A new Friendship

(Author's Note: Guys please wait for some time before I resume the updates of my other series, basically I have got a holiday to enjoy the Durga Puja festival, so please be patient).


Raphael Pov

I looked at the Tony in front of me who by now had an awkward face, I laughed and said," Haha, To think famous playboy Tony Stark will cry like a child!", his face became redder as he asked," Please Raphael can you keep it a secret? Otherwise, my teammates and media won't let me leave peacefully if they get a gist about this".

I nodded and then smirked and asked," I need something in exchange, to keep it a secret". He sighed and replied," Very well, just tell me what you need". I walked towards my desk, I pressed my finger on a locker that I kept on top of it, the locker opened and I took out a bar of Orichalcum and threw it to him, he caught it confused and I said," You see, that is a metal I developed in exchange for it I need a bit of adamantium, not much just a few grams will suffice".

Tony frowned and looked confused, he looked at the Orichahlcum bar carefully and then said," Hm, Okay, although getting Adamantium is difficult, and nearly impossible but I am Tony Stark, and getting a few grams of Adamantium is easy for me!", he said in an exaggerating manner.

I am a bit surprised, to be honest, he agreed quite easily I must say, well I guess love makes a person fool, I need to be careful and use some magic that will make sure that no one falls in love, I don't want a gay Tony after me, Eh, just thinking about me makes me shudder.

The Door of my lab opened and Max and Peter came inside the room he said heartily," Oh! Tony! To think you will come to Horizon High, haha you said have come to me if you needed", Tony also smiled and replied, "It's nothing Max, I just wanted to talk with Raphael about his new project which amazed me, I am done talking with him, and I am waiting for him to finalize his Search".

Max also nodded and said," Indeed, Raphael's idea about Nanobots amazed me, and seeing its prototype already has amazed me a lot, I am hoping he to complete it by the next Stark Expo so he can show it to the world!", Tony's eyes widened for a bit as he said," Nanobots?*Cough* Yes I am also expecting for him... You know to finish that stuff".

My eyebrows twitched hearing him, this idiot didn't even know what I am working on it, I want to punch him so badly, shaking my head I calmed myself and said," Max and Tony can you get out, you see I am currently busy", hearing my tone Max became a bit nervous since I am throwing them, especially Tony out but Tony just laughed and said," Yes we should leave Raphael and this kiddo alone, let them do their job, sorry Raphael for disturbing".

He quickly took Max and walked out of the room dragging him, poor Peter who was silent till now said," He even forgot my name", he sighed and said," Mr. Tony Stark acted natural, I didn't know about that", he laughed a little, I understood that Tony's image in Peter's mind has already been fallen from his idol to a joker.

I said," Anyway Peter, now let's have our lunch", he nodded, I took out the Chicken Biryani he had brought and the Coca-Cola, and we seated ourselves and started eating it, he ate with a spoon while I ate with my bare hands.

He took a bite of chicken and said," Ah! I love Indian Cuisine", I just replied emotionlessly," You said that too yesterday while eating Beef Stroganoff that You love Russian Cuisine".


He became speechless and then continued eating quietly, I also stopped focusing on him and continued eating the Biryani, now I am waiting for Tony to give the Adamantium so I can make a better metal than Orichahclum, well I could have just stolen it but well, I don't like the idea of stealing when I am a ruler of an Entire Universe, yup it hurts my dignity to steal something like Admantanium when it can be brought for some value, as for Infinity stones*Cough*, I don't mind stealing them from Thanos.

I am realistic, Steal what you have to and exchange what you can, follow this Mantra and you will always be successful in your life, hahaha hahaha, just joking, I was gonna steal some Adamantium from a wolverine's body soon, but then I got an idea and instead decided to use this Tony Stark who fell in love with me, a perfect punishment for him.

