Destruction is not the end

(Author's Note: So... I guess enjoy the chapter?)


3rd Pov

After Avengers received another shock of their life, they returned to their daily life, No matter what happened, New York was restored and hundreds of millions have been revived. It can be said that all the things that happened in the previous week have become almost invalid. Although they were surprised by Raphael's powers, in the end, they were used to such shocks, After all, years ago no one thought about getting attacked by aliens from outer space, not even the great Tony Stark!

So once things became calmer, Raphael came back to Asgard, After all, there was a feast waiting for him, and he wasn't disappointed by Odin, the whole Asgard was in a mood for a feast. The alluring aroma of delicious dishes and beer filled the Royal Castle, and the whole of Asgard was in an extremely cheerful mood, even Thor had been released from his captivity and was celebrating with his friends.

Though he didn't know what actually happened, his father Odin said that a person far more powerful than they can dream helped them in this dire predicament. Even if not look good for Asgard to be helped by someone who was an outsider, the fact that they escaped the destruction lightened this feeling of shame by several times, and in the end, they were a warrior race so by instinct they appreciated their unknown helper who was stronger than Odin.

Thor didn't care much about this, although he was saddened a bit by the news of his sister's death, in the end, they didn't even spend a single day together and barely knew about each other, not to mention her very act of trying to destroy the whole Asgard left no room for reparation. He was also not very clear about the situation in Midgard and how it was nearly destroyed by his own sister.

Thus he partied without any care in the world, he had only three things in his mind as of now. First to enjoy the party to his heart's content, second thanks the savior of Asgard, and lastly challenge him to a battle to see just how much strength that person is, In the end, no matter the world, place, or timeline, Thor was Thor.

Odin who was sitting on the top of his throne weakly sighed, his foolish son didn't even know how near he was to his grave and was enjoying himself without any care in the world, still he didn't hate it after all, one of the greatest burdens of his life had been finally resolved and thus he can die without any regret. He decided to enjoy the party as well.

He walked towards the group of Thor's friends, surprising everyone, the entire place became silent as they wondered what Odin was up to, even Thor paused and looked at his father with a skeptical look, Odin didn't care about their looks and took the glass of beer from the table and gulped all of it in one go.

Then he shouted," Enjoy!!", everyone started cheering loudly hearing him, and a smile broke on Thor's face as he said," Hahaha! Let's enjoy this party together Father!", Odin nodded and holding another cup of beer he said," For Asgard!", everyone too shouted following their King," For Asgard!!". This was a moment of celebration and Odin didn't give a shit about his position, he just wanted to gulp down a barrel of beer down his throat and chew a piece of meat just like those good old days.

" You have certainly arranged quite a wild banquet", and another voice reached everyone's ears, Odin stopped and looked at Raphael who was in front of him, he was about to greet him when he heard a voice,' No need to greet me like that, it won't suit a King to bow in front of his subjects right? You can do it in private, just tell them I am their savior ', he nodded throwing a grateful look to Raphael.

He came near him and put his hand on his shoulders," My people of Asgard!!", he said silencing everyone who shifted their focus on him and finally noticed Raphael, many of the men got stunned by his looks, Baldur almost had doubt about changing his own crush, while Angela looked at Raphael with a scrutinizing gaze wondering who she really was, soon she understood as Odin declared," Let's welcome our Savior, the one helped the Asgard in this moment of Great Peril!! Raphael!".

Everyone hearing that started cheering loudly, and thanking him, meanwhile Thor glanced at Raphael with surprise, he didn't know that their savior were so beautiful, Raphael knowing the thoughts of many male said," Before I accept the party that Sir Odin held for me, just want you guys to know I am a male", he smiled, as the entire place became silent wondering if that was a friendly joke from him. Then Odin said in a serious voice," Indeed that's true My fellow Asgardians".

