The Raphael's Punishment Part 2

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoy the chapter also point out my grammatical mistakes)


3rd Pov

Raphael's eyebrows twitched seeing this and he thought,' Is he some Xianxia version of Zeus? '. He then looked at the God that insulted him, he used his telekinesis to hold him, and float him near to him, the God struggled with all his strength, he even used his Divinity but failed to break out from his grasp.

"What are you trying to do?! I warn you I am a God of God council! AHH!!", he screamed as his hand twisted, Raphael gave him a cold look and said," It seems an insect forgot its place, then let me make an example out of you, let them see what happens who goes against me", he twisted the other hand of the God as he screamed in pain.

He then busted one of his lungs making him cough Golden Blood, he wailed in pain and ignoring it he continued twisting his body parts, the other Gods saw this in fear and trembled, yes they were that kind of people who were Lions in front of weak and mouse in front of strong, without a second thought they decided to surrender.

Raphael continued torturing the God and then made his head bust like a ballon killing him off, the other God's faces were very pale, and seeing this Zeus sighed in relief,' Thankfully, I made a smart choice otherwise, it would have been me ', he thought and shuddered. Athena, Hera, and Hestia were too shocked to say anything.

Zeus laughed and said," See! That's what happens when you go against my Lord! Now, will you all surrender or?", he gave the other Gods a look, and the Gods gritted seeing his hypocrisy but in the end, surrendered. " Oh, Zeus", said Raphael as he looked at him, Zeus sweated, and then giving his signature smile he asked," Yes Lord?", Raphael continued," Weren't you just ogling me a bit before?".

Zeus's face became pale hearing him and shaking his head he said," I wasn't ogling you! I- I was just appreciating your beauty! Yes, that's it! I was appreciating my Lord's Charm!", Raphael coldly replied," Lies, and I hate lies ", ' If they are from someone like you ', he continued in his mind and then using Telekinesis he held Zeus at one place, Zeus started struggling using his Divinity and even used his life force but failed to break from his grasp.

Loki who was sitting beside Thor shuddered,' I don't want to get in his place! Dammit! Raphael hates lies and I am a God of lies! If I were to lie then ', he shuddered in fear and swore to never lie again and became the most truthful person in the whole of Nine Realms! What he didn't know was that Raphael didn't care about him lying, since unlike others Raphael already had a small FAMILIAL AFFECTION for him and others, so unless they do something very big to trouble him he will never punish them.

(Author's Note: I even highlighted the words to make sure that you perverts don't get the wrong idea😂😂🤣🤣🤣)

Raphael ripped off Zeus' dick and balls under everyone's eyes, Zeus wailed in pain, "NOOOO!", Thor and Loki and the other males present there except for Ataman covered their crotch instinctually, Hera saw Zeus's misery and smiled,' As expected of my Lord! He is the perfect Lord that I could ever have! ', as for Ataman, he looked at the scene emotionless, although he is male now, previously he was just a Soul Stone and he was genderless, so despite becoming Male he doesn't have the fears that a male normally has, making him immune to all kinds of Female b*llshit attacks.

(Author's Note: See that! That's a Sigma male for you! He is the bro who is immune from being kicked on balls, and in return kicks on ovaries! Gender Equality Justice Enforcement!)

Raphael then created some orcs, and looking at Zeus with a sadistic smile he said," You like r*ping women right? Then why don't you experience it first hand? I punish you that you will be r*ped and used as manwhore by orcs for one year!", as he said Zeus teleported to his Dimension with all his powers sealed by Raphael, soon Raphael heard his wails as Orcs R*ped him.

Hela started laughing scaring others, then coming towards him, she knelt and said," My Lord, if it's not too much to ask can I later go, and see and enjoy his suffering?", Raphael replied," Yes you can, also anyone else if you want to see as well?", Loki and Thor quickly shook his head and Ataman slowly shook his head and replied," Instead of seeing him suffering, for me staying by your side is more important".

Loki and Thor thought,' Dammmm ', Hela's eyebrows twitched hearing him, but then again although they are fiancees and fiance they don't have any romantic relationship, so she decided to ignore it unknown to her how deep in love she is gonna fall in love with Ataman who is like his male version.

Raphael looked at other Gods and said," Let other Gods know, and if they are unwilling to come under me then I shall kill them", all other Gods nodded, and then he with the others left.


To be continued...