The shock of heroes

(Author's Note: It had been 84 years!)


3rd pov

Avengers have received the biggest shock of their life and ironically it wasn't from all Humans being nearly wiped out but from the resurrection of all dead people, at least almost everyone, most shocked though were political leaders as such powers that can be said only of a God or Archangel of his, not to mention the name of the preparatory Raphael only supported this theory.

"What the Fuck", Alexander Pierce shouted seeing the Holographic Video of people resurrecting all around the world, he grabbed his head and started breathing heavily," Boss according to our destination hundreds of millions of people who died recently have been resurrected and possibly every person who died from the Apocalypse", said Jasper Sitwell dropping another bomb on him.

It even made Alexander even question if his subordinate wanted him to die from a heart attack, but he quickly calmed down and threw all these thoughts, he knew that Sitwell's Loyalty was guaranteed and he was just telling him the truth, so he started laughing out maniacally," Hahahaha! SUCH POWER!!! I want it!!! I want this power of God!!".

He looked obsessively at the Holographic picture of Raphael, Jasper Sitwell, his subordinate goit chills hearing that and quickly said," But Boss! He is a possibility and Archangel of God, manipulating him will be equal to getting a death sentence!", Alexander stopped laughing and instead gave him a creepy smile and said," So What? Does that change the fact he is a good guy?! As long as we can use public opinion against him we can corner him, and as Angel, he can't possibly kill innocent people right?".

(Author's Note: Only if this idiot knew how mercilessly he could blast off planets full of life like it's just a balloon)

Jasper gulped down his saliva hearing his Boss's words, in fact, he knew what his boss was saying was right, manipulating the public against heroes is fairly easy, just say some words about how irresponsible they are and the public will go against them in full swing, and heroes bounded by so-called moral codes will have no way to attack back public other than with words and if they were to fight back then they will be claimed as villains.

Although not sure if the plan will work 100% but as long as they can find faults in him, they can use it against him, Alexander stopped laughing and instead got serious, he looked at him seriously and ordered," Sitwell go and find everything, even a stupid mistake that we can use to make public against him, and yes do same with his so-called buddy spiderman".

Jasper nodded and said," Yes Boss!! For hydra!", Alexander nodded and replied," For Hydra!", and just like the timebomb of their deaths started ticking.


Heroes finally had time to relax, New York has become as good as new while all people have resurrected heck when they even saw people resurrecting they even doubted if they were dreaming but the truth was front in of them, an Archangel supposedly have resurrected everyone giving them enough shock easily surpassing everything they have got in their entire lives.

"So Raphael is an Archangel! Nothing too surprising except the fact we didn't f*cking Notice it despite all the clues! Archangel's name, an androgynous face which is definitely something divine and well all the other clues", said Tony exaggeratedly, Peter used his right to remain silent and felt stupid for not guessing his friend's identity earlier, well he did have some suspicions but he never in his actual mind dared of thinking that his friend if f*cking Archangel of Healing.

Steve sighed and said," I said I believed only in one God, and now I am going to meet his Apostle", others nodded and Black Widow sneakily heard Nick Fury's rantings which seriously made her doubt if he has got PTSD from the entire event, meanwhile X-men and Brotherhood were too there, Magneto felt fear knowing that an Archangel is basically with them in flesh.

"So where is?", asked Charles making Tony shake his head," No idea", he replied, Peter, said somewhat in a sad stone," Mr. Stark is this possible that Raphael possibly went back to Heaven after helping us?", Tony became silent and thought deeply, Magento meanwhile smiled and said," Is that so? I guess it's a pity then".

Wolverine Grumbled looking at him and said," Oh? Someone is celebrating, I guess at least you know how an Arcahnagel will purify you for your sins", Magento shrugged and Captain Marvel shouted," Let's leave that topic! And Hulk I am still angry at you for what you did back then! You f*cking broke my spine!! If not for my regeneration I would have become a cripple!!!".

Bruce felt nervous hearing that and said," Um- I am sorry?", Captain Marvel wanted to blast a plasma beam at him after hearing his pathetic excuse," Oye! Stop it Guys! It isn't time to fight between us!", said Steve, Captain Marvel smirked ignoring him and quickly moved towards Bnner and punched him in his guts," Aghhhh!", he screamed in pain while others were too slow to react.

Banner transformed into Hulk and roared," Hulk Angry!!", others felt a headache seeing this, Magento decided to slip away, after all, it wasn't his problem," Hey guys, let's go, let Charles, his team of kids, and these Avnegrs solve the mess they have created, let's go Pietro and Wanda", he said, Pietro and Wanda looked at Raging Hulk who was brawling with Captain marvel and nodded.

However, suddenly a bright light flashed and he then saw Captain Marvel's hand held by someone while an unconscious Banner was on the ground," Are you guys gonna stop? or what?", Raphael said, Captain Marvel, grumbled, stopped, and listened to his words," Fine, but he won't have good luck next time", she glanced at his unconscious figure and snorted.