The hearts of many men broke hearing that and some even started doubting life, Baldur almost fainted hearing that, and Raphael laughed evilly inside his mind seeing the shock of the Asgardians in front of him,' Yes!! Let your heart break to pieces just like that, Muhahaha!! ', Thor meanwhile Ignoring others, his almost fainted brother clutching his chest as if he would die any second approached Raphael, with his signature smile plastered on his face and said," Sir Raphael, on behalf of whole Asgard, Thor Odinson, thank you for saving us from my the evil Goddess, Hela!".

Odin nodded hearing that satisfied, after all, he was about the say almost the same words as his son, he felt happy that his son was finally growing up but his expectations were crushed to oblivion as the next moment Thor said," Now! I Thor Odinson challenge you to a honorable duel!", Odin became stunned hearing his son's words and looked at Thor who had a stupid smile on his face, he wanted to punch that face so hard, that he could never show that smile again.

While the place again became silent for a bit, after which cheers erupted in the Hall, for Asragdian's duel was a warrior's way of growing bonds and showing their sovereignty, of course in this case Asgardians only wanted to deepen their bonds with their savior by their prince having a duel with Raphael, of course Odin understood the bigger picture, even if they followed this practice with other outsiders, that was simply due to the fact they were stronger than them.

Strong enough to force their methods on others who want to befriend them, and again Asgard rarely sought out other civilizations, so such a practice wasn't a problem, but it wasn't same for the Raphael, since Odin well knew Raphael wasn't just from any civilization or pantheon but he was a cosmic God, by Marvel's True power scale he was a real God, and he might dislike the fact Thor wants to force their own practice on him.

Again, Raphael might find this situation as an insult to him, after all, Odin himself had the pride that he would find insulting if any weak person who can't even compare to him dares to challenge him in a duel, he will simply give that person death in annoyance and feared Raphael might do the same or even worse, thus he quickly said to Raphael," Haha, Sir Raphael as you can see my son is an idiot, no need to take his challenge seriously ".

Raphael replied telepathically,' If you are worried that I will kill him, then do not worry, though I will teach him a lesson ', his words relieved the All-Father, who glanced at its stupid son in annoyance. Raphael said," Well, Thor if you want a duel then fine, we shall have it after feast", Thor nodded with happiness hearing his reply, though he expected such a reply as if it was granted, but still it pleased him to hear such a reply.

He approached him put his hand on Raphael's shoulders and said," Sir Raphael! Let me show you the majestic banquet we have arranged for us to express our gratitude!", he nodded and under the tense eyes of Odin joined Thor and started drinking and eating without any care, for a moment everyone even thought that Raphael was an Asgardian and not a outsider, after all, the way he partied resembled heavily Asgardians.

Angela too went ahead and expressed her gratitude to Raphael, then Baldur under the order of his father, too somehow handled his shock and expressed his gratitude to him, in simple words the part was extremely harmonious and after hours only did it stopped, after the part Thor insisted on Raphael to have their duel and he agreed.

Now both of them were in a stadium, and the Asgardians were on the seats cheering loudly for their prince, even if they knew that Thor would lose still the fact Thor would be able to show the might of Asgard made them excited, and they also were eager to see the superabilities of their savior. Odin, Frigga, and their two children stayed in the special seats made for the Royalty looking below very seriously.

Thor came inside the stadium and loud cheers erupted in the stadium," Thor!", "Thor!", "Thor!", the chants began ringing throughout the stadium, he waved his hands seeing the excited crowd, and then smiled glancing at his family, then he looked at Raphael and said," Sir Raphael, I know I am not your enemy, still though this bout of strength and will I shall show the might of Asgard to you!".

Odin face palmed wanting to give his son shock therapy very badly after hearing his stupid words, Raphael smirked and said," Well then don't disappoint me, God of Hammers", his words stopped the excited Thor, who glanced at him with slight anger and started swinging his hammer, Mjolnir rapidly.

