Tony's Broken Heart Part 2

(Author's Note: Guys I am officially coming back, after Thursday I will resume normal updates of all of my fanfics)


3rd Pov

"Excuse me Please!", Tony said as he walked from a group of students surprising them, currently he is wearing a suit, and he walked around to search for Raphael.

An unknown boy commented," Hey! Just now was that Tony Stark?", another boy nodded and a girl said," Yes, but what he is doing here?", while another boy shouted," What's wrong with you guys?! Tony Stark just walked through the middle of us yet none of you are showing any hype?!".

Others came to realize that, but unfortunately for them, it was too late, Tony is nowhere to be seen, and a boy said," Guys! I will go and inform Max about that!".


Tony quickly stopped in front of the door of Raphael's Lab, nervously took a breath, and muttered," Tony you can do it! First impressions are important just don't mess it up". He took a deep breath yet couldn't gather the courage to knock on the door and thought,' Why I am acting like a freaking Virgin! I mean I b*nged more women than I can ever count! '.

Yup, the famous Tony Stark who cucked more than 100 men out of which 35% were husbands is becoming nervous like a virgin if anyone was to see the scene they will be shocked that their mouths will open so big to fit a literal Watermelon.

" Excuse me Sir!", Peter's voice pushed Tony out of his thoughts as he looked at the boy who was going to open the door, he quickly stopped him earning a look from him, which turned into a shocked look.

Peter looked at Tony surprised and exclaimed," Tony Stark! I can't believe I am meeting my idol!", Tony hearing his loud voice quickly put his hands on his mouth and said," Please kid be silent". Peter nodded and looked at him with stars in his eyes.

Tony sighed and knowing Peter's look on his face he sighed, he then looked at his hand saw a paper bag with a food logo on it, and then asked," Hey kid are you a deliveryman?". Peter became stunned and then replied," No Sir, I am just bringing this food to Raphael, my friend".

"Oh", Tony said before his eyes widened and he put his hands on Peter's shoulders and then said," Which type of friend?!", Peter became more stunned and after thinking for a bit he replied," Raphael is just a normal friend to me".

Tony relaxed hearing that and then coughed in embarrassment and thought,' Damn, why I am acting like a wimp? I am literal Tony Stark who slept with the most beautiful mothers! I took the first time of several girls, Tony remember who you are and face the love of your life with full courage!', nodding to himself he became serious and regained his calm.

Tony then looked at Peter and asked, "Hey boy do me a favor and introduce me to Raphael", hearing Tony's words Peter became a bit dazed, by now he was just too stunned to even process anything and just replied," Sure".

He then clicked on the button, the door opened as he walked inside the room and Tony followed him, they saw an extremely beautiful person, his fair and colored skin, his long Platinum Blue Hair, Ruby Red eyes, and an androgynous with a bit feminine touch of the face, it made the person look like an Angel descended on Earth.

Tony's face blushed a bit seeing the face and thought,' How can someone be so cute and beautiful at the same time?! God damn it, just seeing her makes me want to protect her! And her lazy boyish attire just adds another charm to her! Is this is what called love? '.

Tony has fallen for the first time love, unlike MCU Tony, in this world he didn't have any feelings for Pepper, for him she was just a reliable secretary and recently she had been dating someone, Tony was just too busy to fall in love with someone, after becoming Iron man he completely dedicated himself into making new armors and fighting supervillains which popped like radish every day.

To cope with the stress, he decided the easiest way to fight and that is s*x, he continued being a playboy and b*nging a new girl every time once a week, though he hasn't fallen in love with anyone in his entire life so when he saw Raphael's image, a huge amount of oxytocin was released in his brain.

For a guy who was living his life like a robot, with no love life to speak of, just casual s*x as his only joy, Raphael looked at him like an Angel, a shining beam of light, so when he fell in love, he fell hard.

" Raphael here is the Biryani, I didn't know which to buy so brought the chicken one also someone has come to meet you", Peter said while handing over the Biryani to Raphael, Tony who was hearing this mentally noted,' Raphael's favorite food is Biryani '.

Raphael then looked at Tony and said," Tony Stark, nice to meet you", he kept the Biryani on the table, standing up from the chair he put his hand forward for a handshake, Tony seeing that took his hand and then said," Miss Raphael, I want to say you are beautiful, more than an Angel".