"Raphael!", many people shouted, while Raphael said," Don't shout like that, Damn my name sounds cringe like that", Magneto seemed to get PTSD seeing him and the other Brotherhood members gulped in nervousness as well, Spidey and Iron Man quickly came near him and started a barrage of questions at him.

' Sometimes I doubt if my Andryognyous face is good or not ', he thought knowing the problems he always faced due to his extremely beautiful face, heck he made Ataman, Loki, and Thor fall in love with him, and well even destroyed it brutally as well. After all, he isn't gay, heck he isn't even straight, he is genderless.

Some might wonder why he didn't make himself made a male since he has the power and capability to do so, but it is simple, he doesn't want to. He has no desire for sex, not even a bit due to being genderless, and is not fond of the idea of banging every girl he meets, he would have definitely ended up having a huge harem if he didn't ask Ahura Mazda to erase his lust.

He simply wants adventure, action, and amusement! Why is it a problem if he wanna live as a genderless being without having sex? As long as he is okay with this, he doesn't care what others would say about it. He sighed looking at Iron Man, Spidey, and the group of Brotherhood who were too scared, even then they didn't run away, for they knew it was futile to escape the clutches of someone as powerful as him.

" Firstly guys, I am not an Angel, I might have many similarities to that Biblical one you have read, but I am not an ANGEL!", he said trying to clear up their misunderstanding, they became silent while Erik breathed in relief," So what are you?", asked Captain Marvel with a curious glint in her eyes.

" You know Thor right?", he said and everyone nodded," Wait, a minute?! You are saying you are a God like Thor?!!", said Tony with bafflement, Raphael shook his head in denial, and said," Nope, in a way we are same, but comparing us is really unfair, well I guess I can explain you, now listen to me carefully okay?".

(A/N: He does what he wants to, he doesn't a give sh*t about other's opinion and yes, he can normally reveal the greatest secrets of Marvel for amusement)

Everyone's ears perked hearing that, they knew whatever Raphael was gonna tell them will be very important and informative," Well, let's start with basics first, now consider every creature and species arranged in a hierarchy, first will come mortals, like humans and other relatively weak alien species, then will come superpowered powered people like spider man, and X-men, etc, then will come to the realm of Gods, beings who have transcended a planetary level".

" Wait a minute, By planetary level you mean beings capable of surviving in space?", asked Tony with an inquisitive gaze as he glanced at Raphael with curiosity," Well in a sense yes, but since there might be mutations making a person survive in space, it isn't, at least such types are the exception, but generally such beings can survive in space with their bare bodies without any external help and extra mutation, which generally means their physical, asper or magical abilities are very strong".

" By Asper, you mean abilities like Captain Marvel? Well, she has great physical strength as well though not as much as me", said Bruce Banner, Raphael nodded and continued," Yes, you will be a Demi-God level if we were to follow the hierarchy, basically above the realm of normality, your powers don't make sense, beings whose abilities transcend mortal comprehension are what we call Gods, even if you know Thor is an alien do you exactly know how his powers work? Nope, and that's why he is a god, but in the hierarchy of Gods, he will be a third-rate goon".

Everyone became surprised hearing Thor is only Third rate," Then what level his father is at?", asked Peter, he said," Odin can be said the stronger one among First-Rate Gods, same as Hela the Goddess of Death, such beings are a level stronger and are called as God-Kings or God-Queens, the God among Gods, the strength of such beings are very high, they are capable of destroying an entire solar system to multiple solar systems with their most powerful attack in a single hit".

Everyone looked at him in disbelief, capable of destroying an entire solar system is already too shocking not to mention multiple ones at once with a single attack, even then there were many people present who looked at Raphael skeptically, who ignored their looks and said," You think Hela was fighting at her entire strength? Nope, she was limiting her physical strength to recover her strength by the influx of energy she was getting from Undeads, otherwise, she could have smashed this entire planet into rubbles with a single hit".

They froze and understood just how strong the Goddess of Death was, and everyone couldn't help but feel fear while a single thought came into their minds,' Can we fight against such beings? ', the answer was already clear,' Nope ', humans couldn't content against beings of such prowess, if not for Raphael helping then Hela might have already destroyed the Earth.

They were totally helpless against her while she played with them like some amusing toys, making them feel despair and trampled over their dignity and lives as if they were some insects." S-So you are God-King?", asked Peter, Raphael smiled and said," Nope, way stronger, after all resurrecting millions even if humans are way above something that a God-King can do".

They gasped upon hearing that realizing the horrific power that this cute, androgynous person possessed. As for doubting whether he lied? Nope, after all as he said, resurrecting is not something that even Gods they have encountered can do, much less resurrecting millions, for a while silence reigned around the area.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I was totally out of ideas and mood to write this, and didn't know how to continue this, and decided,' Well heck, even a few chapters are gonna end up bad, at least i will pick up the pace and continue with the plot I had thought very long ago'.

P.S.: I am sad that I still won't be update again, before returning to the city)