I created several materials back on Earth in 199999, such as Orichalcum, Proto- Uru, Mithril, Zandanium, Proto-Uranium, etc. I also enchanted my Sibling's weapons so they are even better than Proto-Adamantium, making them virtually indestructible, shock absorbent, and have resistance to powers like reality manipulation and destruction, even so, I don't shy away from the idea of getting my hands on Admanatium.

I have searched Admanatium, in Earth 199999's parallel world's but due to me isolating it, Admantaium and Mutants never appeared in any of the parallel worlds as I say, total bullsh*t. Anyway, it's time to create something stronger!

My eyes shined, and I have also finished my Biryani, hehe, it's going to be fun.

(Author's Note: I know you all will say why he didn't create Admantanium himself, well he is wisdom God, not Intelligence God, and even if he didn't create Adamantanium, he already has made Thor, Loki, Hela, and Atamanan's weapons stronger than Proto-Admanantium, the strongest metal in entire Marvel Multiverse, not to mention his weapon*which is secret for now* can cut through Proto-Admanatium like butter)


3rd Pov

Tony returned to Avengers Tower, he was greeted by a laughing Hawkeye," Haha, Tony how did your proposal go?", hearing that Tony's face became red but he calmed himself as he said," Well it did not go good, but well who is the person said that 'he looks like a beautiful and innocent woman' also 'she is an angel' ?".

Hearing that Hawkeye stopped laughing as his face turned red, while Steve coughed in embarrassment and said," Please Tony Don't tell others, otherwise we won't be able to show our face", Tony smirked and said," You don't tell mine, and I won't tell yours", the three made a tactical agreement.

Tony then said," Yes Friday, I think you also need a punishment", hearing that the A. I panicked and said," Boss, I tried to explain to you that she isn't she but he, it's not my fault", Tony snorted and said," Oh? I guess I will lighten your punishment and switch off just 20% of your servers for a month".

Friday cried, "NO! You cruel boss!", Tony replied," Oh, you want me to switch off 30% of your servers", hearing him Friday again said," Boss please I am sorry...", Tony didn't let her say anymore and said," 40% of your servers!".


His voice made Friday silent she didn't dare to speak anymore, she cried inside as Tony the devil switched off 40% of her servers. After switching it off Tony smiled and felt relaxed after abusing his A.I, he then thought,' I made Friday more Human-like and now it's being a problem, should I recode her? Nah, abusing her for her mistakes is hilarious ', he started laughing in a light voice.

For Friday his laugh looked like a Devil's laugh, she noted herself to not make Tony angry again, after all, who knows what this madman will do, thinking that she shivered despite not possessing a physical body.

Tony after finishing laughing, decided to go to his vault, to take out the Admanantium he has.


In a huge Spaceship, a person kneeled before a Throne, a deep voice from the Thorne came," So you are here? After failing the task I gave you to do, you dare to show your face!", hearing the person kneeling shivered and said," O' Great Thanos, I know I failed you by losing Mind Stone and Tesseract, but I am ready for the redemption of my mistakes".

Thanos snorted and looked at Loki kneeling before him and said," How do you think you will redeem yourself?", he released his killer intent on Loki making him shiver, but soon a smile appeared on Loki's face as he said," By offering you this", he took out a pouch, and from it, he took out Tesseract and Infinity Glove of Odin.

Seeing that Thanos's eyes sparkled, he stood up and took the Infinity glove and put it on his hand, after wearing it, he took out the fake Infinity stones embedded in it and threw them to Ebony and said," Scan them, see if you can find something interesting also, the color of the real infinity stones should be same as them".

Ebony nodded and said," Yes M'Lord I won't disappoint you", saying that he left the place. Thanos then took the tesseract from Loki's hand and broke it, soon it cracked, and a blue-colored gem appeared on his hand which he put on his gloves.

"Ah!", Thanos moaned feeling the power surging in his vein, a creepy smile appeared on his face as he said," Five more to go", he then looked at Loki who is still kneeling and sweating, and asked," I am interested, in knowing how you escaped Asgard's prison".