Thunderclouds covered the entire place, and he raised his hammer summoning bolts of Thunder, and then charged at Raphael breaking the sound barrier easily, under Raphael's eyes Time seemed to stop, and then he waved his hand, and the next moment the entire Asgard vaporized leaving nothing but a ruin. Then he snapped his finger resuming the time, all these actions showed how time was but a mere play to him.

The next moment Thor was near him, and swung his hammer with all the force he could muster up, but under his shocked eyes, Raphael gently grabbed his hammer and stopped it in its tracks, and he lost all his powers as his eyes shocked eyes Raphael destroyed his Mjolnir.

"NO!!!", he shouted seeing his beloved hammer getting destroyed into pieces, then he quickly grabbed the pieces of the hammer, grieving, he then looked at Raphael with visible anger, and then glanced back to see his father, but what waited for him the dead bodies of family," What?!!", he then looked around to see the dead bodies of all the Asgardians.

" What has happened?!... Wait a minute! Is this an illusion made by you?!!", he asked Raphael for confirmation as he thought it was just an illusion, then under his eyes, the dead body of his father flew towards him, and once it dropped in front of him, his eyes widened, even if he had lost most of his Divine powers or to be accurate lost a method to channel his divinity, he could see that the body of his father was real.

He touched and then hugged him crying loudly," N-No! Father!!!", he continued weeping as the fact that everything he was seeing was real settled in his mind. Then he glanced at Raphael and asked," Why?! Why did you do this?!!", Raphael smiled evilly and said," Why?! Because I can! Look at you, a mere insect daring to challenge me, I wanted to show the consequences of your bravery! So I killed all of them!!".

He became stunned, as he didn't think Raphael would kill everyone for this Trivial reason, anger came into his eyes as he charged towards him mindlessly, and soon he experienced the result as Raphael twisted both of his legs and separated his hands, Thor could only scream as the unbearable pain assaulted his mind, by now he was sure that everything that was happening was real, there was no doubt about it in his mind.

Raphael then pressed him under his feet and said," You and a God?! You are nothing but your hammer! Just a puny being!", he roared painfully, and glanced at Raphael with intense hatred, only to be kicked away like a bug, his body crashed through hall of the Asgard, and 1/4th of the entire Asgard was demolished by the aftermath of Raphael's casual kick.

He now lay on the ground, all bloodied without two of his limbs, he glanced at the sky with reluctance, and then cried out," Give ME!!! GIVE ME YOUR STRENGTHS! ALL FATHERS!!!!", but no matter how much he shouted and cried no miracle occurred, instead Raphael reappeared before him and again kicked him like a ragdoll.

This time he flew into space, and lost consciousness, the next moment he opened his eyes, he found himself in New York, but the scenery around him stunned him, as the destroyed Avengers Towers lay in front of him, the dead bodies of his friend lay scattered around him, his eyes became moist as he started crying.

Raphael reappeared before him and said," How it is? I killed these insects called human beings, and also your friends", then he knelt to his level, grabbed his chin and looked at him with a crazy look, and continued," So tell me Thor, God of Hammers, do you feel sad and pathetic for not being to save your own father, mother, siblings and friends?".

Thor's face became emotionless, then his eyes slowly turned towards him, and he started laughing crazily," Hahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!", then he became silent and started crying out loudly, most of his body was paralyzed, and this time three of his limbs were missing, he was as good as a cripple. Raphael returned to his normal position, and suddenly black clouds appeared on the sky Thunder started cracking around Thor.

The severity of the storm started increasing, and just in a few moments it had covered the entire American continent, bolts of thunder started falling down on the Earth destroying the lands, it looked like Hell, as the destroyed building were further destroyed by rain of the lightning, the storm had further increased this time covering the entire Earth.

The speed of winds reached an astonishing 2000mph, even faster than the winds on Jupiter, Meanwhile, Raphael looked calmly at the Thor who was covered in thick lightning raining upon him. ' As expected of a Thor belonging to a stronger version of the Marvel universe ', he thought with a slight interest completely unfazed by the extreme winds that were carrying half of the Earth's salvage at extreme speeds, each piece of salvage being far more deadlier than a missile.

