Fat Thor and Rocket

(Author's Note: You can guess it briefly from the Chapter's Name right?)


3rd Pov

Thor's eyebrows twitched seeing his fatty ass self, Loki couldn't stop him anymore and started laughing loudly, "Hahahahahaha! You are telling me he is Thor?! You see that brother? It's you! Hahahhahahahah!", tears started coming out of his eyes due to laughing too loudly, the Fat Thor grunted and said," Stop making fun of me! I am King of Asgard! The one who beheaded Thanos!".

Rocket hearing him angrily said," Shut up Idiot! Can't you fucking read the situation?!", he growled in displeasure, Thor snorted and silently looked at his other self who had an awkward look, Loki was on the floor by now still laughing his ass off. Thor and Rocket were chained in front of the empty throne.

Soon Fat Thor's eyes Hela came inside the Hall scaring the hell out of him, "Hela!-Unchain me now! Whole Asgard is in danger!", he started struggling trying to break the chains, lightning sparked surrounding his body but to his despair, he wasn't able to even move properly, Hela seeing this sneered and said," So What we have here?! A person who is definitely Thor but is fatter than Volstagg guy and a talking Racoon".

" I am not a Racoon", Rocket growled in displeasure while on the other hand, Thor was having a heart attack after seeing Hela, he shuddered, looking at his other version he said, "You! What are you doing? Hela is here! She will kill us!", Thor grunted hearing his fatter version's words and said," Shut up! I don't know how you are Thor and sneaked into Asgard's palace but If you were any longer disgrace me I will behead you myself".

His face became red in embarrassment looking at Hela who had a playful look and Loki who was still on the floor laughing his ass off, thankfully Loki was a God otherwise he would have died by laughing too much. Rocket looked at Fat Thor in anger and said," Shut up Thor! Don't make the situation any worse! We already are here chain due to your courtesy, I don't want to get beheaded because of you".

Thor sighed upon hearing that and said," Fine Rocket", both of them waited patiently as a Handsome Man came inside the room, seeing him Fat Thor frowned as he had never seen him, then behind him, he saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen, his mouth opened a bit seeing the beauty of the person, then under his watchful eyes the same person sat on the Throne looking at him with an inquisitive gaze.

Ataman said," Listen, intruders! The All-Father will be judging you and deciding what to do with you personally!", Fat Thor froze hearing that, and then with shock, he asked," How can that be?! You are All-Father?! This doesn't make any sense! First Loki isn't imprisoned! Then Hela is standing there causally and my younger self is holding an Axe! Where the hell are we?!".

He looked at everyone's faces for answers, even Loki had stood from the floor by now, and stopped laughing, he moved his face to the person who is All-Father for answers, and he saw his cold face breaking as he let out a Pft and then, "Hahahhahah! I can't believe your luck would be that bad lol!".Yes Raphael also started laughing his ass off accompanied by Loki and Hela.

It seems Thor would have to wait longer for answers.


Raphael finally calmed down himself, looking at Fat Thor he commented," Your belly is so fat that you look like pregnant", Rocket started laughing much to Fat Thor's displeasure, he grunted and said," Rocket you too?!". Rocket said," Haha, It's just, Hahaha, *cough*", he stopped laughing and said," He isn't wrong Thor, your belly is really too bulged".

Raphael coughed gaining everyone's attention and said," So you guys want to know what is going on right", everyone nodded, and Thor asked," Indeed, I still can't get over the fact that fat and the ugly guy is me!", Fat Thor angrily replied," Who are you calling Ugly Huh?! I am extremely dashing and don't forget I am you!", the Thor retorted," You aren't! I have my silky blond hair! But you! Your hair looks like a nest!".

"How dare you say that to my hair!", the fat Thor shouted," Silence!", Raphael said, releasing an oppressive aura bringing an end to their banter, he looked at them and said," Just because I have allowed you to talk in my presence freely, doesn't mean you two can fight to ignore me", Thor gulped in nervousness, bowed and said," Forgive me my imprudence", Rocket hit Fat Thor's leg and signaled him to do the same," Me too, All-Father", said Fat Thor.

