The Raphael's Punishment Part 1

(Author's Note: Guys I am really getting very less time to write the chapters, my schedule is like this, waking up at 6 A.M, getting ready for school, reaching school at 7:30, Studying till 2 Pm and then returning home at 3 P.M, eating food, bath which takes another 45 minutes, then reading all the novels I like, like for half an hour, then writing chapters if possible, if not, doing school my work, then going to tuitions which I have till 10 P.M then come home eat, sleep and repeat)


3rd Pov

All the Greek Gods were eagerly waiting for the Norse Gods' arrival, other than the Greek Gods a few other Gods were too there, though they were there just to see the Norse Gods, Zeus was sitting on his throne over the clouds, and by his side was standing Hera.

He waited for the Norse Gods waiting patiently, suddenly he frowned, and looking below he saw the air turn like a mirror then water like ripples on a pond appeared on it, Athena was about to shout, when Zeus showed his hands stopping her, then under their eyes, Loki came from the Portal making them relax, soon it was followed by Thor, and then Hela.

When Hela arrived the whole Hall became silent, while the Gods sweated and looked away in fear, Hela gave them a small creepy smile and then stood a bit away from the Portal. Zeus was trying his best not to pee, he remembered the cruelty of Hela and the bloodbath of Billions. Other older Gods were experiencing the same.

He smiled nervously, seeing that Portal hasn't disappeared he waited and under his gaze, an extremely handsome man came in, he had yellow eyes, brown hair with tips being Yellowish and a long, thin ponytail, he looked extremely handsome with matching clothes that somehow fit him perfectly.

Every God felt an enormous amount of Energy from him, if they ever have gone to Vormir they would have known that it was the energy of Soul Stone the most special of all Infinity stones, alas they haven't, they know about the tesseract, Ether, and Power Stone, but not about other Infinity stones, only the fact they are six is number is known to these Gods.

Zeus looking at the Handsome Man thought,' He is definitely the new King, I can feel an extremely huge amount of pure energy from him, just sensing it is making me nervous ', sure of his thoughts he stood up with a smile and said," I greet the New King of Asgard!". He looked at Ataman and smiled while thinking of plans for how to befriend him.

Thor and Loki almost laughed hearing that, "Pft-", Hela was looking at Zeus as if looking at the fool, making Zeus awkward, realizing the situation he looked that Portal still hasn't disappeared, he coughed in embarrassment and sweated,' What the f*ck?! He isn't the King?! His aura is much more dangerous than Freaking Hela! How the hell he isn't the new All-Father?! '.

Not only he but the other Gods present had similar thoughts, Athena looked at Ataman and thought,' Damn, I have never seen such a Handsome man, his look is so perfect with his clothes! I don't want to admit but if I want someone as my Husband it must be him! ', she gave Ataman a smile.

Ataman sensed her intentions, and looked at her, making her heart beat faster,' I admit I was wrong, all males aren't shit ', she looked at Ataman in a daze making the Ataman only snort at her in displeasure. ' A bitch', he thought, yes he as the soul stone he could see other's souls which depicted their character, and Athena's soul wavelength, color, and shine screamed at him that she is an fucking bitch.

The one that you would definitely hate, he ignored her, while Athena's smile became wider, Zeus looked at this small scene and coughed making Athena break out of her daze, she corrected her posture and made a normal expression while thinking,' You r*pist bastard, now you won't allow me to even look at my Love? Obviously, you are jealous he is very Handsome! '.

Zeus then looked at Portal waiting for the arrival of the new All-Father, soon the Ripples appeared on the Portal, and the most beautiful being he ever gazed upon appeared in his vision, a slightly tan skin, Platinum Bluish Long Hair, Red ruby eyes, and an extremely beautiful face yet cute face, Zeus was completely smitten with her*ahem* him(Only it he knew lol).

Zeus gave his signature smile, and asked," Can I ask who is this beauty?", all Hall became silent while Athena and Hera gritted their teeth,' You f*cking ra*ist pervert, can't you keep your dick in your pants for once?!! ', thought Hera. Ataman looked at the bastard ogling his Master*cough* brother, and said," It seems myths weren't wrong on top of being a Pervert you are a Homosexual as well, now please kindly look away before I gauge your eyes out, boil them and then feed it to fishes ", he gave a very Kind smile in the end.

It sent chills down the spine of everyone seeing that smile, and Zeus became nervous and confused why he said he was Homosexual. He did rap*ed many women, sometimes as a bull, like once he r*ped his sister, Demeter while transformed into a bull, he did many things but never f*cked any males! Raphael said loudly," Before we start the meeting, let me tell you I am male", his words froze almost everyone, especially Zeus, who had a wtf look.


After some time the meeting started, Raphael sat on a Throne in front of Zeus, something he created out of Magicules, it was made of Magic Gold, a new metal that he made just right now and was a very good conductor of Magical energies, such as Ether, Mana, Magic Particles and Magicules.

Ataman stood beside him like a butler, while others sat on their own thrones, finally Athena said," I goddesses Athena on behalf of all Olympian Gods and other Gods of the Omnipotent city, greet the Norse Gods and the All-Father! ", she finished her sentence and gave Ataman a look, which he ignored.

Zeus coughed and said," I Zeus King of all Gods, greet the All-Father! Now as you know, I have invited you to a Marriage Alliance!", he then looked at Athena who gracefully smiled and said," As All-Father you know, we Olympians the Head of the God Council run the several large parts of the Universe as such if you the Ruler of Nine realms were to make an alliance with us it will be extremely beneficial to both the parties".

They waited for the words of Raphael who yawned and said," Tsk, Boring", his words stunned everyone except the Norse Gods, he then looked at Zeus and said," Let me get it straight, Zeus I am not here for some shitty marriage alliance, I am here to get you under me, two choices, surrender to Asgard or die".

Zeus hearing that clenched his fists and gritted his teeth asked," Was that a Joke?", Raphael shook his head, and Zeus then stood up, his body started floating slowly, as he flew to Raphael and then kneeled, and said," I-No we surrender!", he gave him a dogeza.

Everyone became speechless, Athena looked at this with a wide open mouth, while others goods became foolish, finally, a God stood from his chair and shouted," What are you saying Zeus?! Surrendering to Asgard! So what if Asgard has returned to its former Glory?! They have just five Gods and we are in Thousands! Why will we surrender?!".

Zeus looked at the God and thought,' Haha, just die idiot! You are saying we are thousands in number so we shouldn't be afraid! F*ck thousands of Gods, even Hela in the past killed tens of thousands of cheap 3rd Rate Gods like you! ', he continued performing dogeza and looking at Raphael he said," Lord All-Father! Let me punish this insolent God for even saying that!".

He started using his Dog-licking skills, Raphael's eyebrows twitched seeing this and he thought,' Is he some Xianxia version of Zeus? '.

To be continued...