Hela's plans

(Author's Note: Enjoy the chapter)


Raphael Pov

Munching down the popcorn I observed Peter's training, he is doing push-ups, and I know nothing great and by now this kinda training won't even do anything to his physique, but I we increase the number of push-ups it does increase his physique.


"And 1000!", Peter said and fell on the floor gasping for air, meh he got tired fast, he saw me looking with a look telling,' That's it? ', he sighed and said," C'mon I couldn't think of something better!".

" So much for being a genius", I shrugged making him feel embarrassed but I guess I know why he couldn't think of anything better, after all, he doesn't have money or resources to buy some Robots for training, after all, he is just Spiderman, not Ultimate Spiderman.

I finished my popcorn and then threw the empty mug at the dustbin without looking at it, he raised an eyebrow seeing this and asked," Raphael, Um do you have any superpowers?", I smiled hearing that and acting cute and shy I asked," Do you wanna know?", he nodded and I waved my hand to come near, he came near me and I cutely said," It's a secret".

He comically almost fell on the floor, he sighed and pouted and I said," Don't pout you are not some cute girl to do so", he retorted," Then why you acted cute?!", next thing he knew that Aura around me had changed and then he looked at me with a nervous look.

Hehe, it seems Peter has been going out of hand, taking my kindness for granted I need to whip him into shape. I took out the Neurotransmitter band and put it into my head, Peter being nervous even didn't notice where I took it out(I used Spatial manipulation by the way), he froze seeing that, and the next thing he saw was thousands of Microbots crawling to him.

He yelled and pleaded," Please Raphael I am sorry, I just..AhhH!", I gave him a kindly smile and said," Do not worry they will whip you into shape", obviously my smile looked like a Demon's smile to Peter, he gulped and soon his beating down started.



"Where the hell they even came from?!", yelled Peter.

And thus one of the greatest nightmares of the Peter began.


3rd Pov

Tony looked proudly at his Armour seeing that rest of the Avengers sighed seeing him like that while Hawkeye with a very serious look asked," Tony I have a very important question related to your suit". Tony hearing him smiled and proudly replied," Haha, if you want to know how powerful it is then sure ask".

Everyone's eyebrows twitched hearing that and Hawkeye asked with the most serious face," Then Tony tell me why you named it Godslayer armor instead of Anti-God armor", hearing that the Avengers and even Tony became stunned, Kamala aka Miss Marvel seriously said," Now that I think about it is indeed surprising for Tony to name his armor as Godslayer instead of Anti-god armor".

" Indeed it's very shocking that you didn't use Anti word for your armor considering you love that word", commented Natasha.

Tony retorted," For your information, I do not love that word".

Hawkeye quickly replied," You do, I mean take it your Anti-Magneto armor, Anti-Hulk Armor, Anti-Thor armor, I can continue going on if you want".

Tony grumbled and said," Hey! Firstly it was Hulk Buster Armor, not Anti-Hulk armor okay? also Kamala does not give your useless remarks".

Kamala looked at him angrily hearing that and said," As Captain Marvel said you are a jerk, I am leaving", she then left the room and seeing that Steve sighed and said," Now that you have insisted your stupid talks over the name of an Armor can we get serious now".

Tony grumbled and said," That wasn't stupid! Name for my armor matters a lot!", Steve almost got a headache hearing that and took a deep breath and said," Okay Tony now can we stop this", Tony nodded and Steve said," Now, as we know we have to deal with a problem that is Asgardians, they have attacked us for vision who currently is still healing, while we have defeated the Asgardians who have come we don't know what action Odin is going to take and we have to be ready for that".

Natasha nodded and said," Thor has also lost his powers and currently he is unconscious once he wakes up we can ask his suggestion for our next steps".

Steve nodded and said," Indeed, you are right Natasha, also Tony what did you do with his hammer?".

Tony hears that shrugged and said," Nothing, I mean how I am supposed to move that thing", he then waved his hand on a hologram and the avengers saw the live scene of Kamala trying to lift off the Hammer. He laughed seeing this and said," Friday please record this".

"C'mon, C'mon, please, uh, sigh I guess no Lightning powers for me", Kamala sighed, and then she saw a drone near her and yelled," NO!".

"Hahaha, I am gonna upload that to Youtube!", said Hawkeye who started laughing his a*s off.


Miles looked at Peter's face which was blue and black by now showing how badly he was beaten and asked," Sooo What made your face like that?". Peter trembled to hear that and said with a pleading gaze," Please do not make me remember that". Miles seeing his look fearfully nodded and said," Okay I guess I won't ask".

Peter sighed and then said," It's not that big of a deal I just called Raphael cute, and then well forget it", Miles nodded understanding what probably would have happened.

Anya who suddenly sat near their chair said," Man you deserved that, even if Raphael looks like a female you should comment on his looks, that's probably his sore part".

Gwen too commented," Indeed you deserve that for being a jerk".

Peter said," C'mon is there no one on my side". Miles quickly replied," Do not worry I am with you, Peter!".


Lady Death looked at 10 Gods and Goddesses of Death kneeling before her and smiled," Haha, Congrats! Now I give all of you my blessing, and then the person who kills everyone in his or her universe first will become my Avatar!".

All the Gods and Goddesses felt a rush of power inside them and they all thanked Lady Death, soon they were teleported back to their Original bodies.

Hela who came inside her body smiled creepily and said," Haha! I did it! Now, all it is left is to kill every puny insect and become Death's Avatar!". Indeed she is one of the candidates that won the bloodbath and got selected as a candidate for being Death's Avatar.

Recalling how she met different versions of her, one of which was Loki's daughter instead of Odin's daughter she started laughing creepily," It was fun to see other 'me' now it's time to break from this Damn imprisonment!".

Using her newfound power she started corroding the runes that were imprisoning her and seeing the speed they were being corroded she snorted, "Tsk! Alas, I am too weak as of now otherwise I would have broken this damn prison if I was at my full power! AH Leave it even if the current speed is slow I will become free in a few months, once I become free and arrive at Asgard then I will regain my former power and even surpass it due to my current blessing, Just wait Odin for me to trample you!"

As such an unknown danger started quietly approaching Earth and Asgard.

To be continued...