Nodding at their apology, Raphael said," Now, let's get on the main topic", he looked at Fat Thor and Rocket, and said," Explain your reason for coming here Thor and Rocket", they nodded and started explaining the events of Thor Ragnarok, Infinity War and how they made a Time machine to travel here, but for some reason, their device started beeping weirdly and the next moment they were here.

Later on, when they tried finding the Reality stone they were captured by the Thor of this world, he then chained them and the rest is already what we know, after they finished explaining, Thor gasped and said," How that can be possible?! Thanos is already dead!", The fat Thor and Rocket hearing that exclaimed," He is already dead?!".

Loki frowned and nodded," Yes, and I killed him", he puffed his chest a bit, the fat Thor got shocked again hearing that Ataman sighed and shook his head and said," Fools", his words gained other's attention except Raphael, Loki grunted and said," What do you mean by that?", Ataman replied," It's just seeing you people still have a mentality of frog in a well, and bickering like that makes me laugh on your stupidity".

Hela smiled creepily and asked," Well, then why don't you explain the things to us?", Ataman looked at them and then at Raphael, who said," Leave it, Ataman I will explain it", he nodded and then everyone's attention moved to Raphael.

Raphael said," Thor and Racoon are from a different timeline which parallels ours", everyone became interested in hearing that, Loki asked," A different timeline?", Raphael nodded, and then under everyone's eyes a projection of a white linear line appeared, Raphael said," Think this is of our timeline, a linear path of time, here is our past, present, and future, they are a set of defined choices, which shape what has happened, what is happening and what will happen".

He then continued," But different choices lead to different outcomes, and when these outcomes have a big impact the timeline gets divided into a new one", he said branches started rising from the white linear line," They are parallel timelines, an alternate version of our reality, where things are different due to the different events happened or choices were made".

"Does that means they are like alternate universes?", Loki asked, Raphael, replied," Nope", he said multiple white lines appeared in front of them not branching from the previous one," Alternate Universes are different, they have some similarity to each other, but in essence they are different, but we won't be getting on that, for now, let's just focus on Thor and Racoon".

They then focused on Fat Thor and Rocket who were listening to Raphael's words attentively, he said," They are from a parallel timeline, where I do not exist, In fact, I do not exist in any other timeline or alternate Universe due to special characteristics I have, so the events in there where I wasn't present occurred differently in their Universe, Asgard got destroyed, Loki and Hela died, and Thanos wiped half of the population Universe".

They took some time to process the stuff, after all, it's not every time they heard something this shocking, Thor frowned and said," I see, that's why you told us that he was Thor", Raphael nodded, Hela, on the other hand, said," To think I will die in the hands of that Surtur, pity", the Fat Thor hearing that growled and said," You deserved that! Because of you Asgard go destroyed!".

Hela sneered hearing him and said," Oh? Blaming others for your own incompetence, all I can say is you weren't strong enough to stop me, it would have been much better If I was the King there", Thor became angry hearing him and wanted to say something when he got a powerful shock," Ahhh!", he screamed in pain.

Rocket shuddered to see that and thought,' Damn, you are a God of Thunder yet you are suffering from a Thundershock just how much cheese and beer got in your blood? ', after the shock therapy Thor stopped, he fell on the floor, and grunted in pain, the cold voice of Raphael ran in his ears," Just because of the fact you are Thor doesn't mean you are the Thor that has pledged his allegiance to me and that I am willing to bear your stupidity, next time you try to insult my subordinate I will fry you alive.

Fat Thor shuddered to hear that and said," Please forgive me All-Father, I won't repeat it again", Raphael nodded much to his relief, Loki seeing that just shook his head and said," Despite being a God of Thunder you can't take a thundershock, I can understand why my other self died in the hands of Thanos, at least I killed Thanos of this world".

Thor's face became cold hearing that and he shouted," I don't care if you are Loki! But don't dare to belittle my Little Brother! He sacrificed his life for Asgard! For Protecting me! For-*Sniff*", he started crying, all the frustration which was inside him finally started coming out, Rocket looked at him and sighed,' First you go against Loki of this world, despite Raphael's warning an now you cry like a baby, just how much pain from you have suffered Thor? '.

