Tony Flexing his new suit part 2

(Author's Note: I just hope you enjoy the chapter also tell me if I did any syntax errors)



Baldur channeled his divinity in his swords and looked at Tony angrily who jokingly said," Don't cry later when I beat you into a pulp", his words engaged Baldur who ran towards him breaking the Sound barrier and swung his sword at Him, but to his and Thor's shock, Tony didn't move from his place as his armor absorbed all the shock while Baldur's attack didn't even leave a scratch on his Armour and Tony taking advantage of his shock fired an Arc Repulsor at him.

Although his Repulsor Blast managed to throw Baldur back, it didn't cause any real damage to the God of the sun either to which Baldur mocked him," It seems your suit is made of Vibranium, from this your confidence comes from?! Let me break your pride".


3rd Pov

Baldur channeled his divinity of Sun and Light through his sword and attacked Iron Man who fired his Unibeam at him but to his shock, Baldur remained uninjured and quickly arrived near him, Thor who was seeing this had already thrown his hammer at Baldur, who quickly dodged it and slashed his sword at Tony.

Tony was Thrown back due to the impact and seeing that Thor shouted," Tony!", he then manipulated his Hammer and again threw it at Baldur who deflected it using his sword and sneered," Brother it seems you have even forgotten how to control your hammer properly after staying on Midgard".

His words enraged Thor who swung his Hammer forming a Tornado near him and threw a bolt of Thunder at Baldur who divided his attack into two using his sword, Tony who was thrown had already arrived again at the scene and grunted," Even if that attack didn't injure me it still managed to throw me back quite far, Friday activate targeting system and launch all the missiles at Baldur!".

Soon Baldur was blasted under missiles of Tony and Thor seeing the opportunity bashed him in his head making him unconscious, seeing that Tony sighed in relief and said," While the Defense of my new suit is top class my attacks are quite weak", he noted to make his weapons stronger.

Soon he and Thor heard at the comms," Tony, Thor we have defeated all the remaining Asgardians". Hearing that he replied," Okay just capture them and wait for me". He then landed near Thor and said," What to do now? Should we just send them back to Asgard, or", he quickly replied," We should send them back to Asgard, I will return with them and talk with father about this".

He nodded and said in his comms," Guys take the Asgardians to Avengers towers we will imprison them there", then he and Thor flew back to Avengers Tower while holding an unconscious Baldur.


Raphael Pov

I looked at my PC screen and my eyebrows twitched," I gave him Orichalcum a metal better than Adamantium and he still lost like that", I switched off the Computer and soon Peter arrived and I can see him being down, he looked down guiltily and while I knew what happened I still asked him worryingly," What happened? Why are you so down?".

He then moved his head away, I approached him and asked him seriously," Tell me what happened". He then with tears in his eyes said," I couldn't save her, I..", I hugged him and tears rolled down his eyes as he said stuttering," I couldn't save an old granny and...and she died".

I sighed and hugged him harder letting him release his emotions, I know he is feeling guilty and sad, he then told me what happened basically, an Old woman was near where Carol and Angela were fighting, and as expected she became collateral damage and died while being cut into pieces due to Angela's wind attacks. Spidey was there and tried to rescue her but due to his extremely fast win, he wasn't able to save her and saw her dying in front of his eyes.

I calmly told him," You tried to save her, didn't You?", hearing me he nodded and I broke the hug and said," Peter you see the worst part of being a Hero is that you can never save everyone". He still looked reluctant and said guiltily," It was my mistake! Only If I was stronger! Only If I approached her faster! S..She wouldn't have".

I again hugged him while he wept quietly and I said softly," It's okay you see, you can cry all you want I am here for you". He continued crying like that and after a few minutes he calmed himself and rubbed his eyes and said," Thank you".

Just as he said the gate opened and Harry who saw us like that became surprised and then quickly said," Sorry if I interrupted something", he then again closes the door while Peter who heard him broke our hug and looked at me as his face said what to do and I replied," Just act like he never misunderstood us", he then nodded while the door opened again and Harry seeing Peter's eyes red he quickly approached him and asked," Peter what happened to you?!".

I told him," Peter was near a Superhero fight and saw a person dying and thinks himself guilty", heard that Harry became worried while Peter looked at me with a face saying why did you tell him that? I shrugged while Harry started consoling him, soon Max, Miles, and Gwen arrived and all of them started talking with him trying to make him feel better.

Max finally said," Peter take a break for a few days it will calm your mind", Harry also nodded and said," Yes Pet, just relax at home, also why are you even thinking of yourself as guilty? You have done nothing to harm her and there was nothing you could have done".

Peter just nodded since they didn't know his true identity, Peter then said," Thank you guys I needed it". After that we left for home, and reached there at night, Peter quickly went to his room while Aunt May who was confused by his behavior asked me what happened and I told her the same thing I told Harry and others.

Hearing my words she said," It seems Ben's death has affected him and he thinks it was his mistake for not saving her, even so, I am thankful he is safe, Raphael please don't let Peter go near those dangerous villains I don't want to lose him", I replied," Don't worry Aunty I will make sure Peter won't get hurt".

I then went to my room and threw myself in Bed and sighed," Teaching Disciples is too tiring, but I am sure it will be worth it". I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

(Author's Note: He doesn't need to sleep but can sleep voluntarily)


3rd Pov


While Raphael was sleeping, Odin on Asgard was roaring in rage," That unfilial son! He even defied my order!!", Frigga tried to calm down his husband," Dear please calm yourself, Thor is young and hot-headed he has just made a mistake", hearing that he shouted," Mistake?!! You say he just made a Mistake!! He denied my orders! I had enough of his acts! He then looked at Midgard and said, I Odin deprive Thor of his Divinity!".

