Three days passed and the day that Zach's Father will get executed came. The King had him take poison instead of being beheaded because he wanted to get buried whole.
The search for his runaway wife started under the Queen's order.
"Honey! Honey! where are you?" Zach's StepMom called to her fling
She quickly searched every corner of the place they were staying and found nothing, literally nothing including the money and documents she stole. She sobbed and decided to wreck the place out of anger. She threw everything she get a hold of and broke every vase and window she sees. Later that day she decided to go out and buy liquor with the money left in her purse. As she was going back home, someone saw the notice and recognized her face. The person immediately reported to a knight and told him where she was last seen and what direction she took.
She came back to the abandoned house and decided to get wasted by drinking every jar she bought. As she was just about to enter the house she saw Zach sitting on the porch. She ran towards him and kicked him from the back.
"You son of a bitch!" His Step Mom shouted at him
"You let that bastard leave with all my money!!" she said while hitting him with her hand. She got her sight on a piece of thick wood lying on the ground and immediately picked it up.
She started hitting Zach with it with all her might.
Zach remained silent but you can see that he is in pain with his eyes tearing up.
Her Step Mom dragged him inside and beat him up even more. She then saw the jar of liquor she just bought and smacked it on Zach's head. The impact was so severe that Zach passed out on the spot. She saw that he already lost consciousness and decided to sleep after she kicked him for the last time.
"You useless piece of sh*t! pueh!" she spat on him then left to start drinking the alcohol she just bought.
"Tsk! I lost one jar because of that stupid child!" She said as she continuously drank the rest.
Not long after the knights arrived and knocked on the door but no one answered so they decided to just barge in. They saw a drunk woman sleeping on the table with her hands still on the jar of liquor and confirmed that that was who they were looking for. They tried waking her up but she just won't so they just dragged her out and arrested her as it is. A knight roamed around the whole house and found Zach bleeding on the ground.
"Sir! A kid is bleeding here! I think he had lost a lot of blood already" The knight shouted
"Bring him before he bleeds to death!" the commander ordered his knight.
The knight picked him up and carried him pressing on the wound to stop it from bleeding out more.
"Hurry to a horse and bring him back to the castle! I'll punish you if that little guy dies!" The commander shouted as the knight ran out and hurried to his horse.
"Sir! We still haven't found the Daughter" a knight informed him
"We'll continue searching tomorrow! Let's head back for now!"
The knights decided to go back as they didn't find the little girl and the day were starting to end.
"Your Highness" The commander kneeled in front of the Queen
"Have you found the woman and the kids?"
"We found her at an abandoned house together with the injured kid"
"We haven't seen the daughter Your Highness"
"Continue searching for her"
"Of course Your Highness"
"How is the kid?"
"Still unconscious I'm afraid"
"I see, you may leave now"
"I'll report back to you Your Highness"
He then left the room and hurried to Zach and see if he'll be waking up anytime soon.
"Sir, how may I help you?" the physician said
"When is he waking up?" The commander asked
"I'm sorry sir but I have yet to confirm that "
"Oh I see"
"Brother Zach!" Dhrake said as he entered the room
"Prince Dhrake, what are you doing here?" The commander asked
"I- i- is he okay?" Dhrake said while tearing up
"Don't worry young man he'll be fine" The commander comforted him
"Is he your friend?" He asked
"Y-yes" Dhrake answered
"I'll be leaving now, I still have something else to do," The commander said then left.
"Uh, yeah, please be careful if you're going out," the physician said
Dhrake constantly visited the ward until he woke up. After a few days, Dhrake saw his hand twitching and Zach finally opened his eyes.
"Brother Zach! You're awake!"