Tony and Raphael's deal

(Author's Note: Guys, I got a fever I mean a really bad fever, so I wasn't able to upload any new chapter, I hope you don't mind it)


3rd Pov

While the rest of the Avengers were bickering about what to do with Asgardians, Tony was busy with his agendas. After all, things became calm and Tony remembered Raphael he could hardly wait to meet him again. So he flew to Horizon High again to meet him.

Max welcomed him," Hey Tony why are you here again?", he looked at Tony with curiosity.

Tony replied," Hey Max do you know where Raphael is?", his words made Max raise his eyebrows, he then replied," Oh Raphael? He should be in his lab with Peter". Tony thanked him and then left for Raphael's lab.

Max seeing him going away thought,' I guess Raphael's research has made him intrigued, well I can't deny it but his research on Micro Bots is amazing', misunderstanding Tony's intention decided to talk with Raphael later.


Tony again entered Raphael's lab, saw him eating cup noodles, and said," You know eating cup noodles are not good for health". Raphael didn't mind his words and continued eating the noodles and after two minutes he finished eating them.

He then looked at Tony and asked," Why have you come here again?". Tony hears that showed a dramatic look and said," Ha! To think there is still a person who doesn't like the company of me! The Great Tony Stark".

Raphael rolled his eyes and said," Anyway stop your narcissism and tell me what you want to ask me?". Tony then returned to his normal look and said," I want to talk about the metal you gave me".

Raphael nodded and then said," So what do you want to ask me?", Tony became a bit serious and asked," Why did you give it to me? I don't know whether you made that metal or not, but I know how precious is that thing and revealing it is like inviting troublemakers".

Raphael replied," Your suit is good but is made up of low-quality materials so I thought I should lend you a bit of help, and seeing after you cried like a baby I gave it to you".

Tony's eyebrows twitched hearing that his suit is made up of low-quality materials and he wanted to retort! He is Tony Stark! His armor technology is only Rivaled by Wakandan Technology and even it is worse than his technology, when he heard he cried like a baby he became embarrassed and said," Cough! It's the first time me hearing that my suit is of low quality you sure know how to insult others and can we forget about me crying like a baby".

Raphael nodded and said," Sure, and I did not give you my precious research just because I felt empathetic to you but because I consider you a friend".

Tony became stunned hearing that then he smiled and said," Haha, I guess I forgot that, anyway I am interested in the microbots you are making can you show them to me".

Raphael nodded and after taking out the Neurotransmitter band Tony's interest was piqued and he asked," What's that?". Raphael replied," Neurotransmitter Band, is a device that transfers Brain signals to Specific waves that only Microbots can interpret".

"Oh", while Tony was a bit interested in the neurotransmitter, he didn't focus on it as he have seen Neuro technology already, he then saw Raphael putting the Band on his head, it did some beeping sound and said," Synchronized". Then Tony heard some sound and looking around he saw thousands of microbots crawling on the floor coming from some metal Boxes.

For some reason he shuddered seeing them, then they quickly arranged themselves taking a shape of a Human around their size and Raphael said," Microbots are useless as a single unit but once they are assembled with thousands of them, they can do a lot like building", the moment he said the microbots took some scraps of plastic and metal and quickly built a miniature Stark Tower in a span of a few seconds shocking Tony.

"Or Dismantle", as he said the microbots destroyed the miniature replica," they can also be used for travel", the microbots quickly gathered around Raphael's legs, and then Raphael automatically started moving. He then stopped and saw the stunned and amazed look of Tony who by now had his mouth open enough to fit an egg.

He smirked and said," What? Surprised", Tony hearing that returned his surprise and said," Indeed, do you know how many appliances this thing has, it can be used in every sector and also for Army! Which will is a bad thing it means it can be used to protect the Earth! Um, can I try it?".

Raphael gave the neurotransmitter band to Tony surprising him again, reason? The thing Microbots can be said is priceless and it is only below his Armor(According to him) and it is Raphael's life work so giving him like it's nothing just made him realize how much Raphael trusts him.

He became emotional inside but didn't show it on his face, unknown to the fact Raphael didn't care about Microbots anyway, he is a Multiversal God currently, strong enough to destroy the whole universe with a thought if ever required, and not to mention this Tony is Iron Man not Superior Iron Man.

(Author's Note: Did anyone get the reference?)

Tony after wearing the Neurotransmitter Band tried controlling the microbots but failed to do so and now he is lying under the Microbots," Ah! Raphael help me! These things are disgusting!", Raphael who was about to help him paused and then looked at him without any emotion and said, "I believe in you that you can control them, anyway have fun".

Tony looked in Horror as Raphael left the room, while e tried to control the microbots to move away from him, they for some reason crawled on his body not leaving, and even started crawling over his private place," No! Not that place!".

And just like that Tony too experienced the Horror of the Microbots.


Raphael Pov

This guy! Telling me that my microbots are disgusting! Hehe, you will pay for even saying that to my cute microbots, and by paying I mean they will entertain you. I can hear his screams from the room obviously because I have Universal Omni-Sense and not because my lab is not soundproof.

I sensed Max coming to me and seeing him I said," Hello Max, anything you want from me?". Max nodded and then said," Where is Tony? I think he came to meet you", hearing his question I replied," He is in my lab seeing some of my stuff".

"Oh, I guess he is too amazed by your works", he said, and deciding t change the subject he said," Anyway, Raphael if you manage to get the support of Tony Stark then you won't face any financial problems for your future projects, so make sure to take this chance, anyway I will meet you later".

Giving me the advice he left, Man only if he knew how rich I am then he wouldn't have even dreamed of saying that. Leave it, also I should stop tortur*Cough* I mean paying Tony otherwise if he gets trauma it won't be good.

I went back to the lab and saw Tony on the floor gasping for air while microbots stood still, the neurotransmitter band was on the floor near him, I took it and put it on my head, Tony saw me and then said," Raphael why the hell these things did that! I almost got a trauma!", I chuckled and then said," Tony it seems controlling Thousands of them at once is hard for you don't worry even I needed to train to control them", I continued the sentence in my mind,' Yes it took me a few seconds to master the controls and that's when I had Thought acceleration 100 times on! '.

After I stored away most of the microbots away leaving only a few hundred I said," Tony give it a try now, or don't tell me the Genius Tony Stark can't do even this", he grunted in displeasure at my sarcastic remark, and shakingly took Neurotransmitter Band from my hand and then tried to control the microbots and being the genius he is he quickly learned how to control them.

He laughed and said," See that! Nothing is impossible for me! If it's about technology then no one can beat me!", I coughed getting his attention, and said," Now before you go on your own world tell me how about working with me in my few projects?".

"Sure!", he quickly replied and after a bit, he became embarrassed noticing how eager he sounded, and then he said," I mean I don't mind with you", hearing him I rolled my eyes, Tsk Tsk this cliche tsundere scene, Tony this is Marvel! Not an anime! Stop doing this!

I said," If you don't want to work then just say it", he became panicked and then sighed," Okay! I admit it I really want to work with you! If not for you saying I would have requested it!".

I smiled and moved my hand forward for a handshake and he accepted it and I said," It seems we have a deal", as I said next moment Peter entered the room through the window in his spider suit and when he saw us he tried to silently move out but fell down causing Tony to notice him.

He chuckled nervously and said," Will you believe me when If i say I entered the wrong room?", I wanted to give him a ' F*ck you" for being so obvious, and damn one moment I switched off my sense and all goes to sh*T.

To be continued...