Peter's face became weird as he thought,' Whatdaf*ck?! ', Tony also thought,' Did I just ruin it?! Oh, Goddam Tony how can you do this?! '.

Raphael thought,' It was cringe, I need to activate my Cringey attack Nullification ', he then looked at Tony deadpan and said," I am a boy".

"Huh?", Tony said and then started laughing," Hahaha, nice joke Miss Raphael, I guess this is the trick you use to get rid of your stalkers, anyway do not worry, I am not like them, I am here just for scientific porposes*Cough* I mean to discuss your wonderful Stark Expo Project".

Raphael sighed and then looked at him seriously and said," I am not joking Mr. Stark, I am male", Tony who seeing his serious look became a bit nervous, he then looked at Peter who nodded, and then his face turned pale as he said," Please tell me this is a joke".

Peter sighed and then said," Mr. Stark, Sir Raphael is a male, he might not look like one but it is just due to genes", Tony's face became paler as heard that and he became unconscious.

Peter sees Tony who is about to fall to the ground quickly catches him and then said," Mr. Stark!". Raphael quickly came near them and said," It seems he fell unconscious due to shock *sigh* another person who fell unconscious after knowing my gender", he then took him from Peter and slapped him twice.

Peter seeing Raphael slapping Tony, almost screamed in shock, but calmed himself seeing Tony waking who looked at Raphael in a daze and then fell unconscious again.

Peter asked," Should I go to call the others?", Raphael shook his head and slapped Tony again, waking him up who looked at him, and then his face became devoid of any emotion.

Tony thought,' I fell in love with a man huh? Is this my karma for all the c*ckholding I have done till now? I thought I finally found my true love, how nice of feeling it was, a light in all the loneliness and darkness only for it to disappear '.

Raphael knowing his thoughts, sighed and then said," Peter go out please, also don't tell Tony Stark to anyone, he needs some help".

Peter nodded and walked out of the room, he also was too shocked and his mind was in a mess so he simply decided to follow Raphael's order and not think about it now, I mean what can he say? That his idol Tony Stark fell in love with Raphael? Even a dense person like him can see what happened!

After peter walked out, Raphael looked at Tony who stood up looking at him emotionlessly, he then put his hand on his head and pulled him in a hug and said," You can let it out, it must be really hard holding it back right?".

His words broke the final knot in Tony's heart, tears poured down his cheeks as he started crying, he started recalling everything about his life, how he lost his parents, how he spent the rest of the days in lust to fend off the sadness, how he was lonely, how he almost died, how he became Iron man and then found the man whom he considered his best friend tried to kill him, he saw how he died, he saw people dying during New York fight and he was unable to do save them, how he created Ultron causing several deaths, how to cope up with guilt he started having a lot of s*x and just focused in doing missions and making new Iron man armors.

He let everything out, he cried like a child, although he might behave like a playboy and cheerful, deep he was lonely, Raphael sighed seeing how vulnerable he is, and thought,' Another problem child that I have to deal with, I mean six weren't enough then he came in the equation too'.

(Author's Note: Guys Raphael here mentioned six people, and we know five are Peter, Ataman, Hela, Thor, and Loki, so guess who is the sixth one? If anyone answers correctly I will release bonus chapters)

Tony after crying for half an hour, broke from the hug, looked at Raphael embarrassedly, and said," Sorry, Sir Raphael that I have to show you my this side", Raphael just shook his head and replied," Seeing your face I knew how you were feeling, I hope your mood is light now, and if you ever need a friend to share you sorrows, I am there for you".

Raphael didn't dislike Tony, even though he killed Tony of MCU, just because he was Tony doesn't mean he is the Tony he disliked like he doesn't care a damn about Hela, Thor, or Loki of any world other than his own, and won't bat an eye to kill them if they come in his path, so he didn't mind befriending Tony of this world, who looked more like a Protagonist of a Shonen anime rather than your normal, billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist Tony or an evil version wanting to take over the world or an egoistic b*stard who thinks himself as of god.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I know you guys might dislike the scene where it looked like Tony and Raphael are lovers, but I just came up with this idea and decided to add Tony to the list of Raphael's disciples, don't worry they won't be any romance of course unless your dirty minds interpret in that way, anyway have a nice day and see you again!)