Tony flexing his new suit Part 1

(Author's Note: Guys I made a small mistake fixing, basically in the end of Demon Lord's Evolution Raphael got 2-A Defense previously But now I have decreased it to 2-C and in the previous chapter he achieved 2-A, reason me for doing so is that if I increase his defense more then I won't be able to make a great one-in-one equal fight with the future antagonist that I have planned)


3rd Pov

The streets of New York are as busy as ever, and it's not because millions of people are walking through but because Avengers and Asgardians are fighting making a lot of damage to it.

Thor looked at his fighting Siblings and said," Brother! and Dear Sister! I don't think this fight has any meaning why don't you stop?!".

Baldur hearing that sneered and said," Oh Thor?! Now you say to stop? Us?! The Asgardian?! Your family?! Do you have more respect for these weak Midgardians than your Siblings?!". His voice shook Thor's heart briefly but he gathered his courage and replied," Brother Vision is my Comrade and Teammate so I cannot allow him to be killed under my watch!".

Thor swing his hammer and gathered thunder and struck it at his brother, who deflected it with his sword, he then threw his Hammer at his brother who dodged it swiftly, and taunted," What brother? You can't even aim properly now?! It seems to me that spending time with Midgardians has made you weaker!".

Thor grunted and again started swinging his Hammer to gather Thunder, the Black clouds started appearing above New York as Thor started using more of his Divinity. While Thor was busy fighting with Baldur, other Avengers were fighting as well.

Just a few hundred meters away, another fight was taking place, Volstagg swung his Hammer at Hulk meeting his Head on Head with his Punch, and a huge pressure got released due to their collision causing both of them to fall back, and road cracked while nearby cars got thrown in the air due to pressure.

Volstagg laughed and said," Haha! To think Midgard has a monster like you! I shall kill you and hang your head among my trophies!", hearing that Hulk became angry and roared which broke the nearby glass windows of the buildings and charged forward to Voltsagg shouting," Hulk! SMASH!".

While both of them were brawling on the street another battle was taking place in Air, Angela released a wind slice towards Captain Marvel who used her powers to fend off her attack, Angela seeing this quickly increased the speed of her flight and approached Captain Marvel she swung her sword, Captain Marvel tried to used her powers to control radiation around her to protect her but failed and a shard wound appeared on her cheeks.

She grunted a bit in pain and then looked at Angela angrily and said," You have made me angry now" She, charged toward Angela breaking the sound Barrier, and punched her in the gut while avoiding her sword attack. Angela fell to the ground due to the attack, but she quickly stood up and shouted while looking at Carol hatefully," Midgardian you dare!".

A tornado started forming around her as she attacked Carol.

While on a building not very far away from the battle, Black Widow is handling an injured Vision, Black Widow clicked on comms and said," Captain, Hawkeye how is the situation?".

She soon heard a reply," Not Good Natasha, My arrows aren't harming any single of them and Caps is busy handing Hogun while Miss Marvel is handling the Fandral guy who seemed to injured her hand by now".

Vision hearing it said," Natasha, this fight is meaningless, hand me over them and this fight will stop...Ah!", he grunted in pain and looked at his hand which has some strange liquids on it, and continued," Although I wasn't made up of pure Vibranium to think I am this fragile. Ah!".

Black Widow worryingly asked," Vision are you Okay?! Damn it! the wound is large and deep, we need to heal you somehow!".

Vision said," Do not worry Natasha, I won't die Ah!! Probably", hearing him Natasha again said on comms," Tony?! Where the hell are you?!!".

"Language Natasha, also I have reached near your place", said Tony and soon he broke through the glass arriving in front of them. Natasha was angry with the late response of Tony but kept quiet while Tony moved near Vision, sprayed ice on his wound, and said," This will keep him alive... for now".

He then again stood up and said," Take him to Avengers Tower in Room No. 89 there is a Regeneration Cradle that would be able to patch up his wounds", saying that he flew again.

Natasha looked angrily wanting to shout how she will be able to take Vision when another Iron Man Armour broke through windows and opened, which seeing Natasha said," At least he is a reliable teammate".


Tony flew Toward the captain and saw him in pinch against Hogun and shot missiles at the Asgardian blasting him away from Captain who seeing him said," You arrived late", Tony simply replied," I was Busy with my latest Armour".

Hogun who was lying on the Debris of the cracked wall of the building stood up and said," To use underhanded tricks, as I thought you midgardians do not value honor, Thor says you all are Heroes but all I see some tricksters, you all are not worthy of the title 'Superheroes' ".

Tony replied," Oh? That's insulting but since you are talking about honor, let me fight you head-on and see if you can win". Hearing that Hogun became angry and charged towards him, while Captain America said," Tony? What are you doing?!", seeing that Tony is not charging his repulsors he started getting worried while Tony grabbed the mace that Hogun launched at him and used it swing Hogun away and replied," Just testing My Godslayer Armor".

He then jumped at Laying Hogun using his repulsors and punched him in his face, causing him to spit blood with broken teeth seeing his eyes became bloodshot and shouted," You! Mid.!", he wasn't able to continue his sentence as Tony again punched him and then started continuously punching him like a madman.

After a while, he stopped only to see an unconscious Hogun with several broken teeth and his black and blue face, Captain who came near him said," brutal Tony", to which he replied," I saw what happened to Vision, they could have killed him, it's not time to make sure enemies are safe also he is alive, now go and held Miss Marvel while I will help Thor".

He flew again leaving Captain on the ground who sighed and said," Maybe he is right and I should stop holding back", he then ran towards Miss Marvel to help her.


Tony in mid-air said," Man, punching him was very satisfying, to be honest", Friday replied," Boss congratulations on awakening you're inner sadistic", hearing her he said sarcastically," Haha, very funny Friday, now tell me where is Thor and his Brother?", just as Friday was about to reply he saw a thunder strike and said," It seems I have found him".


Baldur released a fire wave at Thor who used his Hammer to block it and said," Baldur! This fight is going too far!", hearing him Bladur snorted and said," Brother you are going against the orders of the father! It is considered as treason!".

Thor shot another thunder beam at him and said," I cannot betray my comrades! Even if it is father's will I cannot let you kill my friend Vision!".

Baldur grunted and was about to attack again when he got blasted away due to an explosion, and seeing it a smile appeared on Thor's face as he said," Haha! My friend Tony, it's about time that you came, Oh? A new Armour?".

Tony nodded and said proudly," This is my latest Armour! Mark Godslayer Armour version 1!". While hearing the name Godslayer Thor didn't think of much but Baldur who too heard it became angry and shouted," You mortal?! You say that this piece of metal Armour can slay Gods?! It's a direct insult to us, Asgardian Gods!!".

Baldur channeled his divinity in his swords and looked at Tony angrily who jokingly said," Don't cry later when I beat you into a pulp", his words engaged Baldur who ran towards him breaking the Sound barrier and swung his sword at Him, but to his and Thor's shock, Tony didn't move from his place as his armor absorbed all the shock while Baldur's attack didn't even leave a scratch on his Armour and Tony taking advantage of his shock fired an Arc Repulsor at him.

Although his Repulsor Blast managed to throw Baldur back, it didn't cause any real damage to the God of the sun either to which Baldur mocked him," It seems your suit is made of Vibranium, from this your confidence comes from?! Let me break your pride".

To be continued...

(Haha-Cliff-Kun Strikes again!)