Loki smiled and looked at him and said," My combat power may be weak but no one is better in illusions and deceiving than me in whole nine-realms, using my skills I escaped Asgard". Thanos's eyes gleamed at him as he thought,' It seems this person isn't as useless as I thought, haha, this fool is worthy of being my pet, and once I get all the Infinity gems, I shall rule the Universe! ', he smiled and said," Very well, I forgive you for your mistakes, I also give you a place in my Black order, now your next mission is to find new infinity gems".

Loki smiled and stood up and bowed," I shall go to the depth of Hells, to get what you want, just please remember to give this humble servant of yours Asgard after you achieve your goal", Thanos nodded and said," As long as you find me a single infinity stone, I shall give you Asgard once I achieve my Goals".

Loki's smile stiffened hearing this, but he nodded nevertheless, at the same time Proxima Midnight and her husband, Corvus came inside the room and kneeled before Thanos, who nodded and said," My Children take Loki and tell him ins and outs of here, from now onwards he is one of the Black Order".

They nodded and while surprised, didn't question his decision and just like they went out, letting Thanos alone in the room who looked at the Space Stone and muttered," Just a bit more, after some time I shall go to earth and give those heroes a reality check".



Odin shouted furiously to the soldiers below him," What do you mean?! Huh! How can Loki escape from inside your watch with Tesseract!". He released his Divinity making the soldiers bleed from the ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. He looked very angry now.

Frigg came by his side and said," Please calm yourself darling, it's not good to kill them", hearing her Odin took back his Aura and calmed him a bit, but anger still could be seen on his face. He then asked Heimdall," What things Loki have stolen?".

Heimdall replied," All-Father Odin, Loki has stolen the magic staff of Lady Frigg, and a glove named Infinity Glove".

Hearing his words Odin's face became pale, as he fell on his throne.

"Father!", "Dear!".

Baldur, Angela, and Frigg said simultaneously, Odin just showed his hand not to move, and then said," Bladur and Angela!", Both nodded and kneeled before him, "Father".

He nodded and said," Go and tell Thor to return on Asragrd, also retrieve back the Mind stone and that's an Order!".

Both of them nodded and didn't say anything seeing his extremely serious face of Odin. Odin then looked at Heimdall and said," Heimdall! Increase the security of Asgard by several times! also keep an eye on Thor!".

Heimdall nodded and obeyed his orders, Odin then stood up and said to Frigga," Sorry Dear, but things have become serious now, I am not mood for banter", hearing him Frigga nodded.

Odin sighed and thought,' I need to repair the Destroyer, also if my suspicions are right then the Asgard is in danger '.


Raphael Pov

Knowing the events unfolding, I smiled, it was me who helped Loki to escape by manipulating the things a bit, I can't wait a few years for Thanos to collect the infinity stones so I speeded up the things, I want to see the strength of Thanos after collecting all the Infinity stones, because, unlike MCU, the Infinity stones of this world empower its user and don't cause any damage to their wielder, even the Power stone can be wielded by a normal Mortal.

Not to mention instead of harming their user, they heal them instead of making them semi-immortal, it's going to be very interesting, and making Peter Hero by defeating Thanos will be interesting.

I laughed inside, unknown to the fact my plans won't go as planned due to a certain b*tch.


In a Throne of Skeletons, sat Death whose gaze loomed over the Hela's of Different worlds, she smiled and said," I have gathered you all to choose my new Avatar, the process is quite simple, you will have to fight against each other and the top 10 who remain till last will be empowered and then you will have to kill trillions of your world, the first person to complete the task will become my new Avatar while rest of the nine will Die".

A creepy smile came on her face as she laughed," Haaahaha, now began the show".

Hearing her the Different versions of Hela's looked at each other and started fighting.

Death just looked over them and thought,' Just wait Raphael, I will get you some way'.

To be continued...