Yet, just because Thor always had a smile doesn't mean that he didn't feel pain, he was suffering every moment, every second as the guilt of the death of his family, Loki, Heimdall, Odin, and Asgardians haunted him, his smile and cheerfully face was just a facade to keep his pain and suffering hidden.

Loki sighed seeing Fat Thor's weeping face,' I get I took it too far ', Thor too had a sad face as he looked at his counterpart crying,' I guess the life of my other self had been hell, it was our luck that Raphael became All-Father, otherwise ', he shuddered thinking that he was now extremely grateful to Raphael who took over the Asgard and saved them from that, just thinking about Asgard's fate in another world he got a chill.

' And here I denied following his orders, if not for him Asgard has followed the same path, I feel so pathetic now, I swore that I will follow his orders from now on unhesitantly no matter what they are! ', he thought . Hela yawned seeing the mood, while Ataman remained emotionless.

Raphael seeing his cries sighed and said," I will send you both to your timelines", rocket hearing that asked," Really?! You can do that!", Thor also stopped crying, and looking at him asked," Can you send us to the time when there was Reality stone in Asgard?! Please I am begging you!".

He kneeled as he begged Raphael, Rocket too kneeled, though their expectation was drained as they heard," Nope", Thor's face froze as he started trembling, rocket too was the same as he bitterly said," I guess we fail huh?", Raphael stood up from his throne and walking down he said," I will be going with you".

"Wait? What!", everyone exclaimed.


Raphael Pov

It was sure a surprise to me when I felt a disturbance in time and space in Asgard, in sense I found it was Thor and Rocket from the main timeline or so-called sacred timeline, I understood due to my interference, despite the fact they are on different timelines, the events didn't play out like the one from the 14,000,605 futures, instead, it followed a different path from one of the 14 million possibilities, the possibility where Rocket's and Thor's device malfunctions and they get thrown out of the timeline.

They should have been reduced to nothing due to that, but due to the presence of a second timeline that is mine, they survived and teleported here. As for the reason why they got transported only here? Since this is the only other timeline than the main one currently, Kang still hasn't died and timeline divergence hasn't occurred yet.

So, they got teleported only to the other present timeline, anyway, since it has happened, I know even if I were to send them, they aren't going to win, which while doesn't matter that much to me, still is an opportunity, one to get rid of boredom and flex myself a bit, and as a marvel fan I would like to see the scene of Avengers assemble in the first place then I will beat Thanos, it will be a nice and short trip.

I said," You guys don't need to worry, I will return quickly", "But", said Thor, Ataman said," Should I come with you My Lord?!", I shook my head and said," Nope, just stay here, in my absence you will act as the Ruler, Okay?", though a bit dissatisfied he nodded. Then turning to fat Thor I said," You need this right?", I synthesized a Reality stone, as it appeared in my hand shocking him.

"Yes!", they both shouted," I will come with you to make sure things go smoothly help with the Asgard affairs a bit, and then return with it" They, they nodded not daring to refute me, Thor emotionally said," Thank you, All-Father", I replied," I do not care about humans or others, but I do care a bit about Asgardian of another world", and well that's a lie, not that he needs to know.

Thor seemed emotionally moved, I unchained them as the chains disappeared, I handed over the stone as rocket stored it in a device," Although we got the infinity stone, our traveling device is not working", I replied," Don't worry I will take care of it", he nodded in relief.

Then I turned to my subordinates, and said," I will return shortly", they nodded, and Ataman said," Lord Please take care of yourself", nodding to him I said," Don't worry, it's not like Thanos will be able to do anything to me", they all smiled warily hearing me.

Then I used my Time-Space Magic which I have created, and a magic circle appeared below the three of us as Rocket and Fat Thor looked at this in bewilderment, and we teleported".

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed it, also Raphael used Magic instead of his skill as he was testing, after all he is creating a new magic system, and testing it won't hurt right?)