected with them, having a copy of some percent of the laws of the original ones and having total control over those concepts of their respective universes, so they aren't that strong and powerless if you take those copies out of their respective universe.

Although they will retain the laws, they won't have any power source, and for stupid people, it would as valuable as kidney stones, but for people who can sense laws, they still are valuable.*Sigh* Even though I can sense that Infinity stones of this world have more refined law than MCU ones, my skills have already surpassed it, so it will be useless for me.

Even the skill that I gave to Loki, i.e, Reality Matrix has more refined Law than the reality stone of this world, though he might lose in sheer power due to difference in their energies, I mean the infinity stones are supported by a whole freaking universe.

Whatever it isn't the time to think about that, now how should I get these infinity stones? Go like a badass and get it from their owner as I did in MCU, or be sneaky and steal them? Or even better, for example, I steal them and then replace them with self-created infinity stones, or just wait for Thanos to provide a free delivery service?

Yup, it will be better to wait for Thanos to provide free delivery service and then take them, it will also give me enough time to enjo*Cough* I mean to train Spidey, I want to make him at least one of the strongest heroes of this universe before leaving, I mean everyone should know how badass of teacher I am!

Someone opened my door, ending my self-monologue, and yup who can it be other than our Spiderman! He looked at me a bit hazzard and then spoke," Raphael can you help me with something?! I need to catch a criminal urgently!".

I drank my coffee which I created out of nothingness using Ahura Mazda and made sure to desort Peter's senses so he can't see that I created it out of nothingness, taking a sip I said," First calm down yourself and then tell me slowly what happened".

Hearing me he calmed down himself, sat on a chair, and then explained to me what happened.

*10 minutes later*

I am speechless, this guy lost to Felicia hardy or the Black cat of this universe, bruh I seriously take off my sense from him like a few hours, and here he loses to Felicia Hardy despite the equipment I gave him. I looked at him angrily making him flinch and then said," So you are saying that you lost to a burglar who wore a black cat costume despite the top-class equipment I gave you?".

He nodded, and I lashed out," So! You are saying that despite all that training and equipment you lost to a third-rate villain!".

He held his head down and said," She had some powers to manipulate luck or something like that, not to mention I don't have Iris with me, so I lost".

I knew that Black Cat had the power of probability manipulation, which is stronger than just making a person bad luck, so Peter without Iris lost to her, I sighed and gave him a Goggle which is apparently Iris, that I took from him a few days ago due to him becoming over-dependent on it and said," Whatever, take this back and be careful to not to be over-dependent on it, also buy Biryani while coming back".

He nodded, and took Back Iris, he quickly took out a chip from it, attached it to his suit, and said," Thank you! I will make sure to not over-use it and I will come back with Biryani!", saying that he quickly jumped out of the window, I muttered," this guy didn't even ask that which Biryani I wanted".


Odin Pov

I looked at Earth, observing Thor and his friends,*Sigh*, This child of mine is stupidly foolish, he needs Mjolnir to even channel his divinity, and now he is mingling with mortals and playing a superhero on Earth, and then my other two sons are foolish as well, my youngest son, Baldur is deeply in love with Amora, and now most of the time he stays in the Asgard's prison to accompany her, if not for my runes, she would have easily broken from the prison by enticing Baldur.

Baldur just like Thor has very poor control of his divinity, although he is an excellent swordsman, and can contend with Heimdall toe-to-toe, without his divinity he won't be able to fight with real powerhouses like Zeus, Vishnu, Shiva, Ra, and others.

As for my adoptive and second eldest son Loki, forget it, not only he is a Frost Giant, his physical strength is even weaker than warrior three and even elite Asgardian soldiers, he lacks any proper divinity, and while being talented in magic, all he knows is an illusion or deception magic.

He lacks any magic having real combat power, and while his tricks are indeed praiseworthy, his sly and cunning nature filled with Jealousy makes him a problem. He is currently Locked in Asgard's Prison trying to make a plan to break out of it like always.

The only person currently worthy of being Asgard's ruler is Angela, my youngest daughter, but unfortunately, she lacks any powerful divinity making her weaker than even Baldur and Thor.

The only person who fits all criteria except the fact she wants to destroy the Asgard and me is Hela my oldest daughter and oldest child, she is the almost same level as me, and if not for the wisdom that I gained by sacrificing my left eye into the well of Mimir, she would have defeated me.