Even with the distance between Asgard and Midgard being Hundreds of Thousands of Light Years Odin sealed Thor's divinity showing the power of a God King/All-Father level. After depriving Thor of his divinity he almost fell into exhaustion and Frigga quickly helped him, he then sighed and said," I have become old, and even doing things like this which could I do easily in my prime takes a heavy toll on my body now, soon in a few centuries I will die and then Asgard will vulnerable to threats of Galactic empires and other Pantheons, yet I can't stop this and my only hope, my son betrays me like this".

Frigga quietly heard him and then replied," Do not worry dear Thor will return to his senses soon and he will understand his wrongs". Odin remained quiet and then said," He and Baldur can be the All-Fathers, their divinities of Thunder and Sun hold great potential I hope they can return the glory of Asgard".

Frigga nodded and they both stayed like that.


Avengers Tower,

Tony and the other Avengers had returned to the Avengers Tower, and Thor and Captain Marvel are arguing. Captain Marvel angrily looked at Thor and said," Your sister killed a person! She is a criminal and she must be punished!". Thor refuted her and said," She didn't kill her! and she died due to a clash between you and her!".

Nick who had arrived and seen the scene said," Please you two stop quarreling!". His words made them quiet but they still stared daggers at each other, even other Avengers with the news were a bit shaken, since the person didn't die due to them fighting Supervillains but Asgardians! Tony was smarter and he knew that if Thor had joined the Asgardians against them then they would have killed Vision and would have escaped with Mind Stone, but Thor supported them against his people and he appreciated that so he was on Thor's side.

Tony said," Carol I think Thor is right and Angela is innocent", his words enraged Carol who shouted at him," You support him?! Due to his sister, a person died Tony! I guess why would you care about the death of a normal person, after all, you just care about f*cking girls!".

Hearing his words Tony's face became dark while he was too near bursting out but Steve quickly came between them and said," Carol! Tony! Please calm yourself! This isn't the time to fight for us as for the situation of Angela we will decide by voting". Both of them agreed and Nick saw the scene helplessly.

As Thor was about to say something his hammer fell from his hands and his Armour started disappearing while he cried," This!", he soon became unconscious while others who saw it approached him and found out he is safe they relaxed in relief. Tony said," It seems his power is deprived of him by Odin". Everyone understood that was the most likely situation and agreed with him.


(Note: Spoilers ahead! Read at your caution)

Earth 199999,

Loki calmly looked at Hela and Ataman and said," You two were having s*x for two weeks! Damn even I a famous playboy don't have s*x for that long!".

Ataman scratched his head embarrassedly while Hela who was holding his hand between her rabbits looked shyly and said," I couldn't help it my love for him overflowed". Ataman nodded upon hearing that and shuddered to remember how she sucked him dry.

Loki's eyebrows twitched hearing that and then he sighed and said," Anyway come with me, I have found a new promising candidate for being a new Asgardian God, her name is Cynthia and Elder dragons have told me about her exceptional talent, I think we should bestow our blessing to boost her progress.

Ataman and Hela nodded, and Loki teleported three of them to Dragon Realm.


Dragon realm,

Cynthia who was kneeling on the floor looked nervously at the Elder Dragons, soon they too kneeled and she heard the sound of Thunder cracking, she knew who had arrived and when she looked at the person she saw a person in armor with perfect and bulky muscles, his face looked friendly and he had long darkish Blond hair.

She then said," I greet the Great God of Thunder, Thor!", hearing her Thor nodded and said," Just wait a bit for my siblings they will be arriving soon. She quietly nodded and soon another person arrived, this time a person with an Androgynous face that looked like a bit of female, with long green hair and dressed in White cloth.

She again said," I greet the Chains of Heavens, Enkidu!", unlike Thor, Enkidu didn't reply to her and asked Thor," Is she the one?", Thor nodded to his question and soon they felt someone teleporting there, they saw Loki, Ataman and Hela arriving.

Ataman then moved forward and asked Elder Dragons," Is she the one you were talking about?", the leader of Elder Dragons nodded and said," Yes my Lord, I can sense a powerful potential from her".

Ataman's eyes moved then moved to kneel Cynthia who said," I greet the Great God of War, Weapons and Soul Ataman! The Great God of Magic and Reality Loki! and Great Goddess of Death and Despair, Hela!".

Hearing her Ataman nodded and said," Be at ease", his words calmed her a bit but she didn't dare to move. Then Loki said," Now shall we begin Cynthia's Ascension?".

The others nodded and thus, began a new chapter of Cynthia's life.


Earth 8739A Xeta-78,

Peter's Pov from 3rd Party

Peter woke up and yawned, he felt refreshed after all this for the first time in weeks he had a comfortable sleep, he thought he will have nightmares and he won't be able to sleep properly but to his surprise, he had a great sleep, which made him feel guilty but remembering Raphael's words his eyes became firm as he thought,' I am too weak '.

Yes, he felt he was weak, previously he thought his Spider powers were enough due to the massive boost in strength he got, but now he realized that if he want to save everyone he have to get stronger. It was unknown to him that it was due to Raphael that he was able to sleep properly.

To be continued...