Thor's entire body regenerated, and a new armor covered his body, his strength escalated to new levels, then his bluish eyes opened glaring at Raphael, and then he punched him with his entire might, his newfound strength still took just a simple grab from Raphael to stop his punch, still the force of his attacks cleared the storms up to hundreds of miles, showing a clear sky.

Thunder crackled around Thor who said," I WiLl KilL yOu!!!", then he punched him with his other hand, only for his hand to stop in the middle, he screamed loudly with all his might as the turbulence of Divinity and Thunder increased around him, the next moment he broke from Raphael grasp and then punched with such might that the entire Earth as if hit by an another planet cracked, and then got destroyed into large pieces, the entire atmosphere of the Earth and water was blown away in the space.

Thor's anger rose, and so did his strength as his Divinity shined more brightly than ever casting a bluish hue on him, he glanced at Raphael to find him completely unaffected by the attack that had completely demolished the Earth, he understood that Raphael was way stronger than even his current him.

Even then he continued attacking, he punched Raphael with a hundred Mach of speed, but not even a scratch appeared on Raphael's face as he simply parried all his attacks with his pinky finger, the speed and power of Thor's attacks started increasing, and it reached such a level that his speed was half of the speed of lightning, and his each punch, kick, jab contained the force was enough to destroy Earth several times.

Yet, Raphael parried them with his finger, and palm gracefully compared to Thor's aggressive way of attacking, soon Thor started getting fatigued, and once his attacks lost more than half of his peak strength, Raphael said with a mocking smile on his face," That's it? Let me show you what a real punch is".

Thor got alert and quickly crossed his hands to defend himself, Raphael simply threw out a casual punch, but its force was equal to a supernova, and the moment it struck Thor, it vaporized 90% of his body, and even his atoms were separated ruthlessly. The rest of the force of the attack traveled faster than light itself, as if beyond the laws of this universe, and shattered the star in the middle of the solar system.

The sun erupted with a blast no less than a supernova as it shattered, The planets and other celestial bodies were no exception and shattered into small pieces, by the end of a few seconds the entire solar system had been destroyed! When Thor's consciousness returned he found only his head to be floating in the empty universe.

' Is this my end?', he thought with sadness, his eyes became moist as he remembered his parents, siblings, and family, then his eyes became firm,' No!! As long as I am still breathing, I will kill him!! ' he thought and then muttered with a resolute will," ALL FATHERS, PLEASE GRANT ME WITH YOUR STRENGTH ", his body was struck by a bolt of lightning that manifested out of nowhere.

He was fully healed, and this time in a new blue-silvery armor shining brightly, his eyes glanced at Raphael still standing in front of him, Thunder cracked around him as he felt a rush of power and thunder through his veins, he opened his eyes and looked around to see mysterious lines, colours and much more. As of now, he had ascended to the position of King of Gods, being a Galaxy-level being or 3C Tier existence.

" Well not bad", said Raphael appearing in front of him, Thor glanced at him with anger, and punched again, only to lose all of his strength in the middle, ' What?! ', he thought horrified, the last thing he saw was the rolling view and Raphael's evil smile in his eyes, as his head had already separated and this time he slowly lost his consciousness. In the end, he died in despair.

Raphael chuckled seeing the dead body of Thor," Huh, that was amusing and I think your punishment is over", he smiled and glanced around to see cracks in space, he continued," Well Destruction is Not the end ", as his words finished the entire universe cracked and turned into nothingness and the scene returned to the stadium, the dead body of the Thor was fully healed, and was lying in front of him, with Thor being unconscious, still his new blusih-silvery armor remained claded on him.

The Asgardians looked confused about what to happened, while Odin stood up from his throne dumbfounded by the Aura leaking from Thor's unconscious body, which was clearly of a God-King and the most surprising fact was that it was stronger than what he had in his prime!!

To be continued...

(Author's Note: So yeah, I have returned and this time a entire week update spree!!!)