Currently, she is trapped by me in Hel, a realm between Asgard and Valhalla, thankfully due to the huge life force an Asgardian God has and the fact we get stronger as we age, I have thousands of years before my life force dies out letting her free from the banishment and imprisonment. hopefully, before that Thor and Baldur will master their divinities and will defeat her.

I know how powerful the Divinity of Thunder and Sun can be, for example, Zeus was able to fight side by side with me at my prime, and Ra too was stronger than me at his prime. While thinking of my prime I remembered how I burned my life force for powering Odin Force like water, and now even though Asgardians get stronger as they age, I won't get this benefit and will just become weaker the older I become.

Shaking these thoughts out of my mind, I focused back on Earth and started finding out the strange energy spark from yesterday that leaked on Earth catching my focus and when I tried prying on it I failed, I have been trying from yesterday yet I am still failing to track it, it seems that it is related to some powerful cosmic being to escape from my eyes, which have the authority of Wisdom directly from Yggdrasil.

I frowned and decided to leave the search for it now, I closed my eyes tiredly and suddenly the fact that Cul is trapped on Earth popped out, I let out a depressed sigh, thinking why I am remembering all these depressing things today?

" Father, why are you looking depressed?", said Angela. I opened my eyes and seeing her I smiled and replied," Nothing Daughter, it's just I am tired a bit".

She frowned and muttered," It must be because of my foolish brothers". I pretended to not notice what she said and replied," I am going to Odin sleep for a few days, till then you and your mother take care of the Agsrad's affairs".

She nodded and said," Yes father, I will not disappoint you!", hearing her I felt joy, I am glad that I have at least one sane and obedient child, I stood up from the throne and slowly walked to my room.


3rd Pov

Tony stark ate pizza as he looked at the new diagram for his new Iron man suit and said," Hey Friday any interesting person coming to the Expo next month?".

Friday said," Yes boss, I found this person and his experiment to be interesting".

Tony looked at the Picture of Raphael on the Holographic screen, and got stunned at the spot, he looked at his picture stupidly for a few seconds and then said," Who is this angel? So beautiful!, Friday I think I am in love!".

Friday became silent, looking at her stunned boss who is blushing she didn't know if it will be right for her to remind him of his gender of Raphael. Tony just looked at his photo in a daze and then spoke," Friday cancel all the meetings I have today! Tell Avengers I will be busy, also tell the current location of her!".

Friday became speechless but did as he said and told him about his probable location, Tony quickly equipped his suit and took off from the Avengers tower. Soon two more people entered the room.

"Tony!, Tony!, where is this guy? Hey Friday can you tell me about Tony's location?", said Captain America, Hawkeye also nodded. Friday replied," Sir Steve, Boss is currently gone to propose to the love of his life".

Hawkeye exclaimed," Wait what?!", Captain also frowned and asked," What do you mean Friday?".

Friday replied," Sir Steve, Boss was analyzing his diagrams when he asked me if someone interesting will Join the next stark expo, to which I showed him the picture of the person", she displayed them a holographic image of Raphael.

Catptain and Hawkeye became stunned seeing Raphael's photo and Hawkeye exclaimed," Is she an Angel?", Friday replied," Correction, Is he is an Angel?".

Hawkeye heard that and asked," Wait what?", Friday Replied" Raphael is a male". Her words shocked both of them and Captain asked," Wait a minute, she isn't she but a he, and Tony had gone to propose to him?! I mean even if he looks like a woman, an extremely beautiful and innocent woman*Cough*", he became embarrassed after speaking the last words of his line.

Hawkeye shivered and said disgustingly," I didn't know he swings that way too! I am not feeling safe now!", Captain became speechless, while Friday said," Sir, Boss has mistaken him as she, and without listening properly he has left to propose to him".

Captain asked," And you didn't inform him?" to which Friday replied, "I deem it is unnecessary", hearing which they became speechless.

Hawkeye started laughing and said," Haha, I can't imagine what will be on his face when he will get to know the truth".

And just like that Hawkeye mercilessly made fun of our poor tech man.


Raphael Pov

So while Hawkeye is laughing his a*s off, I noted down to get it back on him later on, as for Tony,*Sigh*, Just a ruthless rejection and a piece of truth is all you will receive from me.

To be continued...